Difference: IvoaTCG-2018-05-27 ( vs. 1)

Revision 12018-11-11 - PatrickDowler


TCG Face to Face Meeting 2018-05-27 Victoria, BC

ACTION: Pat to add SSIG to RFC template page

ACTION: Pat to resend the VOSpace recommendation to exec

ACTION: Francoise to ensure that the important IVOA standards are in the RDA registry of standards.

ACTION: MARK CD: Produce documentation on how the models relate and how to get started with certain use cases.

ACTION: Pat to set the status of the XML Schema Versioning to ENDORSED

ACTION: Registry WG (THERESA) to define way forward for querying data collections through capabilities. Endoresement of Discovering data collections is deferred for now.

ACTION: Semantics (MIREILLE) working group to come up with a plan for managing a vocabularies web page.

ACTION: Dave M and Pat to prototype hosting a document standard and issue tracking in GitHub.

ACTION: Giulia - investigate why the errata link is missing on some landing pages (eg VOTable)

ACTION: Dave M - Include ADQL errata into current ADQL PR.

ACTION: Tom Donaldson, Mark Taylor and Markus to discuss VOTable errata #3

ACTION: Tom McGlynn - Will go over the Publishing in the VO page.

ACTION: Working groups / interest groups to put up their 2018A Roadmap

ACTION: Markus and Francoise make an official proposal of the IVOA Architecture document

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