Provenance day in Strasbourg, France, 2016 December 13rd


hosted at Observatoire de Strasbourg

supported by Asterics Project and OV-France , GAVO, Paris Data Cente


Surname Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Mireille Louys CDS, Icube, Université Strasbourg    
Kristin Riebe AIP, Potsdam 12.12.2016, 18:47 (at main station) 13.12.2016, 17:13 (main station)
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM, Montpellier, France 12.12.2016, 15:56 (at main station) 14.12.2016, 13:04 (main station)
Mathieu Servillat LUTH, Observatoire de Paris 13/12 at 9h04 13/12 at 18h17
François Bonnarel CDS Strasbourg    
Laurent Michel XMM / Observatoire de Strasbourg    
Markus Nullmeier GAVO / Uni Heidelberg not available  
Julien Lefaucheur LUTH not available  
Catherine Boisson LUTH not available  
David Languignon LUTH available via telco


Morning Salle de Reunion, Batiment sud , ( first building on the right of the main gate).

Afternoon Salle coupole rez de jardin + materiel telco ,

Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, 11 rue de l'Université , 67100 , Strasbourg.

Tram line C or E or F / Tram stop : Observatoire

Preliminary Agenda

time speaker Title presentation file
9:00 Kristin, Mireille, Laurent Demo / discussion Modelio technical points and modeler details  
9:30 All Discussion : Current progress on Action Items proposed in Trieste    
    Current modeling issues    
10 Coffee break
11:00 Mathieu Servillat VOTable serialization of an ActivityDescription (+ relations and parameters) pdf
11:30 François Bonnarel Hips use-case pdf
12:15 Lunch at "la villa bianca "
14:15 Kristin Riebe Provenance introduction and project context  
14:40 Michèle Sanguillon Simulations use-cases : Pollux  
15:00 Kristin Riebe Cosmo simulations use case  
15:20 David Languignon IVOA SimDM overview  
15:40 All Discussion  
16:30 All Conclusions pdf

Topics to discuss/ suggestions (previous list)

Current progress on Action Items proposed in Trieste

Discussion on the draft Modelio updates and xmi generation

SimDM overview ( with David Languignon on line )

Discussion on SimDM reuse

Data access

Examining existing VO protocols: SimDAL , ProvTAP

Use cas discussion of points raised by Francois for HiPS

use case Modeling discussion: collections, parameter, limits between W3C class and added IVOA description

ActivityFlow: multiplicities at relations, attributes, how does it work in implementation

please complete with your suggestions here

Useful links: - ProvenanceDM implementation using CosmoSim data (in development) - Sources for this implementation

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