Difference: InterOpSep2013GWS (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82013-09-27 - BrianMajor

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii)

Remark :

  • it is still possible to add a slot, please feel free to send a request to andre.schaaff @ astro.unistra.fr if you want to present something.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to discussions.

GWS Session 1

GWS 1 - Naupaka 7 - Friday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
André Schaaff Introduction, report of current work in the WG 10 (pdf)
Dmitry Y Mishin Data sharing using SciDrive (former VOBox) 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 (pdf)
Brian Major UWS in action: The CANFAR VM lifecycle web service 20 pdf
Andre Schaaff Experimenting clouds with HEALPix surveys 15 (pdf)
Carlo Maria Zwölf Results of the public RFC for PDL: answers and modifications for meeting the comments 20 (pdf)
All Discussion 15 (minutes)

GWS Session 2

GWS 2 - Naupaka 7 - Saturday 9:00 10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
All Discussion about "Abusive users"   (minutes)
All Discussion about existing GWS standards, needs / updates ?   (minutes)

Work around abusive users

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" attr="h" comment="GWS Talk: VMs and UWS, Brian Major, CADC" date="1380313044" name="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" path="CADC-VMsAndUWS.pdf" size="1392241" user="BrianMajor" version="1"
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