Difference: ProgramPrepMay2023 (1 vs. 25)

Revision 252023-04-20 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:


Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Planning page SciencePlatforms20230405
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)


  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations) - Planning page SciencePlatforms20230405
The Science Platform sessions will explore the state of the art of science platforms in astronomy and how the IVOA can contribute. The invited panelists will be addressing key questions related to the development of their science platforms, including: What aspects of the IVOA worked ? What aspects of the IVOA didn't work ? * What does the IVOA need to do next ?

The session will begin with presentations from each panelist, and a panel discussion will follow.

      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics - emails in last few weeks

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne) --- From last mtg - Has someone connected with Steve???
  • Extra Edu session .... (Henrik)
  • DM splinter ... (Laurent)
The Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) session will focus on creating them and using them. DOIs play a pivotal role in both FAIR data and Open Science, providing a key technology that enables resources like data sets and software to be uniquely and permanently identified - and thus citable in the literature. When data are cited by DOI, the metadata associated with the DOI can enable authors, editors, funding agencies, and associated institutions to trace the impact of the research data made available through the Virtual Observatory. This session will explore all aspects of producing and exploiting DOIs and their associated metadata for Open Science and Interoperability through the Virtual Observatory.


  • Session scheduled - also, Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room
For those new to the Virtual Observatory and its capabilities, we present a little science and a little history. First, we will work through a live demo of a science use case with some of the open source tools built on the VO standards and protocols. Then, we will trace the history of the IVOA and "How We Got to Where We Are". We hope this session will help newcomers understand the structure of the IVOA, our history, and how our InterOp meetings are organized, so that they can get as much out of this meeting as the oldtimers.
  • Friday morning break???? (Marco->Janet)
  • Email from Mario Juric - HIPs, snippet of email below (needs to be contacted, pass on to WG)
    • Over the past year, we've been working with colleagues at Rubin to explore schemes for bulk delivery (download) of large datasets. ... The practical problem we're trying to solve is how to make large (10TB+) catalogs available for bulk download, but in a way that will enable downloads of subset as well as on-line large-scale analytics (including distributed joins and cross-matching). We realized this is possible by a relatively simple extensions of HiPS to parquet-based catalog datasets. ...
  • DCP request for extra slot (Gilles)


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:
Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))
  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Extra Edu session .... (Henrik)
  • DM splinter ... (Laurent)
  • Friday morning break???? (Marco->Janet)
  • Email from Mario Juric - HIPs, snippet of email below (needs to be contacted, pass on to WG)
    • Over the past year, we've been working with colleagues at Rubin to explore schemes for bulk delivery (download) of large datasets. ... The practical problem we're trying to solve is how to make large (10TB+) catalogs available for bulk download, but in a way that will enable downloads of subset as well as on-line large-scale analytics (including distributed joins and cross-matching). We realized this is possible by a relatively simple extensions of HiPS to parquet-based catalog datasets. ...
  • DCP request for extra slot (Gilles)
  • ~~
  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)
  • DM 2 sessions 1) MIVOT ecosystem 2) other talks including this of Steve Hughes
  • Last update (Apr 4)
  • Last update (Apr 20)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 242023-04-05 - DaveMorris


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics - emails in last few weeks

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne) --- From last mtg - Has someone connected with Steve???
  • Extra Edu session .... (Henrik)
  • DM splinter ... (Laurent)
  • Friday morning break???? (Marco->Janet)
  • Email from Mario Juric - HIPs, snippet of email below (needs to be contacted, pass on to WG)
    • Over the past year, we've been working with colleagues at Rubin to explore schemes for bulk delivery (download) of large datasets. ... The practical problem we're trying to solve is how to make large (10TB+) catalogs available for bulk download, but in a way that will enable downloads of subset as well as on-line large-scale analytics (including distributed joins and cross-matching). We realized this is possible by a relatively simple extensions of HiPS to parquet-based catalog datasets. ...
  • DCP request for extra slot (Gilles)


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)
  • DM 2 sessions 1) MIVOT ecosystem 2) other talks including this of Steve Hughes

  • Last update (Apr 4)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 232023-04-05 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT
Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????

Session Topics - emails in last few weeks

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne) --- From last mtg - Has someone connected with Steve???
  • Extra Edu session .... (Henrik)
  • DM splinter ... (Laurent)
  • Friday morning break???? (Marco->Janet)
  • Email from Mario Juric - HIPs, snippet of email below (needs to be contacted, pass on to WG)
    • Over the past year, we've been working with colleagues at Rubin to explore schemes for bulk delivery (download) of large datasets. ... The practical problem we're trying to solve is how to make large (10TB+) catalogs available for bulk download, but in a way that will enable downloads of subset as well as on-line large-scale analytics (including distributed joins and cross-matching). We realized this is possible by a relatively simple extensions of HiPS to parquet-based catalog datasets. ...
  • DCP request for extra slot (Gilles)


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)
  • DM 2 sessions 1) MIVOT ecosystem 2) other talks including this of Steve Hughes
  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Last update (Apr 4)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 222023-04-04 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:
Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)
  • DM 2 sessions 1) MIVOT ecosystem 2) other talks including this of Steve Hughes

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 212023-03-21 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)
  • DM 2 sessions 1) MIVOT ecosystem 2) other talks including this of Steve Hughes

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 202023-03-10 - LaurentMichel


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)
  • DM 2 sessions 1) MIVOT ecosystem 2) other talks including this of Steve Hughes

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 192023-03-09 - FrancoisBonnarel


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions
  • RIG requests 1 session, in the afternoon (due to ML chairing remotely from the US)

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 182023-03-08 - JamesDempsey


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session
  • DAL requests two sessions

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 172023-03-08 - HendriklHein


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions
  • EduIG requests 1 session

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 162023-03-08 - AdrianDamian


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  • Apps requests 2 sessions

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 152023-03-08 - BaptisteCecconi


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • SSIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 142023-03-08 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session
  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions (Lead Groups: CSP, Apps, GWS, Operations)
    • Folks who have expressed intentions/abstracts to present in these session: (JE inventory from email)
      • SKA science platform - Jesus Salgado (Pierre contacted Jesus)
      • ESA DataLabs - Vincente Navarro (Christophe input)
      • AAO Central - Simon O'Toole
      • NASA Atrophysics Platform - Tess Jaffe (Vandana input)
      • China-VO 3.0 - Yunfei Xu (Chenzhou input - not sure if this is a science platform or for another session????)
      • Rubin Science Platform - Frossie Economou - Janet provided abstract submitted to TCG/CSP
      • CfA Nexus R&D: Developing a VO-aware Science Platform Without Reinventing the Wheel - Janet provided abstract submitted to CSP
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session (Lead: DCP, RD)

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Request to move one of the science platform plenaries to the afternoon - was thinking first session after lunch????


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs:


New Requests WG/IGs

  (((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session

Requests put on Interop schedule from WG/IGs above:

  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))
  • Last update (Mar 08)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 132023-03-08 - RenaudSavalle


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  • Registry WG requests one session
  • Registry WG and DCP IG request one joint Registry+DCP session
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 122023-03-08 - GiulianoTaffoni


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  • GWS requests two (better 3) sessions. One standard session (auth, vospace, etc). One session dedicated to code and HW in the VO, letting projects (e.g. SKA) to introduce their requirements in terms of how to couple data, software, computing respources. How can we profit from the IVOA experience?
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 112023-03-07 - RaffaeleDAbrusco


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;

Meeting Prep:

  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  • KDIG requests one session
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 102023-03-06 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:
Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT

- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


Schedule inputs OPEN !!


Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
    • squeeze them in the afternoon only?
  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday - start in morning
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ;
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications
    • VO infrastructure
  • DOIs in Open Science
  • Science Platforms & the VO - 2 sessions
  • DOIs in Open Science - 1 session

Session Topics

  • Steve Hughes (from JPL, Information modeling expert and person responsible for the PDS implementation that supports expressing the Information Model in multiple formats including both XML and JSON) has coordinated his schedule/approvals to be available for a presentation on the topic at the May Interop. (Thank you Anne)
  • Any interest in ... Hackathon?? mini workshop?? special topics?? - Need to hear your thoughts by this mtg


  • session afternoon of 1st day session - Lunch time Q&As in the small conf room

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 92023-02-24 - MarkTaylor


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:


- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
    • squeeze them in the afternoon only?
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications
    • VO infrastructure
  • DOIs in Open Science

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  • Ops IG requests two sessions
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 82023-01-31 - SimonOToole


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:


- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
    • squeeze them in the afternoon only?
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications
    • VO infrastructure
  • DOIs in Open Science

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  • Theory IG would like to have a regular working session – Simon; not on the first day please; other days and times okay.
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 72023-01-31 - MarkusDemleitner


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:


- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


Schedule inputs OPEN !!

Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
    • squeeze them in the afternoon only?
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • Science Platforms & the VO - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications
    • Applications
    • VO infrastructure
  • DOIs in Open Science

New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

  • Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:
  • Semantics would like to have a regular working session; there are no particular constraints as regards time.
  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 62023-01-25 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:


- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


Schedule inputs OPEN !!


<a name="Virtual Mtg Outline:"></a> Mtg Outline:


Virtual Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
    • squeeze them in the afternoon only?
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

<a name="Meeting Prep:"></a>Meeting Prep:


Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

<a name="Session Planning:"></a>Session Planning:

<a name="Plenary Ideas"></a>Plenary Ideas


Session Planning:

Plenary Ideas

  • VO in the Cloud - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications -
  • Science Platforms & the VO - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications
    • VO infrastructure

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)

  • DOIs in Open Science

New Requests WG/IGs:

  • Postponed to Spring Interop

<a name="*New Requests WG/IGs:*"></a>New Requests WG/IGs:

 (((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))
  • Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

<a name="Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

  (((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE) <!--

    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

Revision 52023-01-25 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:


- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


Schedule inputs OPEN !!

<a name="Virtual Mtg Outline:"></a> Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
  • squeeze them into the afternoon?
    • squeeze them in the afternoon only?
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

<a name="Meeting Prep:"></a>Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

<a name="Session Planning:"></a>Session Planning:

<a name="Plenary Ideas"></a>Plenary Ideas

  • VO in the Cloud - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications -
    • VO infrastructure

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)

  • Postponed to Spring Interop

<a name="*New Requests WG/IGs:*"></a>New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

<a name="Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE) <!--

    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup

Revision 42023-01-25 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link:


- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!
- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

<a name="Virtual Mtg Outline:"></a> Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
  • squeeze them into the afternoon?
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

<a name="Meeting Prep:"></a>Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

<a name="Session Planning:"></a>Session Planning:

<a name="Plenary Ideas"></a>Plenary Ideas

  • VO in the Cloud - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications -
    • VO infrastructure

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)

  • Postponed to Spring Interop

<a name="*New Requests WG/IGs:*"></a>New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

<a name="Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE) <!--

    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup

Revision 32023-01-17 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT - !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!
Program link:
https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019MeetingPage - Meeting page from Spring 2019 Paris mtg (Example)
- !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!
https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019 - Paris schedule with 2 tracks (Example)
  Schedule inputs OPEN !!

<a name="Virtual Mtg Outline:"></a> Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

<a name="Meeting Prep:"></a>Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

<a name="Session Planning:"></a>Session Planning:

<a name="Plenary Ideas"></a>Plenary Ideas

  • VO in the Cloud - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications -
    • Applications -
    • VO infrastructure

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)

  • Postponed to Spring Interop

<a name="*New Requests WG/IGs:*"></a>New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

<a name="Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)
  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE) <!--

    * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = TWikiAdminGroup


Revision 22023-01-13 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023 - !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!
Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023DRAFT - !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!

https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019MeetingPage - Meeting page from Spring 2019 Paris mtg (Example)

https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019 - Paris schedule with 2 tracks (Example)

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

<a name="Virtual Mtg Outline:"></a> Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

<a name="Meeting Prep:"></a>Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

<a name="Session Planning:"></a>Session Planning:


<a name="Open Session: VO in the Cloud (J"></a>Plenary: VO in the Cloud followup


<a name="Plenary Ideas"></a>Plenary Ideas

  • We mentioned the Fall mtg to present issues/ideas - followup in spring with possible solutions

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messanger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messanger (CSP)

  • VO in the Cloud - possibly 2 sessions
    • Applications -
    • VO infrastructure

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messenger (CSP)

  • Postponed to Spring Interop

<a name="*New Requests WG/IGs:*"></a>New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

<a name="Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)


Revision 12023-01-13 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 7-12, 2023)

Meeting web link: <a href="https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023" target="_top">https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-may-2023 (NOT active yet)

Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2023 - !!Draft Schedule with WG/IG sessions in place!!


https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019MeetingPage - Meeting page from Spring 2019 Paris mtg (Example)

https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2019 - Paris schedule with 2 tracks (Example)

Schedule inputs OPEN !!

<a name="Virtual Mtg Outline:"></a> Mtg Outline:

  • Exec and TCG meetings on Sunday
  • Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs)
  • Sessions - start Mon, May 8 - Fri May 12 ; WG/IG solicit presentations from the community - collect abstracts and link from schedule via session wikis
  • Parallel tracks?? - sample above from Paris
  • Technology -
    • Hybrid ... need to identify details??
      • Videocon: zoom
      • Session messaging: zoom chat
      • Live notes: etherpad
      • Recording: via zoom

<a name="Meeting Prep:"></a>Meeting Prep:

  • Save the date email sent -3 months ahead (JE)
  • Seeded Program - 3 months ahead (JE)
  • Registration - 2 months ahead (MM)

<a name="Session Planning:"></a>Session Planning:

<a name="Open Session: VO in the Cloud (J"></a>Plenary: VO in the Cloud followup

  • We mentioned the Fall mtg to present issues/ideas - followup in spring with possible solutions

<a name="Plenary: Multi-Messanger (CSP)"></a>Plenary: Multi-Messanger (CSP)

  • Postponed to Spring Interop

<a name="*New Requests WG/IGs:*"></a>New Requests WG/IGs:

(((WG/IG make a request for sessions ... Include your group name, session name, your name, suggested scehdule contraints, date requested)))

<a name="Scheduled/Working:"></a>Scheduled/Working:

(((JE drops requests down to this section once request has been scheduled.)))

  • Seeded this doc (Jan 06 - JE)

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