Difference: IvoaExecMeetingTM107 (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52022-08-29 - MarcyHarbut

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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting ( TM107 )

When: Aug. 30, 2022
1300 UTC


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Meeting ID: 822 902 55298

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Meeting ID: 822 902 55298

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdPxjl3XgA

*Agenda TM107

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
    • Regrets:
  2. Minutes of TM106
  3. Review of Exec ACTIONS_for_TM107
  1. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  1. Project reports [Significant Events Only]
  1. Kazakhstan VO membership
  2. Report from IAU Meeting (Bruce)
  3. NSF FAIR Principles WG (Bruce)
  1. web page update (Bruce)
  1. Web page update (Bruce)
  1. Overall TCG Status (Janet)
  2. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  3. Future Interop meetings: northern spring 2023 and northern fall 2023
  4. CSP Status (Ada)
  1. Search for the next Exec Chair & Vice-chair
  1. Date of next Exec meeting
  1. Review of New Action Items
  1. Review of new action items

Reports from the Projects:




Australia-VO (ASVO)



  • Taking advantage of a short stable time-slot of the pandemic, the China-VO 2021 national workshop was held in Lijiang, a south-west city in Yunnan Province, from July 18 to July 22 2022. More than 130 people attended to the workshop in-person. The theme of the workshop is “Making Your Data and Services Ready for Al-enabled Science Discovery”.
  • On July 17, the fifth WorldWide Telescope (WWT) Tour Contest Award Ceremony was held online through Shanghai Astronomy Museum’s social media platform. The fifth WWT Tour Contest in China was launched in October 25th, 2021. A total of 171 works had been collected. Near 500 students and teachers participated in the contest. Furthermore, the first international WWT Tour Contest is still under way.





France VO












Report from the TCG

  • TCG met Jul06, Aug08, Next meeting is Sep07
  • Welcomed new member Shanshan (KDD V Ch), Gus (DCP V Ch), Pierre (Apps Ch) & updated IVOA pages etc.
    • Adjusted meeting times to 13:00/20:00 alternating to make it good for new folks in asia
  • Have been reviewing Roadmaps at TCG meetings with presentations from 3 WG/3 IG at each meeting
  • Passed Measurements1.0, Coordinates 1.0, EPN-TAP 2.0; also several erratum and UAT vocabulary note review/pass
    • Thank you for Exec approvals
  • Interop planning underway:
    • Sent 'save the date' email last week
    • Set up schedule, registration pages in prep for next email to Interop to open registration; planned after next week's TCG mtg
  • TCG meeting next week to further discuss/plan Interop
    • For the most part follows previous virtual meeting frameworks Newcomers on Monday (10/17), Interop (18-20), Gathertown, 3 session round the clock sessions, Ch/V Ch solicit talks
    • Any Plenary session inputs from Exec???

Report from the CSP

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa-tm106-20220615.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1661208119" name="ivoa-tm106-20220615.pdf" path="ivoa-tm106-20220615.pdf" size="172388" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ACTIONS_for_TM107.pdf" attr="" comment="" date="1661210393" name="ACTIONS_for_TM107.pdf" path="ACTIONS_for_TM107.pdf" size="70747" user="MarcyHarbut" version="1"
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