ChiVO, as the official Chilean node of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) has been recently connected (since January 2019) to the academic network of REUNA (the Chilean NREN) at 10 Gbps, so this will benefit the Quality of Service offered by ChiVO’s Datacenter.

The datacenter has the objective of providing storage and processing capacities to the local and foreign astronomers, including mirroring astronomical data generated in Chile. Most of ChiVO services are currently hosted in this data center, and specifically part of the ALMA data is currently replicated here and accessed through VO services, like SIA and SCS.

The ALMA-VO Data Repositoryservice offers ALMA data access through IVOA standard web-services/VO-apps or through a web-page. Currently ChiVO has indexed 28,236 FITS with a size of 4.5 TB corresponding to cycles 0, 1, 2 and 3 of ALMA. SIA and SCS services are available on these FITS. In addition we have already stored 2079 files of the raw data of ALMA, the ASDM, with a total weight of 41 TB.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2019-05-16 - MauricioSolar
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