Difference: ProgramPrepNov2024 (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212024-10-28 - MarcoMolinaro


Program Preparation - IVOA meeting (Nov 15-17, 2024)

Interop meeting main links:


Schedule preparation

Schedule inputs: session requests

Input as:

  • [group(s)] - number of sessions - notes/special requests (e.g. daytime)


  • (new ones here, but there are only 2 uneasy slots available)
  • DM WG: Applications has offered to split the Apps2 session, we would like to accept that offer and use that time to for discussion on the CAOM integration.
  • Extra - 1 - web site maintenance (splinter) session - if it fits the schedule
  • IILG (IVOA-IAU Liaison Group) asked for 1 hour, plenary, to show progress [direct email to Marco from Bruce B.]


  • HEIG/CSP - Request 1 Plenary session (JEvans/F Civano on behalf of HEIG & CSP) - Description: Combine HE/CSP efforts; Science presentations from HE TDAMM projects; ask speakers to address IVOA topics if applicable to there research or project (cover Alerts, Observation coordination, Data discovery, DMs) and conclude the session with a pitch for the HE group to become an IVOA IG;; Earlier in schedule would be good if possible, then HEIG members can participate & present/coordinate in other sessions (e.g., Radio IG on Obscore, DM WG for data model, Timing IG for VOevent) and interested parties will have face to face time.
  • Registry WG - 1 session
  • DAL WG - 1 session
  • Radio IG (with potential obscore ext. harmonisation discussion), Apps, P3T, and Semantics+SSIG session request from 27.09 TCG vconf
  • Operations IG - 1 session
  • DM - 1 session - probably best not opposite DAL or Apps, but not required.
  • DCP session
  • Apps - 1 more session (highly probable) - OK, potentially a shared session, if other groups need it
  • KDIG/GWS joint - 1 session
  • GWS - OK
  • DM WG: Applications has offered to split the Apps2 session, we would like to accept that offer and use that time to for discussion on the CAOM integration.

So far included

Will appear here (and disappear from above).

Included: -- as of 2024-10-16 --

  • session 2, Fri.15, 11:00: CSP/HEIG, high energy and time domain, alerts - plenary
  • session 3, Fri.15, 14:00: P3T
  • session 4, Fri.15, 16:00: Applications 1
  • session 5, Sat.16, 9:00: DAL && GWS
  • session 6, Sat.16, 11:00: DM && DCP
  • session 7, Sat.16, 14:00: GWS+KDIG && Registry
  • session 8, Sat.16, 16:00: Semantics+SSIG && Applications 2
  • session 8, Sat.16, 16:00: Semantics+SSIG && Applications+DM(2)
  • session 9, Sun.17, 9:00: Radio IG && OPS IG

Meeting reminders

List of emails sent and other communications or discussions

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