Difference: ProvDayDec2016 (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112016-12-12 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance day in Strasbourg, France, 2016 December 13rd

hosted at Observatoire de Strasbourg


Provenance day in Strasbourg, France, 2016 December 13rd


supported by OV-France , GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project .
hosted at Observatoire de Strasbourg
supported by Asterics Project and OV-France , GAVO, Paris Data Cente


Follow-up meeting


Participants (please register here and provide your arrival and leave time, we'll optimize the schedule accordingly...)

Name Surname Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Mireille Louys CDS, Icube, Université Strasbourg
Kristin Riebe AIP, Potsdam 12.12.2016, 18:47 (at main station) 13.12.2016, 17:13 (main station)
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM, Montpellier, France 12.12.2016, 15:56 (at main station) 14.12.2016, 13:04 (main station)
Mathieu Servillat LUTH, Observatoire de Paris 13/12 at 9h04 13/12 at 18h17
François Bonnarel CDS Strasbourg
Markus Nullmeier GAVO / Uni Heidelberg not available
Julien Lefaucheur LUTH not available
Catherine Boisson LUTH not available
David Languignon LERMA available via telco
insert your name here...
Surname Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Mireille Louys CDS, Icube, Université Strasbourg    
Kristin Riebe AIP, Potsdam 12.12.2016, 18:47 (at main station) 13.12.2016, 17:13 (main station)
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM, Montpellier, France 12.12.2016, 15:56 (at main station) 14.12.2016, 13:04 (main station)
Mathieu Servillat LUTH, Observatoire de Paris 13/12 at 9h04 13/12 at 18h17
François Bonnarel CDS Strasbourg    
Markus Nullmeier GAVO / Uni Heidelberg not available  
Julien Lefaucheur LUTH not available  
Catherine Boisson LUTH not available  
David Languignon LUTH available via telco


Salle de Reunion , Batiment sud , ( first building on the right of the main gate). Morning
Morning Salle de Reunion, Batiment sud , ( first building on the right of the main gate).
Salle coupole rez de jardin + materiel telco , afternoon
Afternoon Salle coupole rez de jardin + materiel telco ,
 Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, 11 rue de l'Université , 67100 , Strasbourg. http://astro.unistra.fr/

Tram line C or E or F / Tram stop : Observatoire


Topics to discuss/ suggestions --> on progress

  • Current progress on Action Items proposed in Trieste
  • Discussion on the draft
  • Modelio updates and xmi generation
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 14:15 SIM DM overview ( with David Languignon on line )
  • Discussion on SimDM reuse

Preliminary Agenda

time speaker Title presentation file
9:00 Kristin, Mireille, Laurent Demo / discussion Modelio technical points and modeler details  
9:30 All Discussion : Current progress on Action Items proposed in Trieste    
    Current modeling issues    
10 Coffee break
11:00 Mathieu Servillat VOTable serialization of an ActivityDescription (+ relations and parameters) pdf
11:30 François Bonnarel Hips use-case pdf
12:15 Lunch at "la villa bianca "
14:15 Kristin Riebe Provenance introduction and project context  
14:40 Michèle Sanguillon Simulations use-cases : Pollux  
15:00 Kristin Riebe Cosmo simulations use case  
15:20 David Languignon IVOA SimDM overview  
15:40 All Discussion  
16:30 All Conclusions pdf

Topics to discuss/ suggestions (previous list)

Current progress on Action Items proposed in Trieste

Discussion on the draft Modelio updates and xmi generation

SimDM overview ( with David Languignon on line )

Discussion on SimDM reuse

 Data access
  • Examining existing VO protocols: SimDAL , ProvTAP
  • Discussion on Use-cases description
  • progress in various use cas
  • discussion of points raised by Francois for HiPS use case
  • modeling discussion: collections, parameter, limits between W3C class and added IVOA description
  • ActivityFlow: multiplicities at relations, attributes, how does it work in implementation
  • please complete with your suggestions here
Examining existing VO protocols: SimDAL , ProvTAP

Use cas discussion of points raised by Francois for HiPS

use case Modeling discussion: collections, parameter, limits between W3C class and added IVOA description

ActivityFlow: multiplicities at relations, attributes, how does it work in implementation

please complete with your suggestions here

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