TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaEvents>ChiVO (revision 1)EditAttach
1) ChiVO is currently migrating our IVOA-compatible services to a new data centre acquired recently with 1 PB of storage. ALMA data (only fits) should be again publicly available through SCS, SIA and TAP soon.

2) In terms of development, we are working on integrating all the prototype applications developed as stand-alone examples into a coherent package strongly-based on astropy (ACALib). This will allow us to develop a REST API for processing data (ALMA data for instance) online. This API will include stacking procedures, clumping algorithms, synthetic spectroscopic cube generation and region of interest indexation. During this process we will try to comply as much as possible with GWS standards.

3) A concrete development to report is the "ElasticSlap" service. The synthetic cube generator of point 2) uses the splatalogue database very often. We have reimplemented the Splatalogue database using ElasticSearch, and implemented a complete SLAP service over it. This allow us to quickly search for emission lines very quickly due to the ElasticSearch engine, and obviously the locality of the service. We need to address the problem of maintaining consistency with splatalogue before publishing the service through the registry.

4) ChiVO is now starting a second phase of development with funding for the next 2 years (2016-2018).

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Topic revision: r1 - 2016-12-13 - MauricioSolar
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