Difference: InteropOct2016Ops (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52016-10-23 - RenaudSavalle

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2016"

Operations Interest Groups Session: October 2016, Trieste, Italy






Christophe Arviset Current Validation Results from ESA    
Renaud Savalle and Pierre Le Sidaner VO-Paris Weather Report    
Renaud Savalle and Pierre Le Sidaner VO-Paris Weather Report   pdf
Thomas McGlynn Reviewing VO publishers    
Juan Gonzalez Administrating a heavily used TAP instance: Gaia Archive operations for DR1    
Jose Manuel Alacid VO Operations at the Spanish Virtual Observatory   pdf
  Review of IvoaValidatorsSummary Page    

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="svo_ops.pdf" attr="" comment="SVO activities" date="1477145875" name="svo_ops.pdf" path="svo_ops.pdf" size="4563168" user="CarlosRodrigo" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ValidationStats_2016-10-06.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1477204251" name="ValidationStats_2016-10-06.pdf" path="ValidationStats_2016-10-06.pdf" size="464452" user="RenaudSavalle" version="1"
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