Difference: InteropOct2016DAL (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102016-10-22 - DaveMorris

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"


DAL Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting

There will be three sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions.

DAL Session 1

DAL 1 - Saturnia - Friday, Oct. 21 16:00-17:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler OpenCADC: open source code repository 20' + 5' pdf
All VOTABLE/JSON discussion 65' startup notes

DAL Session 2 (plenary)

DAL 2 - Saturnia - Saturday, Oct. 22 14:00-15:30
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Pat Dowler DALI status 5' pdf
Pat Dowler TAP status 15'  
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' please attach pdf
Dave Morris ADQL status 10' adql-20161022-002.pdf
Olga Pevunova Update on NED VO activities 10' pdf
Mark Taylor TOPCAT/STILTS TAP Client Enhancements 10' pdf
François Bonnarel SODA/DataLink (maybe TAP) implementation in Aladin Desktop 15' please attach pdf

DAL Session 3

DAL 3 - Oceania - Sunday, Oct. 23 08:30-10:00
Speaker Title Duration Materials
Carlo Maria Zwölf SLAP /XSAMS convergence 20' + 25 ' discussion please attach pdf
Mireille Louys Obscore registration and OBsTAP services 5' + 10' discussion please attach pdf
Francois Bonnarel and Marco Molinaro DAL future plans 15' + 15' discussion please attach pdf

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="opencadc.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477054336" name="opencadc.pdf" path="opencadc.pdf" size="290296" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477082236" name="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" path="NED-SIA-IVOA-Oct2016.pdf" size="324919" user="MarcoMolinaro" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="toptap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477127322" name="toptap.pdf" path="toptap.pdf" size="138304" user="MarkTaylor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="dali-tap.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477129503" name="dali-tap.pdf" path="dali-tap.pdf" size="50134" user="PatrickDowler" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adql-20161022-002.pdf" attr="" comment="ADQL v1.2 progress" date="1477136585" name="adql-20161022-002.pdf" path="adql-20161022-002.pdf" size="125873" user="DaveMorris" version="1"
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