Difference: IvoaExecMeetingTM116 (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112023-11-09 - MarcyHarbut

IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM116)

Thursday, 9 November 2023 @ 17:30 to 19:00 Mountain Standard Time (HYBRID)

UTC: 12:30 to 2:00 UTC Friday, Nov. 10



This is a hybrid meeting.

In Person: Main Conference Room at NOIRLab headquarters, 950 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85719

Virtual: https://noirlab-edu.zoom.us/j/97209637799?pwd=VEMxVXZ1S05VK3hJQm1KMWFqc2JKQT09


  1. Roll call and agenda
  2. Review and Approval of TM115 (PDF) Minutes
  3. Review of Exec actions for TM116 (PDF)
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Overall TCG Status
  6. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  7. CSP Status
  8. New IVOA Chair and Vice-Chair (discussion chaired by Mark Allen)
    • Christophe and Simon’s current terms coming to an end during current Interop
  9. IVOA-IAU Liaison Group (any update from Bruce?)
  10. IVOA Website
    • dedicated hack-a-thon session during interop
    • standing item for future meetings
    • draft new website available → here
    • comments on new site available → here
  11. Future Interop meetings
    • Northern Spring 2024: Sydney - Week of May 12 (any update from Simon)
    • Northern Fall 2024: Malta - Week of November 10 (ADASS Nov. 10-14)
  1. Date of next Exec meeting
  2. AOB
  3. Review of new actions

Reports from the Projects

NOVA (Argentina)

ArVO (Armenia)

AstroGrid (United Kingdom)

ASVO (Australia)

BRAVO (Brazil)


ChiVO (Chile)

CVO (Canada)

ESA (Europe)

All science archives developed and operated by the ESAC Science Data Centre for ESA science missions (https://archives.esac.esa.int/) are using VO protocols within their data management systems. In particular, ESDC is maintaining a TAP+ common library used accross all ESDC archive services and supporting:

  • TAP/DataLink authentication standardisation

  • Automated support for IVOA ObsTAP (UTYPES, UCDs, Units, etc.)

  • ADQL v2.1 support

  • Improvement of services compliancy (Gaia TAP, Euclid TAP, and Gaia CS have now been brought to full compliancy)

Recent releases of Gaia Focus Products Release (FPR) in October for example provides data through VO protocols.

ESASky version 5.1 was released in June 2023 and includes 'up-to-the-minute' Gravitational Wave alerts from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run 4 (accessible via the multi-messenger tool) and two new catalogues: the all-sky PLATO Input Catalogue (asPIC1.1) and the GLADE+ Galaxy catalogue. See full details here.

Euro-VO (Europe)

Activities of the Euro-VO partners has been supported by participation in the ESCAPE project (https://projectescape.eu/). ESCAPE concluded in January 2023, and the full set of activities and reports are available on the wiki page for the “VO” work package ( https://wiki.escape2020.de/index.php/WP4_-_CEVO)

Euro-VO partners organised a Special Session on "Science with the Virtual Observatory: status, success cases, the future” at the European Astronomical society conference in Krakow, Poland (10-14 July 2023). https://eas.unige.ch/EAS2023/session.jsp?id=SS4

  The Euro-VO Registry, developed and operated by ESA and available here, has had a couple of releases (v4.0 and 4.5) addressing update to RegTAP 1.2, adding HiPS search capabilities, and various bug fixes and improvements.

GAVO (Germany)

GAVO's Heidelberg data centre keeps adding resources at a rate of a few per semester. As the connector between the VO Registry and the EOSC, we have made some minor updates to the metadata mapping scheme to improve our representation and landing page for VO resources (prefix your favourite resource's ivoid with http://dc.g-vo.org/LP/ to try it out and give feedback). Also: if you have VO-related educational material, please register it so it shows up on http://dc.g-vo.org/VOTT.

We maintain and support our data publication package DaCHS. Notable improvements since the last interop include preliminary support for the new data-origin metadata and a proposed way to improve exporting of D-Links to ADS and similar services (“bibVO”). DaCHS 2.9 should be released shortly after the Interop.

We also participate in the development of pyVO, where we are working on global dataset discovery capabilities, drafted code to do epoch propagation based on our COOSYS proposal and keep rounding out the new registry API. GAVO has also funded an effort to improved the postgres extension pgsphere so catastrophic query plans (and hence execution times in the hours instead of seconds) become less likely.

In standards, we worked on astrometric functions in the UDF catalogue, tried to finally put sufficient annotation for epoch propagation into VOTable (outcome still uncertain) and fixed some other issues on the way to VOTable 1.5, produced another draft of the product-type vocabulary with a view to Datalink 1.1, and released an RFC-able version of VOUnits 1.1.

Also: Have a look at our blog, http://blog.g-vo.org

JVO (Japan)

Kazakhstan VO

NLVO (Netherlands)


RVO (Russia)

SA^3 (South Africa)

SKAO (Square Kilometre Array Observatory; Australia & South Africa)

The SKAO is already in the active construction phase. The science verification phase for Array Assembly 2, AA2, composed of 64-station and 64-dish arrays in the two locations, is expected for Q3/Q4 2026. The SKA Regional Centres Network (SRCNet) is in the transition from prototyping to development phases, with the science verification phase milestone as the target for a simplified but open-to-the-community science platform.

During the last period, the SRCNet has been involved in several IVOA initiatives, in particular the ones related to the interoperability and connection between science platform nodes (required for the SRCNet federated deployment). SRCNet is participating in the leading of the Execution Planner standardisation and identifying other ways to transparently connect astronomical science platforms allowing heterogeneous local software stacks.

The SRCNet is making use of IVOA standards in its design and in its prototypes. The Data Management System prototypes include ObsCore TAP discovery services and metadata associated with the data using IVOA data models. Also, the Identity & Access Management (IAM) including Single Sign-on is designed to accept different identity providers and the Group Membership System makes use of the IVOA GMS protocol.

Apart from its active participation in the IVOA GWS WG, the SRCNet members are increasing their involvement in the IVOA Radio IG so radio data is better integrated into the IVOA context.

SVO (Spain)

UkrVO (Ukraine)

USVOA (United States)

CfA/CXC: CSC2.1 processing is 95% complete - Public release anticipated Jan 2024; DOIs included in catalog data products; Renewed HIPs/MOCs project for archive and catalog data; Upgrading CXC archive VO interfaces to latest versions; Organizing/participating in early High Energy IG meetings - last meeting reviewed Response files used by projects; Participating as TCG/WG/IG chairs and planning program/sessions for the upcoming Interop.


VObs.it (Italy)

Besides the web assets operations and support, including IVOADoc activities, VO in Italy continues eforts in:

  • Radio VO integration through activities of the INAF Radio Archives WG
  • Gravitational waves interoperability investigation, including views about the Einstein Telescope

Report from the TCG

IVOA Interop Prep

  • Met Oct 10 & 24 to plan Interop
  • Prepared Program and WG/IG prepared sessions
    • Special session: Documentation Hackathon - led by S. Groom/A. Raugh
Reviewing status for vote on Recs at our TCG meeting on Friday morning (11/10)
  • RECs: DataLink 1.1, ADQL 2.1, VOunit 1.1, SpectrumDM 2.1 on the docket
  • Erratum: Obscore 1.1 Erratum 4
  • Endorsed Note: UDF Catalogue 1.1

Report from the CSP

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