IVOA Knowledge Discovery Interest GroupCharterKnowledge discovery is the task of processing and analyzing data-sets with the aim of extracting new knowledge. This area spans widely across multiple disceplins, including visualization, remote data exploration, machine learning techniques, statistical methods, workflow orchestration, and polymorphic data access. To support the process of discovery, the KD-IG interacts closely with the other working/interest groups and feeds back requirements of the scientific community. The activities of the KD-IG include:
<-- MotivationsDuring the Strasbourg InterOp Meeting it emerged the need for an Interest Group on Data Mining (KD-IG) as an indispensable step to bridge the Virtual Observatory Infrastructure with the expected VO science. In fact, "...Data mining, or KDD, is the semi-automatic discovery of patterns, associations, changes, anomalies, and statistically significant structures and events in data. In other words, traditional data analysis is assumption driven as a hypothesis is formed and validated against the data. Data mining, in contrast, is discovery driven as the patterns are automatically extracted from data....”<--Data Mining is a rapidly evolving set of methodologies which needs to be imported under the VO umbrella and not just another application. As such, DM cannot be just a tool or a suite of tools offered by a group of developers to a “passive community”. Data Mining involves a large number of researchers across many domains. The astronomical community, which has only recently entered the Massive Data Sets era, makes use of just a handful of methods and tools which very often are far from optimal. The synergy of different expertise present in the IVOA makes it the ideal arena for exploring new and more modern approaches. KD-IG requires a strong and continuous interaction with the scientific community which, besides testing the proposed solutions, methods, and tools, will also provide feedback and inputs aiming at extending the scientific capabilities of the VO. The KD-IG will interfaces to many other IVOA working and interest groups: Applications, Semantics, Time Domain, Data Models, Grid & Web Services, and Resource Registry. This cross- discipline nature is also a primary reason to create a specific IG. Data Mining, in fact, addresses sophisticated and extreme modes of usage which require a careful orchestration and fine tuning of standards, methods, and tools provided by the other IVOA WGs and IGs. Typical examples are the automatic extraction of bases of knowledge from VO archives using VO ontologies; the transparent access to large computational facilities regardless the computational paradigm; the automated switching from asynchronous to synchronous mode of data access; and the extreme usage of workflows and advanced visualization methods. Furthermore, effective KD requires the possibility for an inexperienced user to contribute, or at least seamlessly use under the VO infrastructure, his/her own KD routines and methods. This situation puts strong requirements on security issues and opens new problems for ticketing and scheduling. In other words, the KD-IG will provide feedback to the solutions implemented by the WG’s and, by posing new operational problems, will stimulate the development and adoption of new solutions and standards. We also wish to stress that, in ultimate analysis, the goal of the KD-IG is to allow the VO to produce new scientific knowledge publishable in astronomical journals. On the one end its activities will contribute to demonstrate to the community the power and necessity of federated access to the vast VO universe of data and, on the other, KD-IG will illustrate the power and performance of data mining algorithms to facilitate and accelerate astronomical discovery within this data universe. KD-IG Meetings
Other Interesting Meetings for KD-IG
<-- Related TopicsIn the past hot topics had been identified. These are following the priorities emerged during the first KD-IG meeting held at the IVOA.InterOpMay2010KDD in Victoria, and singled out by the Chair in his welcome message to the members. Please follow the links and edit the specific pages:
MembersChair: Kai Lars Polsterer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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< < | Sheelu Abraham Lauretta Auvil NickBall ThomasBoch Sen Bodhisattva KirkBorne MaxBrescia Robert Brunner RaffaeleDAbrusco Darren Davis ReinaldoDeCarvalho SebastienDerriere GiuseppeLongo CiroDonalek Paul Eglitis Pepi Fabbiano PierreFernique Peter Freeman Fabian Gieseke Alyssa Goodman MatthewGraham Alexander Gray Paul Green BobHanisch Sheth Kartik AjitKembhavi OmarLaurino Ann Lee JeffLusted AshishMahabal BobMann William March Joseph Mazzarella SabineMcConnell Fionn Murtagh NinanSajeethPhilip Rebecca Nugent PaoloPadovani FabioPasian Misha Pesenson Kai Lars Polsterer Manuel Luis Sarro Baro PetrSkoda RiccardoSmareglia Antonino Staiano RoyWilliams Chris Stubbs NicholasWalton Yongheng Zhao | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> > | Sheelu Abraham Lauretta Auvil NickBall ThomasBoch Sen Bodhisattva KirkBorne MaxBrescia Robert Brunner RaffaeleDAbrusco Darren Davis ReinaldoDeCarvalho SebastienDerriere GiuseppeLongo CiroDonalek Rick Ebert Paul Eglitis Pepi Fabbiano PierreFernique Peter Freeman Fabian Gieseke Alyssa Goodman MatthewGraham Alexander Gray Paul Green BobHanisch Sheth Kartik AjitKembhavi OmarLaurino Ann Lee JeffLusted AshishMahabal BobMann William March Joseph Mazzarella SabineMcConnell Fionn Murtagh NinanSajeethPhilip Rebecca Nugent PaoloPadovani FabioPasian Misha Pesenson Kai Lars Polsterer Manuel Luis Sarro Baro PetrSkoda RiccardoSmareglia Antonino Staiano RoyWilliams Chris Stubbs NicholasWalton Yongheng Zhao | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||