- DM - Measurements/Coordinates/Transform progress (regular talk) - MarkCresitelloDittmar - 2020-10-07
- DM - ObsLocTAP Status and workshop Report (regular talk) - JesusSalgado - 2020-10-07
- DM - MANGO Status & discussion (half session) - LaurentMichel - 2020-10-07
- Apps/TDIG - MOC 2.0 Status and Discussion (30') - TomDonaldson - 2020-10-08
- All - Improve comfort level with github/ivoatex document management. (full session?) - TomDonaldson - 2020-10-08
- Not sure if this is a discussion, working session, tutorial, etc. Maybe it depends on how solid we feel the process is now. Does it need fixing or should we focus on training and practice?
- Apps - VOTable issue review and planning. (30') - TomDonaldson - 2020-10-08
- Apps - Show and tell (assuming we get submissions, this could fill a session) -- TomDonaldson - 2020-10-08
- Ops - Weather reports, validator review, general topics. (if there's time - will give way to standards discussions in case of contention) -- MarkTaylor - 2020-10-08
- Apps - Web SAMP + HTTPS update (should be short) -- MarkTaylor - 2020-10-08
- GWS - I hope there's a session on A+A (continue discussion from May, implementation report etc from MT) -- MarkTaylor - 2020-10-08
- RIG - summary of recent zoom meetings and draft implementation note, up to 30min, will also solicit contributions, so could be a full 1hr session.
- DAL - DataLink status report & discussion -- MarcoMolinaro - 2020-10-12
- might be in a shared session with reports of other standards under revision
- New Requests Interop email list:
(Format: Title, Proposer name/institution, Description - will pick up from Interop submissions and summarize here)
- Title: xxx
- Proposed:xxx
- Description: xxx
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