name="IvoaDataModel" |
IVOA Data Model - Running Meetings
This page hosts the agenda and notes for the DM WG Running Meetings.
Agenda topics proposals
Feel free to add here the topics you would like to see discussed during the meetings
- (your discussion topic here)
- Spectrum Model: recent topics
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- https://github.com/ivoa-std/SpectrumDM/issues/13
- Is there an action here to look into making this OPTIONAL in the model?
- Do we need to add something to identify Theoretical?
- Do we want to recommend how they should identify the dataset as "GAIA DR4"?
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- VOCLASS keyword value in spec does not match example
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- VOCLASS keyword value in spec does not match example
- IVOA Note for FITS serializations: http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/dm/2024-June/006476.html
- discussion started as question about lightcurve data model, but was concluding with a proposal to develop an IVOA Note with ‘preferred’ serializations for various products in FITS format.
- This project would require review/assessment of the ‘big players’ currently in practice and define a recommended serialization. This would probably include a dictionary for FITS keywords for metadata at the Dataset/ObsCore level.
- There are many in the community that are very keen on this project and, I think, would be a valuable resource.
Next Meeting
Running Meeting #3 - Feb. 18, 2025 at 15:00 UTC
- Review open actions from previous meeting
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- Obscore extensions from IG
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- domain specific propositions of attributes
- several proposed attributes would me relevant fro the ObsCore main table
- DM WG to handle an ObsCore DM update
- MANGO update
- activities on Github, recent merge answering current issues
| Previous Meetings
Running Meeting |
agenda items |
meeting notes |
RM#2 21 Jan 2025, 14:00 UTC |
Roadmap project status, next steps planning |
DM mail archive |
RM#1 09 Oct 2024, 13:00 UTC |
Interop Prep, CAOM, VO-DML 1.1, 'view' models |
DM mail archive |
DM meeting: 20 Jun 2022 |
Spectrum RFE |
Twiki page |
DM meeting: 03 Feb 2022 |
Project status: PhotDM, Meas, MIVOT |
Twiki page |
Virtual progress meeting:13 Apr 2021 |
ObsLocTap, vo-dml compliant PhotDM, MCT, Mango |
Twiki page |
DM meeting: 23 Jan 2003 |
Analysis workflow model concept discussion |
Twiki page |
DM meeting: 16 Oct 2003 |
DataModel workflow, key concepts, Observation model |
Twiki page |
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