Difference: InteropOct2015Reg (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72015-10-31 - PierreLeSidaner

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2015"

Registry Session at the Oct 2015 Interop Meeting

Registry will have one session in Sydney. In addition, with a focus on Registry/DOI interaction, there is going to be an extra session InteropOct1025DCP

Registry - Board Room - Saturday 11:00-12:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Introduction, Overview 10  
Pierre, Renaud, Jonathan MOC coverage in VOResource/VOParis 10  
Pierre, Renaud, Jonathan MOC coverage in VOResource/VOParis 10 pdf
All MOC in Registry discussion let's see  
Markus Data collection/Table registration 10  
Mark Taylor Data discovery in TOPCAT's TAP Window 15 pdf
All Data collection/Table discussion let's see  
Markus Identifiers 2.0 RFC results 10  
Pierre, Renaud, Jonathan Service Validation 10  
Pierre, Renaud, Jonathan Service Validation 10 pdf
All Registry Roadmap/To do what's left  
  • unused-mas.html: unused managed authorities in full harvests the last 60 days

Joint Session with DCP: DOIs/technical

Registry and DCP - Seminar Room - Sun 9:00-10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Markus Introduction, State, To Do 20  
All Discussion, Brainstorming 70  

See also the DOIs/general session Sat 9:30-10:30, Seminar Room


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="unused-mas.html" attr="" comment="unused managed authorities in full harvests the last 60 days" date="1445266892" name="unused-mas.html" path="unused-mas.html" size="14698" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="wrong-mas.html" attr="" comment="wrong managed authorities in harvests last 60 days" date="1445266907" name="wrong-mas.html" path="wrong-mas.html" size="22247" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="registry-anomalies.html" attr="" comment="registry %22anomalies%22 report" date="1445266877" name="registry-anomalies.html" path="registry-anomalies.html" size="40176" user="MenelaosPerdikeas" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="tap-discovery.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1446244169" name="tap-discovery.pdf" path="tap-discovery.pdf" size="119138" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Normand_savalle_lesidaner_moc_validation.pdf" attr="" comment="MOC and validation in the registry" date="1446254849" name="Normand_savalle_lesidaner_moc_validation.pdf" path="Normand_savalle_lesidaner_moc_validation.pdf" size="89752" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="savalle_lesidaner_registry_actions.pdf" attr="" comment="result of action on registry curation" date="1446254932" name="savalle_lesidaner_registry_actions.pdf" path="savalle_lesidaner_registry_actions.pdf" size="210221" user="PierreLeSidaner" version="1"
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