Multi-Order Coverage map version 2.0 Erratum 1: replaced Recommendation document

Author: Marco Molinaro

Date last changed: 2022-08-02

Date accepted: not accepted yet


In the process of finalising the document for the REC-MOC-2.0 some updates to the document, providing responses to TCG WG comments, were not included for technical reasons.

This was noticed only after the upload of the MOC-2.0 Recommendation to the IVOA Documents Repository (dated 2022-03-17) and led to a situation where the uploaded document didn't reflect the final status of the Recommendation itself.

Erratum content

With this erratum we alert the MOC readers and implementors that a newer document has been uploaded to the IVOA Document Repository replacing the 2022-03-17 one and to pay attention that the correct version of the REC-MOC-2.0 is the one with the 2022-07-27 date stamp.

For good measure the correct REC-MOC-2.0 document landing page is this one.

Impact Assessment

Since the document updates are related to TCG WG comments, not impacting the general concepts of the MOC-2.0 specification, there should be no impact on the community and usage.

Moreover, the usual dissemination of the IVOA Recommendations (including minting a bibcode and asking for a DOI when pushing them to the ADS repository) has been stopped early enough to prevent ambiguity in further referencing this IVOA Recommendation.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2022-08-30 - MarkTaylor
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