Difference: InterOpSep2013GWS (1 vs. 12)

Revision 122013-09-29 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

GWS Session 1

The first session was dedicated to presentations and to a discussion about PDL which was recently in the community RFC process.

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 pdf
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 pdf
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 pdf
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 pdf
All PDL : Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

The second session will provide enough time for discussion.

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction 5 (pdf)
Andreas Wicenec Cloud use experience 15 (pdf)
All Discussion about the place of workflows in the WG   (minutes)
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Work around abusive users

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="h" comment="GWS Talk: VMs and UWS, Brian Major, CADC" date="1380313044" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="" comment="CADC: UWS for VM management" date="1380414154" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318069" name="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" path="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" size="807606" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318116" name="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" path="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" size="1016335" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="GWSPresPDL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380331825" name="GWSPresPDL.pdf" path="GWSPresPDL.pdf" size="424427" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380332992" name="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" path="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" size="1069822" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 112013-09-28 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

GWS Session 1

The first session was dedicated to presentations and to a discussion about PDL which was recently in the community RFC process.

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 pdf
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 pdf
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 pdf
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 pdf
All PDL : Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

The second session will provide enough time for discussion.

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction 5 (pdf)
Andreas Wicenec Cloud use experience 15 (pdf)
All Discussion about the place of workflows in the WG   (minutes)
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Work around abusive users


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="h" comment="GWS Talk: VMs and UWS, Brian Major, CADC" date="1380313044" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318069" name="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" path="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" size="807606" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318116" name="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" path="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" size="1016335" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="GWSPresPDL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380331825" name="GWSPresPDL.pdf" path="GWSPresPDL.pdf" size="424427" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380332992" name="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" path="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" size="1069822" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 102013-09-28 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

Remark :
  • it is still possible to add a slot, please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to present something.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

The first session was dedicated to presentations and to a discussion about PDL which was recently in the community RFC process.
GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 pdf
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 pdf
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 pdf
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
All Discussion 15 (minutes)
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 pdf
All PDL : Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

The second session will provide enough time for discussion.
GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction 5 (pdf)
Andreas Wicenec Cloud use experience 15 (pdf)
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Work around abusive users


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="h" comment="GWS Talk: VMs and UWS, Brian Major, CADC" date="1380313044" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318069" name="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" path="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" size="807606" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318116" name="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" path="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" size="1016335" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="GWSPresPDL.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380331825" name="GWSPresPDL.pdf" path="GWSPresPDL.pdf" size="424427" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380332992" name="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" path="DMishin_scidrive.pdf" size="1069822" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 92013-09-27 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

Remark :

  • it is still possible to add a slot, please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to present something.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 (pdf)
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 pdf
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 pdf
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 (pdf)
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
All Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Work around abusive users


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="h" comment="GWS Talk: VMs and UWS, Brian Major, CADC" date="1380313044" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318069" name="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" path="IVOASept2013GWS-S1.pdf" size="807606" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1380318116" name="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" path="IVOASept2013-GWS-clouds.pdf" size="1016335" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1"

Revision 82013-09-27 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

Remark :

  • it is still possible to add a slot, please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to present something.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 (pdf)
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 pdf
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 (pdf)
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
All Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Work around abusive users

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="h" comment="GWS Talk: VMs and UWS, Brian Major, CADC" date="1380313044" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"

Revision 72013-09-23 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

The call for proposal is still open.
Remark :
  • it is still possible to add a slot, please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to present something.
Please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to have a slot for a presentation and / or a demo.
 One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 (pdf)
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 (pdf)
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 (pdf)
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
All Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)
Work around abusive users

Revision 62013-09-22 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

The call for proposal is still open.

Please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to have a slot for a presentation and / or a demo.

One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 (pdf)
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 (pdf)
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 (pdf)
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds 15 (pdf)
All Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Revision 52013-09-20 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

The call for proposal is open.
The call for proposal is still open.
  Please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to have a slot for a presentation and / or a demo.

One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 (pdf)
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 (pdf)
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds 15 (pdf)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)


Revision 42013-09-20 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

The call for proposal is open.

Please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to have a slot for a presentation and / or a demo.

On of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Thursday 11:00 12:30
GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 3

GWS 3 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)


Revision 32013-09-02 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

The call for proposal is open.

Please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to have a slot for a presentation and / or a demo.

On of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.


GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Thursday 11:00 12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 3

GWS 3 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)


Revision 22013-09-02 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Thursday 11:00 12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 3

GWS 3 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)


Revision 12013-08-08 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

GWS Session 1

Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 2

Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

GWS Session 3

Speaker Title Duration Materials
John Doe Introduction 10 (pdf)

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