Difference: MOC-2_0-Err-1 (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22022-07-29 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="MOC-2_0-Errata"

Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0 Erratum 1: replaced Recommendation document

Author: TBD
Author: Marco Molinaro
Date last changed: 2022-07-DD
Date last changed: 2022-07-29
  Date accepted: not accepted yet


In the process of finalising the document for the REC-MOC-2.0

some updates to the document, responses to TCG WG comments, went lost.
some updates to the document, providing responses to TCG WG comments, were not included for technical reasons.
The actual result was a MOC-2.0 Recommendation document uploaded
This was noticed only after the upload of the MOC-2.0 Recommendation
 to the IVOA Documents Repository
that doesn't reflect the final status of the Recommendation itself.
(dated 2022-03-17) and led to a situation were the uploaded document
didn't reflect the final status of the Recommendation itself.

Erratum content

With this erratum we alert the MOC readers and implementors that a

newer document has been uploaded to the IVOA Document Repository and thus, to be sure they have the latest available, to be careful to download it from the landing page that links also to this erratum.
newer document has been uploaded to the IVOA Document Repository replacing the 2022-03-17 one and to pay attention that the correct version of the REC-MOC-2.0 is the one with the 2022-07-27 date stamp.
For ease of use the REC-MOC-2.0 to be considered is available here (set link when available).
For good measure the correct REC-MOC-2.0 document landing page
is this one. SET LINKS when available

Impact Assessment

Since the document updates are related to TCG WG comments, not impacting the general concepts of the MOC-2.0 specification, there should be no impact on the community and usage.

Moreover, the usual dissemination of the IVOA Recommendations (including

minting a DOI when pushed to the ADS repository) has been stopped early enough to prevent future ambiguity in reading and referencing the specification from that repository too.
minting a bibcode and asking for a DOI when pushing them to the ADS repository) has been stopped early enough to prevent ambiguity in further referencing this IVOA Recommendation.

Revision 12022-07-26 - MarcoMolinaro

META TOPICPARENT name="MOC-2_0-Errata"

Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0 Erratum 1: replaced Recommendation document

Author: TBD

Date last changed: 2022-07-DD

Date accepted: not accepted yet


In the process of finalising the document for the REC-MOC-2.0 some updates to the document, responses to TCG WG comments, went lost.

The actual result was a MOC-2.0 Recommendation document uploaded to the IVOA Documents Repository that doesn't reflect the final status of the Recommendation itself.

Erratum content

With this erratum we alert the MOC readers and implementors that a newer document has been uploaded to the IVOA Document Repository and thus, to be sure they have the latest available, to be careful to download it from the landing page that links also to this erratum.

For ease of use the REC-MOC-2.0 to be considered is available here (set link when available).

Impact Assessment

Since the document updates are related to TCG WG comments, not impacting the general concepts of the MOC-2.0 specification, there should be no impact on the community and usage.

Moreover, the usual dissemination of the IVOA Recommendations (including minting a DOI when pushed to the ADS repository) has been stopped early enough to prevent future ambiguity in reading and referencing the specification from that repository too.

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