Difference: InteropOct2016DAL (1 vs. 14)

Revision 142016-10-31 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' adql-20161022-002.pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SIAV2/SODA/DataLink implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 30 ' discussion pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 25' discussion pdf

DAL2-notes.md: Notes for DALI/TAP/ADQL REC process and status (session DAL2)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20161022-002.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL v1.2 progress" date="1477136585" name="adql-20161022-002.pdf" path="adql-20161022-002.pdf" size="125873" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" attr="" comment="VAMDC SLAP convergence" date="1477200852" name="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" path="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" size="1392504" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL_Future.pdf" attr="" comment="DAL future" date="1477206494" name="DAL_Future.pdf" path="DAL_Future.pdf" size="641767" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL2-notes.md" attr="" comment="Notes for DALI/TAP/ADQL REC process and status (session DAL2)" date="1477213550" name="DAL2-notes.md" path="DAL2-notes.md" size="2267" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Multi-d.pdf" attr="" comment="SIAV2/SODA/DataLink interface in Aladin" date="1477925542" name="Multi-d.pdf" path="Multi-d.pdf" size="3432151" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 132016-10-23 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' adql-20161022-002.pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 30 ' discussion pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 25' discussion pdf

DAL2-notes.md: Notes for DALI/TAP/ADQL REC process and status (session DAL2)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20161022-002.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL v1.2 progress" date="1477136585" name="adql-20161022-002.pdf" path="adql-20161022-002.pdf" size="125873" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" attr="" comment="VAMDC SLAP convergence" date="1477200852" name="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" path="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" size="1392504" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL_Future.pdf" attr="" comment="DAL future" date="1477206494" name="DAL_Future.pdf" path="DAL_Future.pdf" size="641767" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL2-notes.md" attr="" comment="Notes for DALI/TAP/ADQL REC process and status (session DAL2)" date="1477213550" name="DAL2-notes.md" path="DAL2-notes.md" size="2267" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 122016-10-23 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' adql-20161022-002.pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 30 ' discussion pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 25' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 25' discussion pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20161022-002.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL v1.2 progress" date="1477136585" name="adql-20161022-002.pdf" path="adql-20161022-002.pdf" size="125873" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" attr="" comment="VAMDC SLAP convergence" date="1477200852" name="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" path="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" size="1392504" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="DAL_Future.pdf" attr="" comment="DAL future" date="1477206494" name="DAL_Future.pdf" path="DAL_Future.pdf" size="641767" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 112016-10-23 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' adql-20161022-002.pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 30 ' discussion pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 25' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20161022-002.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL v1.2 progress" date="1477136585" name="adql-20161022-002.pdf" path="adql-20161022-002.pdf" size="125873" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" attr="" comment="VAMDC SLAP convergence" date="1477200852" name="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" path="VAMDC_SLAP.pdf" size="1392504" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 102016-10-22 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' adql-20161022-002.pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20161022-002.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL v1.2 progress" date="1477136585" name="adql-20161022-002.pdf" path="adql-20161022-002.pdf" size="125873" user="DaveMorris" version="1"

Revision 92016-10-22 - PatrickDowler

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"

Revision 82016-10-22 - MarkTaylor

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"

Revision 72016-10-22 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 62016-10-21 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"

DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' please attach pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

*DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

*DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 09:00-10:30
DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"

Revision 52016-10-21 - AlbertoMicol

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 14:00-15:30
*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' please attach pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' please attach pdf

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

*DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' please attach pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

*DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 09:00-10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"

Revision 42016-10-21 - PatrickDowler

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' please attach pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' please attach pdf

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

*DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' please attach pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

*DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 09:00-10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"

Revision 32016-10-19 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' please attach pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' please attach pdf

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

*DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova DAL protocol implementations at NED 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' please attach pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

*DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 09:00-10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

Revision 22016-10-18 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' please attach pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' please attach pdf

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

*DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova DAL protocol implementations at NED 10' please attach pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

*DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 09:00-10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' +30 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 30' discussion please attach pdf
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

Revision 12016-10-16 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

*DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

*DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler TAP status 10' please attach pdf
Pat Dowler DALI status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Olga Pevunova DAL protocol implementations at NED 10' please attach pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

*DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 09:00-10:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' +30 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 30' discussion please attach pdf
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