Difference: MediaGroup (25 vs. 26)

Revision 262018-11-09 - DeborahBaines


IVOA Media Group



Chair: DeborahBaines

Bruce Berriman
Jamie Budynkiewicz
Teresa Dower
Giulia Iafrate
Shanshan Li
Simon O'Toole
Yihan Tao


The IVOA Media Group aims to disseminate the latest news and information about Virtual Observatory developments, applications, standards, workshops, meetings etc., to astronomers via various channels including social media. Messages will be catered to IVOA members and primarily to the general astronomy community, with the goal of showing the benefits of the VO for their science. To achieve this, the Media Group’s major areas are the following:

  1. Social Media
  2. IVOA Newsletter
  3. IVOA Web pages
  4. Outreach

Mailing List

The mailing list for the group is: media@ivoa.net

  • Register: <a target="_self" href="http://mail.ivoa.net/mailman/listinfo/media">http://mail.ivoa.net/mailman/listinfo/media</a>
  • Archive: <a target="_self" href="http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/media/">http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/media/</a>


Media Group Charter

Social Media Accounts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IVOAastro

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IVOAastro

Weibo: https://m.weibo.cn/p/1005056397469427



1. Social Media Procedure

Social media accounts will be controlled with a social media management tool (e.g., Hootsuite) to help schedule and post messages. The Media Group will write a set of scheduled posts per media platform for a TBD amount of time. The scheduled posts will be sent to the Exec for approval prior to publication. Posts whose relevancy is time-sensitive can be sent by any Media Group (and select Exec members) without needing approval. The following is a list of topics that can be posted on social media without needing Exec approval:

  • News regarding relevant meetings, conferences and VO schools (e.g. Interops, AAS, IAU, EWASS, ADASS, …).
  • New IVOA standards.
  • Latest releases of VO Tools and VO enabled archives.
  • Announcements of IVOA Newsletters.
  • Highlighting specific IVOA newsletter articles.
  • New data in the Registry.
  • Science papers using and acknowledging the VO and/or VO Tools (lower priority which will mainly involve retweeting or reposting articles already posted by IVOA members and the community).
2. IVOA Newsletter Procedure

Editors solicit short articles from VO projects via the interop@ivoa.net mailing list, and also from presentations given at IVOA interop meetings. Articles are to be submitted to ivoa-news-editors 'at' ivoa.net. The list of VO papers is generated from searches on ADS, and lists compiled by VO projects (currently SVO provides the list). The common style based on the original HTML template is to be used. The short articles can include typically one figure/image which is shown as a thumbnail image in the newsletter and links to the full size image.


Distribution is intended to be done by IVOA members advertising the newsletter by providing the link to ivoa.net/newsletter e.g. mailing to science community mailing lists saying: 'The November 2017 issue of the IVOA Newsletter is now available at ivoa.net/ newsletter', followed by a short list / paragraph of topics covered in the newsletter. In addition, there is an email notification from the IVOA document coordinators via the interop mailing list (interop 'at' ivoa.net) with the message 'New issue of the IVOA Newsletter', as well as an announcement on IVOA social media accounts. Feedback from the newsletter and submission of articles is to be directed at ivoa-news-editors 'at' ivoa.net. This distribution proposal puts the onus on IVOA members to distribute it via their own science community lists. It avoids the issue of compiling and managing a big mail-out list, but it does provide the option of direct email or RSS notification.

Popular upcoming astronomy conferences

Good to know for social media:

ADASS: 11-15 Nov 2018

AAS: 6-10 Jan 2019; 9-13 June 2019

EWASS: 24-28 June 2019

Chinese astronomy conferences:

Annual Meeting of the Chinese Astronomical Society: 27-31 Oct 2018

Annual Meeting of China-VO and Astroinformatics: 21-25 Nov 2018


IAU Templates

These are the different IVOA project templates for the 2018 IAU in Vienna.

IVOA sticker handed out at IAU: .pdf

The templates use the font Tex Gyre Heros. Please download and install the free-to-use font: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/heros.

Template Download Format Description
Full Page (horizontal) .pptx Full page IVOA project template (layout: horizontal, size: A4). Choice of image background or solid color background.
Full Page (vertical) .docx / .pages

Full page IVOA project template (layout: vertical, size: A4). Choice of image background or solid color background.

Half Page (horizontal) .pptx / .odg / .pdf Half page handouts for advertising the IVOA or its projects (layout: horizontal, size: half-A4).
High-res image on front. Summary/bullets of highlighted project on back.

For fonts, colors, logo, and spacing rules, please refer to the draft Corpororate Design document.

If you want to print the Half Page project handouts on paper, here's a template to print two per page (A4 size): .pptx | .odg

Website Documents

Document Description Status
Website Requirements Requirements for new IVOA website. Reviewed by MG

Issue Trackers

IVOA Media Group Trello board: https://trello.com/ivoamediagroup
** NOTE: the site is currently private for testing purposes. Send media@ivoa.net an email if you want viewing access

Meeting Notes

Date Document
2018-10-04 Group Meeting #6
2018-05-28 Media Group, CSP, and Exec meeting, at 2018 May Interop
2018-05-10 Media Group, CSP, and Exec telecon, before 2018 May Interop
2017-10-28 Group Meeting #3 @ S. Spring Interop 2017
2017-10-25 Group Meeting #2 @ ADASS XXVIII
2017-07-20 Group Meeting #1

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_20-07-17.pdf" attr="" comment="Notes from first Media Group meeting" date="1509130527" name="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_20-07-17.pdf" path="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_20-07-17.pdf" size="60839" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-25_ADASS.pdf" attr="" comment="Notes from action/status review meeting at ADASS XXVII" date="1509130895" name="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-25_ADASS.pdf" path="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-25_ADASS.pdf" size="125404" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Media_Group_Charterv0.2.rtf" attr="" comment="**draft** of the Media Group charter" date="1509131809" name="Media_Group_Charterv0.2.rtf" path="Media_Group_Charterv0.2.rtf" size="14821" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Media_Group_Charterv0.2.pdf" attr="" comment="*draft* of the Media Group charter" date="1509196904" name="Media_Group_Charterv0.2.pdf" path="Media_Group_Charterv0.2.pdf" size="59359" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-28_ADASS.pdf" attr="" comment="Notes from meeting at S. Spring Interop 2017 (after ADASS XXVII)" date="1509478780" name="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-28_ADASS.pdf" path="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-28_ADASS.pdf" size="104594" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_portal_discussion_20171215.pdf" attr="" comment="intro meeting on IVOA portal" date="1515361569" name="ivoa_portal_discussion_20171215.pdf" path="ivoa_portal_discussion_20171215.pdf" size="33089" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_media-20180508_.pdf" attr="" comment="Media CSP Exec telecon meeting notes. Action statuses and prep for 2018 May Interop" date="1526643423" name="ivoa_media-20180508_.pdf" path="ivoa_media-20180508_.pdf" size="54192" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="mediagroup-exec-csp_interop_2018-05-28.pdf" attr="" comment="Notes from Media Group / Exec / CSP meeting at the May 2018 Interop" date="1527728045" name="mediagroup-exec-csp_interop_2018-05-28.pdf" path="mediagroup-exec-csp_interop_2018-05-28.pdf" size="108586" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="a4_handout_drafts.docx" attr="" comment="new handout template" date="1527862337" name="a4_handout_drafts.docx" path="a4_handout_drafts.docx" size="7311232" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts.pdf" attr="" comment="new handout template" date="1527861967" name="small_handouts.pdf" path="small_handouts.pdf" size="7032037" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts.odg" attr="" comment="small half-A4 handout template" date="1527868950" name="small_handouts.odg" path="small_handouts.odg" size="38625328" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="a4_handout_drafts.pages" attr="h" comment="A4 project handout template for IAU. Can be one or two sided. (.pages)" date="1530566425" name="a4_handout_drafts.pages" path="a4_handout_drafts.pages" size="6784265" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CD.docx" attr="" comment="working draft of Corporate Design document for IVOA media" date="1528732407" name="CD.docx" path="CD.docx" size="53429" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ivoa_qr_code.png" attr="" comment="1000x1000-size IVOA QR code. Points to http://ivoa.net." date="1528817338" name="ivoa_qr_code.png" path="ivoa_qr_code.png" size="86557" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts_v0.2.odg" attr="h" comment="small half-A4 handout template (.odg)" date="1530562262" name="small_handouts_v0.2.odg" path="small_handouts_v0.2.odg" size="38695650" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="CD_Manual-20180626.docx" attr="" comment="working draft of Corporate Design document for IVOA media, v0.02" date="1530033526" name="CD_Manual-20180626.docx" path="CD_Manual-20180626.docx" size="500058" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts_v0.3.pptx" attr="" comment="small half-A4 handout template (.pptx)" date="1530551866" name="small_handouts_v0.3.pptx" path="small_handouts_v0.3.pptx" size="48258905" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts_v0.4.pptx" attr="h" comment="small half-A4 handout template (.pptx)" date="1530561622" name="small_handouts_v0.4.pptx" path="small_handouts_v0.4.pptx" size="34849721" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="project_virtual_flyer_v0.2.pptx" attr="h" comment="digital flyer slides for IAU" date="1530562588" name="project_virtual_flyer_v0.2.pptx" path="project_virtual_flyer_v0.2.pptx" size="5098928" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="a4_project_handout_v0.2.docx" attr="h" comment="A4 project handout template for IAU. Can be one or two sided." date="1530566489" name="a4_project_handout_v0.2.docx" path="a4_project_handout_v0.2.docx" size="7288358" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts_v0.4_half-page.pptx" attr="h" comment="small half-A4 handout templates, one handout per page" date="1530571105" name="small_handouts_v0.4_half-page.pptx" path="small_handouts_v0.4_half-page.pptx" size="34841662" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts_v0.2_half-page.odg" attr="h" comment="small half-A4 handout templates, one handout per page" date="1530571094" name="small_handouts_v0.2_half-page.odg" path="small_handouts_v0.2_half-page.odg" size="38686200" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="small_handouts_v0.2_half-page.pdf" attr="h" comment="small half-A4 handout templates, one handout per page" date="1530571083" name="small_handouts_v0.2_half-page.pdf" path="small_handouts_v0.2_half-page.pdf" size="4386894" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Media_Group_Charter.pdf" attr="" comment="Media Group Charter (updated ivoa-news-editors email address)" date="1538659421" name="Media_Group_Charter.pdf" path="Media_Group_Charter.pdf" size="70072" user="DeborahBaines" version="2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="adesivi.pdf" attr="h" comment="IVOA sticker template used at IAU" date="1537377872" name="adesivi.pdf" path="adesivi.pdf" size="1448903" user="JamieBudynkiewicz" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_04-10-18.pdf" attr="" comment="Media Group Meeting #6 Minutes" date="1541793676" name="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_04-10-18.pdf" path="IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_04-10-18.pdf" size="94738" user="DeborahBaines" version="1"
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