- Will Advertise format and details as they get decided; point to program etc.
- Technology
- Videocon: zoom
- Session messaging: slack,
- Live notes: etherpad
- Sessions
- First day - Exec presentation, TCG presentation, WG/IG presentations, Plenary
- Organize Plenary - Invite Radio group - CSP/Bruno??
- Chenzhou suggested G20 virtual summit choice, i.e. 12PM UTC. for plenary session
- Suggested ~2 hours each day - not more
- Format discussion: 10 minute video or set of slides to start meeting, then rest of session open with discussion
- In scheduling sessions be cognizant of the time zones and work to balance hours to be fair
- An option was discussed -- Split a session into 2 sessions with an 8 hour split in time
- favors multiple time zones; need good notes to seed 2nd half of mtg where the discussion can be continued
- Another option to post the schedule and have attendees indicate whether they will attend
- Pick time of session based on attendees locations & a vote that they will attend - may not need double session
- Sent email to Interop email group noting plans for Virtual meeting is being planned for week of May 4 and to stay tuned for details.
- Will send a reminder that inputs to program need to be requested 'this week'
- TCG adding their requests to the organization page (as usual) - this page - see New Requests below
Session Planning
New Requests:
(Format: [WG] , <Request> - Name - Date)
- [DM], Presentation of the group's work - Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado - 20/04/2020
- [DM], Source model: progress report (overlaps with DAL & Apps) - Laurent Michel - 20/04/2020
- [DM], STC: progress report - Mark Cresitello Dittmar - 20/04/2020
- [TDIG / DAL], ConeSearch - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
- [TDIG / DAL], Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol & Observation Locator Table Access Protocol - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
- [TDIG] Annotation of light curves using VOTable - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
- [TDIG] VOEvents next steps - Ada Nebot - 20/04/2020
- [Semantics] Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
- [DAL/Registry/Apps] Declaration of complex interfaces (a.k.a. caproles, TAPRegExt 1.1, perhaps ComplexDALRegExt?) - MarkusDemleitner - 2020-04-21
- [DAL] DataLink - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
- [DAL] ADQL - Marco Molinaro - 2020-04-21
(JE moves from New Request to this section when action taken and the meeting schedule is updated)
Last update
- Seeded this doc with notes from TCG discussion (4/7/20) - JE (02/19)
- Added New Request/Scheduled sections for mtg prep - JE 4/16
- Organized page in prep of the Exec meeting