Difference: ProvFocusAstericsExamples (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42019-03-04 - OleStreicher

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"

IVOA Provenance DM PR2 - Serialisation Examples

Here are working examples with the PR2 datamodel version.

We use the instance identifiers to express how our instances are bound to each other into our DB systems. They are implemented as primary and foreign keys .

It applies to :

  • CTA Job followup (M.Servillat)
    • description
    • description
      • Instances of Provenance Data model classes for an example with CTA pipeline :
      • 3 observation blocks with CTA (H.E.S.S. public data release used as if it was CTA)
      • image generation with gammapy_maps (run with OPUS at the Observatoire de Paris
    • file prov_example_cta_2activities_v3.txt
  • Provenance of a HIPS data collection (F. Bonnarel)

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="prov_example_hipsv2.txt" attr="" comment="Provenance for the generation of HiPS data collection - F Bonnarel -CDS" date="1550870752" name="prov_example_hipsv2.txt" path="prov_example_hipsv2.txt" size="12400" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="prov_example_cta_2activities_v3.txt" attr="" comment="CTA serialization example for activities in CTA pipe -M.Servillat - LUTH" date="1550870978" name="prov_example_cta_2activities_v3.txt" path="prov_example_cta_2activities_v3.txt" size="19206" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="prov-example-CubeSegmentation-ML.txt" attr="" comment="Provenance for a Cube segmentation Activity - M.Louys - CDS" date="1550871961" name="prov-example-CubeSegmentation-ML.txt" path="prov-example-CubeSegmentation-ML.txt" size="13584" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Cube_Segmentation_Activity_Description_Object_diagramFeb22v2.png" attr="" comment="Modelio Instance diagram of a Cube segmentation Activity - MLouys" date="1550872560" name="Cube_Segmentation_Activity_Description_Object_diagramFeb22v2.png" path="Cube_Segmentation_Activity_Description_Object_diagramFeb22v2.png" size="116059" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="activityDescriptionMap-draw.pdf" attr="" comment="drawing of an Activity Description MindMap - Louys" date="1550872945" name="activityDescriptionMap-draw.pdf" path="activityDescriptionMap-draw.pdf" size="452767" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="ctaprov.html" attr="" comment="HTML representation of CTA provenance in the compromise model" date="1551689282" name="ctaprov.html" path="ctaprov.html" size="11911" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="hipsprov.html" attr="" comment="HTML representation of HIPS provenance in the compromise model" date="1551689329" name="hipsprov.html" path="hipsprov.html" size="4251" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="cubeprov.html" attr="" comment="HTML representation of cube segmentation provenance in the compromise model" date="1551689367" name="cubeprov.html" path="cubeprov.html" size="5861" user="OleStreicher" version="1"
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