Difference: ProvDayJune2016 (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152016-06-14 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance day in Heidelberg, Germany, 2016 June 14th

hosted at ARI, prior to the data forum http://www.g-vo.org/edp-forum-2016

Follow-up meeting


Name Surname Organisation Arrival time Leaving time
Mireille Louys CDS, Icube, Université Strasbourg 14/06 9:00 16/06 18:00
Kristin Riebe AIP, Potsdam 14/06 10:15 16/06/17:00
Michèle Sanguillon LUPM, Montpellier, France Frankfurt-Hahn: 13/06/16-23:35. Heidelberg : 14/06/16 depending on program Heidelberg:15/06/16-16:00
Mathieu Servillat LUTH, Observatoire de Paris 14/06 11:00?  
François Bonnarel CDS Strasbourg June 14th June 14th
Markus Nullmeier GAVO / Uni Heidelberg N / A N / A

insert your name here...


A room is reserved for us at Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), see http://www.g-vo.org/edp-forum-2016/venue.html for how to get there.

Topics to dicuss

* Data Model updates

* Structuring a database from the data model

* Storing/serializing the Activity/Entity Descriptions

- AI Mathieu: make a proposition for next meeting (vo-table params? or json? xml?)
 * Access to the Provenance database
- first version without "parameter"-class, ObsCore like => ProvTAP
 * Structure and content of the IVOA working draft

* Roadmap for Trieste (Interop in October) and beyond

* Contributions to ADASS Oct. 2016?

- AI: Kristin: Provenance Overview/Review

- AI: Mathieu: CTA + Provenance

 * Next Provenance day meeting
* news : the provenance Week / RDA interest group (little activity) /
- 18.-20. July or week of 22nd August in Paris, Mathieu will check room availability
* news : the provenance Week / RDA interest group (little activity) /
 Goals as proposed for roadmap (Kristin)
  • define minimum requirements for the data model nfinalize the data model (diagram) –so that it works with only minor modifications for all our use cases –including VODML-compliant representation (e.g. using Modelio, Magic Draw)
  • define minimum requirements for the data model
  • - finalize the data model (diagram)
  • –so that it works with only minor modifications for all our use cases
  • –including VODML-compliant representation (e.g. using Modelio, Magic Draw)
  • have the draft out as official working draft
    • –structure of the draft
    • –including minimum requirements
    • –including a section on serialising the data model
    • –including a section on accessing provenance data
  • Assign sections to various writers and decide a deadline July
  • Assign sections to various writers and decide a deadline
  • - July
  • work out relations between SimDM and ProvDM
    • – (have at least one use case worked out with both models)








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