IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM73)FM73 - Thu, 26 Oct 2017 - 15:30 (local time)/(18:30 UTC) - Sheraton Convention Center - Room: O'Higgins ContentsLogistics@15:30 lo"> Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 @15:30 local time/(18:30 UTC) - Sheraton Convention Center - Room: O'Higgins JOIN WEBEX MEETING https://sao.webex.com/sao/j.php?MTID=me91f076587308d5551c34ec275855360 Meeting number (access code): 854 785 240 Host key: 706211 Meeting password: IVOA2017
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**DRAFT* Agenda TM73*
Argentina-NOVAArVOAstroGridAustralia-VOBRAVOChina-VOChiVO | ||||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | DM/DAL: ChiVO has indexed 4.5 TB of ALMA data products (fits) corresponding to cycles 0,1,2 and 3. For them, the SIA, SCS and TAP services are available. We have recently updated the registry, so officially the FITS ALMA data is available under VO standards. Also we are ingesting the "raw" data of ALMA (i.e., calibrated ASDMs). Of these files we have already stored 2079 files with a total weight of 41 TB, and we will continue with this process of ingestion until we have stored the whole cycle 3 of ALMA. We are exploring how to implement SSAP to them. Also, we are adapting our data models to support non-ALMA data, such as MUSE data. Apps/GWS: On the applications side, we are implementing SAMP support for Jupyter Notebooks, a VizieR-like service for uploading catalogs and match them to VO DMs, and a full clone of splatalogue with a complete SLAP API. In addition, we plan to take advantage of the availability of ASDMs and Reduction Script to generate instances of re-processing by changing the parameters of the reduction script, to make this process under the IVOA standards we will use GWS. Currently we already have a table that allows us to map in ASDM -> Reduction Script (scriptForPI.py, scriptforImaging.py, etc..)-> FITS. | |||||||
CVOEuro_VOESAVOFrance VOGAVOHVOJapan-VORVOSA^3SVOVo-IndiaVObs.itUkraine_VOUSVOAThe USVOA met by telecon on 05Oct2017. A face-to face meeting is planned for the January 2018 AAS. The following are VO summaries provided by members of projects attending the telecon: SAO/CXC: (JE/AR/RD)
Report from TCG _(each working/interest group can add their title and notes)Data Model
Grid and Web Services
DAL Group:After the completion of the set of protocols we had to complete for the multi-d data priority, with SODA adopted as a recommandation during last interop, we are going on with the completion of new versions of standards mainly driven by feedback on first versions
a WD proposed by Semantics is circulating and is planned to be a PR mid december. The current version of the UCD list is a Proposed Recommendation waiting for TCG approval. This is the starting point of the new update procedure.
to survey the ways Telescopes and Instrument names are listed and stored. Several initiatives at data centers, journals and bibliographic services exist. It was aggreed to put these in a common repository and go forward to gather the information. The first step would be to define a unique identifiers for each facility with alternate names. The second step is to gather more information that would be available for the community A common action has started in collaboration with SSIG for spatial facilities. The PDS4 Information system has a description framework we could partially re-use to create a facility repository.
Curation can be externalized (as Theory IG is asking for) but they should be discoverable under the IVOA main page.