Difference: ProvDiscussionOctober016 (1 vs. 7)

Revision 72016-11-29 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


[to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments) included now in draft
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version) done: new Modelio version created with working xmi export
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille) included already in current draft version, in Activity and Entity section.
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu) done.
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu) done.

Longer term action items:

  • vo-dml version (Laurent, all)
  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Draw workflow diagram for introduction (Kristin)
  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle, Francois)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December
  • Include Light-curves use case in working draft, start implementation suggestions (Markus N.?)

Revision 62016-11-21 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


[to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments) included now in draft
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version) done: new Modelio version created with working xmi export
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille) included already in current draft version, in Activity and Entity section.
  • Draw workflow diagram (Kristin)
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu) done.
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu)
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)

Longer term action items:

  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • vo-dml version (Laurent, all)
  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Draw workflow diagram for introduction (Kristin)
  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle, Francois)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December
  • Include Light-curves use case in working draft, start implementation suggestions (Markus N.?)

Revision 52016-11-16 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


[to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments) included now in draft
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version) done: new Modelio version created with working xmi export
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille) included already in new version
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille) included already in current draft version, in Activity and Entity section.
  • Draw workflow diagram (Kristin)
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu)
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)

Longer term action items:

  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle, Francois)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December

Revision 42016-11-16 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


[to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments)
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version)
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille)
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments) included now in draft
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version) done: new Modelio version created with working xmi export
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille) included already in new version
  • Draw workflow diagram (Kristin)
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu)
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)

Longer term action items:

  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle, Francois)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December

Revision 32016-11-03 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


  [to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

Action Items (due on 15th November):
  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle)
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments)
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version)
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille)
  • Draw workflow diagram (Kristin)
  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)
More longer term action item:

Longer term action items:

  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle, Francois)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December

Revision 22016-11-02 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

[to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille) done : David Languignon will join us on 13th of dec
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle)
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments)
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version)
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille)
  • Draw workflow diagram (Kristin)
  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)
 More longer term action item:
  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December

Revision 12016-10-22 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

[to be inserted by Mireille and others]

Action Items (due on 15th November):

  • Check Agent roles (table in the draft) (Mireille and Francois)
  • Minimal requirements - check again (Mireille)
  • Check date for next meeting, maybe invite someone (13th December) (Mireille)
  • Write a list of classes and attributes used in each use case for the appendix, with some example values and comment, how the class/attribute is used (Kristin, Mathieu, Michèle)
  • wasDerivedFrom, wasInformedBy (Kristin makes first version, asks for comments)
  • Modelio issues (Mireille and Laurent, licensed Modelio version)
  • Update class diagram (ActivityCollection, hasStep, Mireille)
  • Draw workflow diagram (Kristin)
  • vo-dml version (Laurent)
  • Parameter section: move to main text (Mathieu)
  • Expand HiPS-use case (using Prov-W3C-tools) (Francois)
  • Issues with HiPS use case attributes; send a list via mail (Francois)
  • Add implementation note: can "collapse" parts of the provenance class diagram (Mathieu)
  • Send mail to Mark C.-D. with the (final) draft, ask to submit it to the documents-page, circulate email (Kristin, Mathieu)

More longer term action item:

  • write a voprov-library containing additional IVOA ProvenanceDM classes (Michèle)
  • evaluate graph databases (anyone??)
  • SimDM mapping (with David Languignon?) -> for meeting on 13th December

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