Difference: ObsDMCoreComponents (51 vs. 52)

Revision 522015-06-08 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaDataModel"
+Description of Core components for the Observation Data Model (ObsCore)
+Description of Core components for the Observation Data Model (ObsCore)
++ Approved IVOA Recommendation: 28 October 2011
A new version of the Observation data model Core Components is currently updated and discussed on this page : ObsCoreDMvOnedotOne
See the standard document here

++ Proposed Recommendation: Request For Comment period started on 3rd May 2011

Check this page ObsCoreRFC
It provides a better support on the axes dimensions of the data part and more compliance with Dataset/ImageDM.
++Working draft /News /Reports
++ Approved IVOA Recommendation: 28 October 2011 See the standard document here
We plan to deliver updates every Monday during the working group discussion period , from 01 March to 02 April 2011.
++ Proposed Recommendation: Request For Comment period started on 3rd May 2011
On the ObsTAPdraftDiscussion page you will find the new releases of the ObsTAP draft and a place for discussing all contentious topics to be discussed.
Check this page ObsCoreRFC
Thanks for contributing to this discussion.
++Previous drafts
++Working draft /News /Reports
First official draft version was WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20101207.pdf and can be found here.
We plan to deliver updates every Monday during the working group discussion period , from 01 March to 02 April 2011.
The corresponding original Tex file is attached below and currently updated following inputs during the Nara meeting.
On the ObsTAPdraftDiscussion page you will find the new releases of the ObsTAP draft and a place for discussing all contentious topics to be discussed. Thanks for contributing to this discussion.
This model is meant to gather all queriable metadata that play a role in the discovery of observation data.
++Previous drafts
It is meant to be implemented using the Utypes derived from this model in a TAP/Schema implementation at various archives sites. This exercise focuses on the capability to serve 80% of the data , with reduced / reasonable implementation costs at the archive side. ++ Uses cases A list of Use- cases for data queries on all possible data types has been collected by David Schade , CVO and collaborators on behalf of the IVOA Uptake committee. see the document here.
++ UML Model
First official draft version was WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20101207.pdf and can be found here. The corresponding original Tex file is attached below and currently updated following inputs during the Nara meeting.
v0.1 This is the first version of the UML diagram describing the main components for this Observation DM. The compressed archive file contains a bunch of webpages that describes the various packages and classes of the model. see the archive compressed file in 7zip here , in zip there .

This model is meant to gather all queriable metadata that play a role in the discovery of observation data. It is meant to be implemented using the Utypes derived from this model in a TAP/Schema implementation at various archives sites. This exercise focuses on the capability to serve 80% of the data , with reduced / reasonable implementation costs at the archive side. ++ Uses cases A list of Use- cases for data queries on all possible data types has been collected by David Schade , CVO and collaborators on behalf of the IVOA Uptake committee. see the document here.

++ UML Model v0.1 This is the first version of the UML diagram describing the main components for this Observation DM. The compressed archive file contains a bunch of webpages that describes the various packages and classes of the model. see the archive compressed file in 7zip here , in zip there .

 These are hyperlinked pages: to start with the top level , launch the index.html file and you will navigate in the various elements of the model.
ObsCoreDM v1.0 / March 2011 available
ObsCoreDM v1.0 / March 2011 available in zip here .
in zip here .

++ UTypes

From the UML classes and attributes names, one can derive Utypes strings as described in the current UTYPES draft ( Utypes WD). Utypes are built up accordingly for ObsDMCoreComponents and can be used as unique labels for each piece of information represented in the the data model. These Utype strings can be used in the TAP implementation of the model.

++ UTypes

From the UML classes and attributes names, one can derive Utypes strings as described in the current UTYPES draft ( Utypes WD). Utypes are built up accordingly for ObsDMCoreComponents and can be used as unique labels for each piece of information represented in the the data model. These Utype strings can be used in the TAP implementation of the model.

 For most of the query mentionned in the Use-Case document here there is an item in the model covering the corresponding concept with a Utype string representing this data model element.
+ v0.11:
+ v0.11: A set of Utypes has been identified by the Obs/TAP focus group as 'mandatory' for any service that supports an Obs/TAP discovery protocol. They are avaiblable in Table 1. Column-names will be mapped to these Utypes and used in ADQL queries. Other Utypes supported in the model and useful to identify the piece of metadata in the response of an Obs/Tap service have been listed in Table 2.
A set of Utypes has been identified by the Obs/TAP focus group as 'mandatory' for any service that supports an Obs/TAP discovery protocol. They are avaiblable in Table 1. Column-names will be mapped to these Utypes and used in ADQL queries. Other Utypes supported in the model and useful to identify the piece of metadata in the response of an Obs/Tap service have been listed in Table 2.
+ v0.2:
+ v0.2: Just one list of elements for the data model with corrected Utypes, mandatory fields are shown in green. see the full table here + v1.0 /Feb 2011: Utype defined for the ObsCoreDM are listed in the TAP_SCHEMA.columns description in Appendix C of the ObsTap WD . See last version at http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ObsTAPdraftDiscussion
Just one list of elements for the data model with corrected Utypes, mandatory fields are shown in green. see the full table here + v1.0 /Feb 2011: Utype defined for the ObsCoreDM are listed in the TAP_SCHEMA.columns description in Appendix C of the ObsTap WD . See last version at http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ObsTAPdraftDiscussion
++ Registering ObsTAP services
++ Registering ObsTAP services
Since ObsCore is just another table in an otherwise normal TAP service, the current notion is that support for ObsCore will be advertised via a flag in the TAP Capability extension. This is being discussed at TAPRegExt.
Since ObsCore is just another table in an otherwise normal TAP service, the current notion is that support for ObsCore will be advertised via a flag in the TAP Capability extension. This is being discussed at TAPRegExt.
++ XML serialisation see the XMLObsCore page
++ XML serialisation see the XMLObsCore page
++ Previous ObsTap Discussion ( 2009-2010)
++ Previous ObsTap Discussion ( 2009-2010)
Details on the model and its implementtaion have been discussed in various meetings and summarised in the notes attached below.
Details on the model and its implementtaion have been discussed in various meetings and summarised in the notes attached below. Summary in the ObsTap page.
Summary in the ObsTap page.
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="keywords summary for listed UseCases - D. Schade" date="1247224318" name="DataModelv2.pdf" path="DataModelv2.pdf" size="37421" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Usecases description - D. Schade" date="1247224373" name="TAPObsDM_ScienceUseCasesv6.doc" path="TAPObsDM_ScienceUseCasesv6.doc" size="80896" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="keywords summary for listed UseCases - D. Schade" date="1247225902" name="DataModelv1.xls" path="DataModelv1.xls" size="30720" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UML diagrams for Core DM - prototype" date="1247226508" name="docCoreModelUML.zip" path="docCoreModelUML.zip" size="101719" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UML diagram for Core Obs Model - 7zip format" date="1247226546" name="docCoreObsUML.7z" path="docCoreObsUML.7z" size="68987" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="First Use cases with Utypes attached" date="1247228397" name="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes.doc" path="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes.doc" size="37888" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="UML model for ObsDMCoreComponents" date="1248451480" name="ObsCore.zip" path="ObsCore.zip" size="77650" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Use cases / utypes constraints proposals" date="1249121519" name="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes23Jul.pdf" path="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes23Jul.pdf" size="524211" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Utypes for Mandatory fields in Obs/Tap queries" date="1256770796" name="ObsCorelistMandatoryT1.pdf" path="ObsCorelistMandatoryT1.pdf" size="84307" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Utypes for optional fields in Obs/tap services" date="1256770885" name="optionalObstapT2.pdf" path="optionalObstapT2.pdf" size="136336" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="v1.2 : update for Utypes for Mandatory fields" date="1257176735" name="ObsCorelistMandatory-v1.2.pdf" path="ObsCorelistMandatory-v1.2.pdf" size="105652" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="update : Utypes for optional fields in Obs/tap" date="1257176781" name="optionalObstap-v1.2.pdf" path="optionalObstap-v1.2.pdf" size="185173" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="update: Use cases / utypes constraints proposals" date="1257177400" name="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes2Oct19.pdf" path="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes2Oct19.pdf" size="428202" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="word version for first usecases" date="1257177446" name="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes2Oct19.doc" path="FirstScienceUseCasesv6withUtypes2Oct19.doc" size="81920" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257757855" name="ObsCorelistMandatory-v1.3Table.pdf" path="ObsCorelistMandatory-v1.3Table.pdf" size="89163" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1257759981" name="optionalObstap-v1.2tab.pdf" path="optionalObstap-v1.2tab.pdf" size="209444" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="!ObsCoreComponents DM version 0.2" date="1263571710" name="WD-ObsCoreDM-0.1-2010Jan15.pdf.zip" path="WD-ObsCoreDM-0.1-2010Jan15.pdf.zip" size="953562" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="ObsCore draft with detailed implementation section" date="1274247739" name="WD-ObsCoreDM-0.2-20100517.pdf" path="WD-ObsCoreDM-0.2-20100517.pdf" size="616386" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="elements and Utypes of ObsCore v0.2" date="1274218955" name="ObsTAP-DMlistV2_0.xlsx" path="ObsTAP-DMlistV2_0.xlsx" size="18916" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="elements and Utypes of ObsCore v0.2" date="1274219225" name="ObsTAP-DMlistV0_2.pdf" path="ObsTAP-DMlistV0_2.pdf" size="229481" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="New updated Version" date="1274549388" name="WD-ObsCore-1.0-20100521.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-1.0-20100521.pdf" size="648318" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WD presented and discussed in Nara" date="1291776718" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20101202.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20101202.pdf" size="1006414" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="WD presented and discussed in Nara" date="1291779233" name="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20101207.pdf" path="WD-ObsCore-v1.0-20101207.pdf" size="1398799" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="archive file with .tex original and images" date="1291779381" name="vNara.7z" path="vNara.7z" size="1037960" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="archive with .tex original+ images+xsl files" date="1291902465" name="vNara.zip" path="vNara.zip" size="2373983" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Html documentation of ObscoreDM" date="1299576925" name="march2011.zip" path="march2011.zip" size="119495" user="MireilleLouys" version="1.1"
META TOPICMOVED by="FabienChereau" date="1248248955" from="IVOA.CoreObsDM" to="IVOA.ObsDMCoreComponents"
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