Difference: ProvDayMarch2017 (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52017-03-27 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

Provenance Follow_up meeting

at ASTERICS Tech Forum in Strasbourg, France, 2017/03/23

hosted at Observatoire de Strasbourg

supported by Asterics Project and OV-France , GAVO, Paris Data Center


This meeting was held during the Thirds Asterics Tech Forum in Strasbourg , during two Hackaton sessions.


Kristin RIEBE - "Links between SimDM and ProvenanceDM" []

The mapping between SimDM classes and provDM classes is easy. It will be explained in the current ProvDM WD

- "Prov DAL and Serialisation formats for Provenance DM" discussion

As ProvDM in the W3C provides software tools for visualisation and serialisation/ translation we investigate which formats should be used for the various use-cases considered for the IVOA ProvDM:

Preferences are:
- PROV-JSON all partners SVOM, CTA, Pollux, ..
- PROV-XML Lofar
- VOTable Pollux , CDS

Jose Enrique RUIZ DEL MAZO, CTA data model pdf
Jose Enrique RUIZ DEL MAZO, CTA data model pdf
  Analysis workflow : into the CTA pipeline and into the scientist analysis destop

Michèle SANGUILLON - voprov python module: current status

Presentation pdf
Presentation pdf
  Discussion : examples of VOProv python library need more trials
tools are available : we can build on it .
we see we should explore more the various serialisation formats of the DM Classes
a wiki page will be dedicated for that and annonced on the DM list

Other topics to discuss next ( on DM list and at next meeting)

Riebe Kristin, Louys Mireille, F. Bonnarel Updates in class design : Activity Flow, relations as classes, roles in the Provenance DM WD discussion
RIEBE Kristin- VO-DML representation How to deal with the "double compositions" in-between relation-classes discussion
RIEBE Kristin - F. Bonnarel and ? Use case discussions: next steps for implementations discussion
Riebe Kristin, Louys Mireille, F. Bonnarel Updates in class design : Activity Flow, relations as classes, roles in the Provenance DM WD discussion
RIEBE Kristin- VO-DML representation How to deal with the "double compositions" in-between relation-classes discussion
RIEBE Kristin - F. Bonnarel and ? Use case discussions: next steps for implementations discussion
Mathieu Servillat ctapipe Provenance python class for CTA presentation + discussion
RIEBE Kristin - F. Bonnarel and ? Use case discussions: next steps for implementations discussion



META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ProvenanceinandoutCTADM-JoseEnriqueRUIZ.pdf" attr="" comment="Provenance & Workflows in CTA context" date="1490561557" name="ProvenanceinandoutCTADM-JoseEnriqueRUIZ.pdf" path="ProvenanceinandoutCTADM-JoseEnriqueRUIZ.pdf" size="7020155" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="170322_Asterics_voprov.pdf" attr="" comment="Hackaton Provenance@Asterics / Michèle Sanguillon" date="1490620045" name="170322_Asterics_voprov.pdf" path="170322_Asterics_voprov.pdf" size="1092337" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="170322Astericsvoprov.pdf" attr="" comment="Hackaton Provenance@Asterics / Michèle Sanguillon" date="1490620335" name="170322Astericsvoprov.pdf" path="170322Astericsvoprov.pdf" size="1092337" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
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