Difference: ProgramPrepSydney (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32020-04-07 - JanetEvans


Program Prep List - Sydney (May 4-8)


Program Prep List - Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4 start date)

(JE will Move the WG/IG Request from 'New Request' to 'Scheduled' once it's been added to the Program)
Meeting link:
Meeting link: https://may2020.asvo.org.au
 Program link: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2020

Schedule inputs are NOT OPEN yet!!


Virtual Mtg Outline: (JE notes from Apr07 TCG discussion)

  • Meeting Start May 04 ... Initiate with Kickoff session (Exec, Charge to WGs/IGs, Plenary), then continue 3 days with possible followup mtgs going over several weeks.
  • Organize session using web interface developed by INAF for the Sydney meeting organization
  • Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
  • In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
    • An option was discussed -- Split the session into 2 session with an 8 hour split in time
      • favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
  • Use slack to manage input from the audience
  • Use wiki page or Google page to record notes during the sessions
  • Plan to send a notice to IVOA in the next week that the Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details
AIm for final program 2 weeks ahead of meeting (APR 15)


  • Details that need some work
    • There will be a subgroup of the TCG to study/recommend what technolgies to use
      • Things to consider are different platforms (Linux, mac), number of attendees
        • Videocon: zoom, webex, mumble ...
        • Session messaging: slack
        • Live notes: Google docs
      • An institution will need to host the meeting - given the technology (i.e. Run Slack during the sessions)

Plenary Topics Suggestions:

Scheduled: (Last update - 02/19/20 - JE )

  • Seeded this doc with logistics - JE (02/19)

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