Difference: ProgramPrep (33 vs. 34)

Revision 342018-11-02 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Prep List - College Park - last updated - Oct12

(Move the request from 'New Request' to 'Scheduled' once it's been added to the Program)

Program link: http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpNov2018


  • Salon 1,2,3=Terrapin - holds 168 - Start/End Plenary
  • Salon 1&2 holds 112
  • Salon 3 holds 56

New Requests:

  • It looks like the timing supports combining Registry with the proposed Apps2 session, to also include a Python session. So can we change the Saturday 9am "Registry" session to "Registry/Apps2/Python, and delete the proposed Apps2(...) session? - Tom and Theresa (11/1)
  • (impossible) request: is there a way to avoid also Theory clashing DAL? As parenthetically started... -- MarcoMolinaro - 2018-11-02

Scheduled: (Last update - 10/29)

  • Seeded rooms and added Exec session - JE (10/18)
  • Seeded 2018B Roadmap and posted - JE (10/19)
  • Sent notes to TCG - Program requests by COB Thu (10/25) - JE (10/23)
  • Early Schedule will be filled in - 10/26 - currently 14 requests id'd above/annotated in BOLD - JE (10/25)
  • 1st schedule round - moved request to scheduled JD (10/25)
    • [DAL/GWS/Registry] DAL, GWS and Registry will need a joint session to discuss authenticated endpoints - MarcoMolinaro - Oct12
    • potential extension also to Apps, i.e. take care to avoid clashes -- MarcoMolinaro - 2018-10-25
    • [DAL1, DAL2] (at least) 1 DAL specific session is required, may be more, pending contributions -- MarcoMolinaro - 2018-10-15
      • update: DAL would prefer to have 2 sessions, to allow for enough discussion time. The second session may be dropped if the Interop schedule gets too packed -- MarcoMolinaro - 2018-10-24
        • re-update: DAL requires 2 sessions, the second one to allow also for overflow discussion from the joint session -- MarcoMolinaro - 2018-10-25
    • [GWS] Not a lot of contributed presentations yet for GWS, so probably just one dedicated session this time. We often see them come in late so we'll keep the TCG informed. -- BrianMajor - 2018-10-15
    • [OPS] Ops would like one session -- TomMcGlynn - 2018-10-16
    • [Theory] One session for the Theory IG (better if it does not overlap Semantics, DM or KDD sessions)-- CarlosRodrigo - 2018-10-17
    • [DM, DM/Provenance] DM: It is looking like we will need 2 sessions (1=General, 2=Provenance); and will contribute to a joint TDIG/DM session -- MarkCresitelloDittmar - 2018-10-23
    • [APPS] Apps: We currently have content for 1 full session. Likely we will get more requests, so would look for either a second session or a shared session with another group. -- TomDonaldson - 2018-10-23
    • [TDIG/DM] TDIG: A total of 5 contributions so far, one session shoud be ok -- AdaNebot - 2018-10-29
    • [SSIG] SSIG: Same as TDIG, not so many contribution at this time, so one session will be fine. -- BaptisteCecconi - 2018-10-24
    • [Semantics] Semantics got few suggestions for talks. One session only, and if agreed with Theory a join session could also fit in order to tackle the distribution of SKOS theory's vocabulary. I check with them. Possibly not in // to DM, DAL, TD. thanks Mireille -- MireilleLouys - 2018-10-24.
      • it turns out there are much topics for theory , so there will be no common session and Semantics shoud have its own , (suits in a small room) -- MireilleLouys - 2018-10-26.
    • [Registry] Registry: beyond the joint session, we should have one general for a talk on MOCs in the registry and validator results/maintainer issues. This can be in the smallest room. -- TheresaDower - 2018-10-24
  • 2nd round - JD (10/26)
    • Super minor: can you just rename the DM sessions DM1 & DM2 -- MarkCresitelloDittmar - 2018-10-26
    • [DCP] We will have at least 3 presentations and a discussion around DOIs. One session will be perfect - AndreSchaaff - 2018-10-26
  • 3rd round - JD (10/29)
    • Can we move the TDIG so that it doesn't overlap with the SSIG session. We expect a number of people will want to attend both sessions. -- DaveMorris - 2018-10-29
    • Would it be possible to swap DAL/GWS/Registry with DAL1? -- MarcoMolinaro - 2018-10-29
    • [Apps2] Added an App2 (left a note that they were willing to share the session - perhaps with new protocols
    • Would it be possible to avoid having Theory at the same time than DM or Semantics?
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