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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM102)

When: December 15, 2021
Time: 2pm (UTC)


Topic: IVOA Exec TM102

Time: Dec 15, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 818 2157 9659

Passcode: 983770

*Agenda TM102

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM101
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM102.pdf
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. Future Interop meetings: Northern Spring meeting
  8. CSP Status
    • CSP vice chair
  9. Developing a strategy for engagement with the IAU (BB)

  10. IVOA and Blockchain Open Development protocols (SG)

  11. New Exec secretary (BB)

  12. AOB
  13. Date of next Exec meeting
  14. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects:




Australia-VO (ASVO)





The CVO is planning to host the Northern Fall IVOA InterOp. The plan had been for this meeting be 'hybrid' with in-person and remote participation. During discussion with the host hotel we determined that CVO would be exposed to about a $100k liability if the meeting needed to move to 'on-line' only. We are not able to accept this liabilty. Three options are presented:

  1. The Fall 2022 meeting be planned as on-line only.
  2. The IVOExec members agree to share this liabilty and we have some complex cost sharing arrangement.
  3. We move the Fall interop to a different location that is more able to mitigate the risk and liability.
CVO preference is to move to Online Only, I don't really think option 2 is viable. I'm happy to accept Option 3 but not sure its practicle.


Recent events:
Recent events: ESCAPE European Data Provider Forum and Training Event: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/23987/
ESCAPE European Data Provider Forum and Training Event: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/23987/
Up-coming VO School:
Up-coming VO School: ESCAPE 2nd VO School : https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/25225/
ESCAPE 2nd VO School : https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/25225/


France VO

Organisation of a meeting "Provenance in practice" by M. Servillat, F. Bonnarel, M. Louys and C. Boisson.

Dates : 15 and 16th december













Report from the TCG

  • Ongoing RFC:
    • Group membership services (PR-GMS-1.0) - Working on RFC comments
    • EPN-TAP (PR-EPB-TAP-2.0) - some final discussion on the doc going on; close to TCG vote
    • SimpleDalRegExt (PR-SimpleDalRegExt-1.2) - TCG comments ongoing; seems in good shape
    • MOC (PR-MOC-2.0) - in RFC phase - close to TCG vote
  • Other:
    • TCG met last on Dec 01; next mtg is Jan 26
    • KDD V Chair - action to fill position??
    • Roadmaps for 2021A in great shape!! See: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2021ARoadmap
    • Given the Northern Fall Interop is Sep 7-9 in Victoria, TCG suggests the Northern Spring 2022 Interop dates be set early
      • Week of April 25 or May 02 suggested
    • Code of Conduct for the IVOA & Certificate of Origin
      • The code of conduct (circa 2020) could be more visible?? https://www.ivoa.net/members/index.html
      • The TCG plans to published the CofC on the IVOA meeting registration page for future Interops
      • A Certificate of Origin is common practice for publicly available software/docs
      • A Certificate of Origin has been drafted and put in the GitHub repository for review/comment by the TCG
    • Publishing in the VO
      • Met on Dec 10; Ada, Marco, Henrik, Francois, Janet
      • Forward planning for May Interop & Newcomers session; details from Ada

Report from the CSP

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