Difference: ProvenanceDataModelLegacy (1 vs. 6)

Revision 62016-10-04 - KristinRiebe

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


Provenance Data Model Legacy

Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

 The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/2004. It gave birth to the Spectral data model and the characterisation data model. The draft for the full Observation model became an IVOA note in 2005. The concept of provenance was introduced in this note.
* Motivation and use cases

Motivation and use cases

The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2012 with evolution of the concept:
The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2012 with evolution of the concept:
Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2006 Close to completion of char datamodel, motivations to start full Obs data model including Provenance Spring 2006
Beijing More detailed proposal for the content Spring 2007
Beijing More detailed proposal for the content Spring 2007
Cambridge UK New provenance use cases gathered from a spectroscopy workshop held at ESAC in 2007 Fall 2007
Trieste Looking for new partners with various interests and observational background. Spring 2008
Baltimore Juan de proposes a radio astronomy view of Provenance Fall 2008 / Juan de Santander Vela
Baltimore Mireille proposes a core Provenance container with hooking of specific details in addition Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Garching Juan de moved to ESO and proposes with Arancha a provenance view for ESO requirements Fall 2009 / Juan de Santander Vela
Garching Igor is moving to CDS. He proposes provenance use cases for complex datasets Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian
There were splinter meetings on provenance in Baltimore, Garching and Nara. No trace has been left about this. But they have been opportunities to discover requirements from newcomers in the game. The same happened at EURO-VO meetings in the same period.
There were splinter meetings on provenance in Baltimore, Garching and Nara. No trace has been left about this. But they have been opportunities to discover requirements from newcomers in the game. The same happened at EURO-VO meetings in the same period.

First xml attempts

* First xml attempts
Attempts were made to serialize provenance details. The goal was to demonstrate the aibility of the project.
Attempts were made to serialize provenance details. The goal was to demonstrate the aibility of the project.
Interop Content Materials
Baltimore First serialization examples in xml. Processing is made of succession of processing stages hooking inpout and output datasets Fall 2008 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg An example of xml schema for Observing Configuration has been added Spring 2009 DM
Strasbourg Access to Provenance metadata was seen under the "generic data set" concept which gave birth to ObstAP/ObsCOre and DataLink soon after Spring 2009 DAL
Garching For the first time Provenance metadata are seen as a complement to ObsCore in the general VO architecture Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg Access to Provenance metadata was seen under the "generic data set" concept which gave birth to ObstAP/ObsCOre and DataLink soon after Spring 2009 DAL
Garching For the first time Provenance metadata are seen as a complement to ObsCore in the general VO architecture Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
  You can also look directly at the xml schema and the xml example prototyped in this period. They are not consistent however.

UML diagram

* UML diagram
According to IVOA rules at that time a Data Model had to be exposed with an UML schema. In 2010 it was considered time to try to build one.
According to IVOA rules at that time a Data Model had to be exposed with an UML schema. In 2010 it was considered time to try to build one.
Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2010 First (and only) attempt to build a provenance UML diagram Spring 2010
Nara In 2010 we were also introducing a use case for VOspace. But we realized progresses were really slow. UML diagram unchanged Fall 2010
* Sao Paulo review (October 2012)

Sao Paulo review (October 2012)

In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. There were talks by Nikos from Marseille (caclulator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunately they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was definetly too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.
In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. There were talks by Nikos from Marseille (calculator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunately they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was definitely too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.
* Conclusion


Why was all this so slow and eventually "failed"? In FrancoisBonnarel opinion there was a sociological and a technical reason. The sociological one was that the Provenance task was nobody's priority task (including DM "permanents" like Mireille, Anita, Igor or François) just because there was much more critical VO businness for them at the time. Things have changed now. The technical point on the other side was that there was a lot of classes to develop and many ways were possible to describe the metatada. Probably moving to the W3C core architecture helped to structure the efforts around a sound an stable core.
Why was all this so slow and eventually "failed"? In FrancoisBonnarel opinion there was a sociological and a technical reason. The sociological one was that the Provenance task was nobody's priority task (including DM "permanents" like Mireille, Anita, Igor or François) just because there was much more critical VO businness for them at the time. Things have changed now. The technical point on the other side was that there were a lot of classes to develop and many ways were possible to describe the metatada. Probably moving to the W3C core architecture helped to structure the efforts around a sound and stable core.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance.xsd" attr="" comment="Provenance xml schema" date="1474034768" name="Provenance.xsd" path="Provenance.xsd" size="3022" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="provenance.xml" attr="" comment="Provenance xml example document" date="1474038387" name="provenance.xml" path="provenance.xml" size="3753" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 52016-09-17 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/2004. It gave birth to the Spectral data model and the characterisation data model. The draft for the full Observation model became an IVOA note in 2005. The concept of provenance was introduced in this note.

* Motivation and use cases

The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2012 with evolution of the concept:

Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2006 Close to completion of char datamodel, motivations to start full Obs data model including Provenance Spring 2006
Beijing More detailed proposal for the content Spring 2007
Cambridge UK New provenance use cases gathered from a spectroscopy workshop held at ESAC in 2007 Fall 2007
Trieste Looking for new partners with various interests and observational background. Spring 2008
Baltimore Juan de proposes a radio astronomy view of Provenance Fall 2008 / Juan de Santander Vela
Baltimore Mireille proposes a core Prov container and hooking of specific details Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Baltimore Mireille proposes a core Provenance container with hooking of specific details in addition Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Garching Juan de moved to ESO and proposes with Arancha a provenance view for ESO requirements Fall 2009 / Juan de Santander Vela
Garching Igor is moving to CDS. He proposes provenace use cases for complex datasets Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian
Garching Igor is moving to CDS. He proposes provenance use cases for complex datasets Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian
There were splinter meetings on provenance in Baltimore, Garching and Nara. No trace has been left about this. But it was opportunities to discover requirements from newcomers in the game. The same happened at EURO-VO meetings in the same period.
There were splinter meetings on provenance in Baltimore, Garching and Nara. No trace has been left about this. But they have been opportunities to discover requirements from newcomers in the game. The same happened at EURO-VO meetings in the same period.

* First xml attempts

Attempts were made to serialize provenance details. The goal was to demonstrate the possibility of the project.
Attempts were made to serialize provenance details. The goal was to demonstrate the aibility of the project.
Interop Content Materials
Baltimore First serialization examples in xml. Processing is made of succession of processing stages hooking inpout and output datasets Fall 2008 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg An example of xml schema for Observing condition has been added Spring 2009 DM
Strasbourg An example of xml schema for Observing Configuration has been added Spring 2009 DM
Strasbourg Access to Provenance metadata was seen under the "generic data set" concept which gave birth to ObstAP/ObsCOre and DataLink soon after Spring 2009 DAL
Garching For the first time Provenance metadata are seen as a complement to ObsCore in the generakl VO architeture Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
Garching For the first time Provenance metadata are seen as a complement to ObsCore in the general VO architecture Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
You can also look directly at the xml schema and the xml example prototyped in this period. They are not consistent
You can also look directly at the xml schema and the xml example prototyped in this period. They are not consistent however.

* UML diagram

According to IVOA rules at that time a Data Model had to be exposed with an UML schema. In 2010 it was considered time to try to build one.

Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2010 First (and only) attempt to build a provenance UML diagram Spring 2010
Nara In 2010 we were also introducing a use case for VOspace. But we realized progresses were really slow Fall 2010
Victoria 2010 First (and only) attempt to build a provenance UML diagram Spring 2010
Nara In 2010 we were also introducing a use case for VOspace. But we realized progresses were really slow. UML diagram unchanged Fall 2010
  * Sao Paulo review (October 2012)
In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. there were talks by Nikos from Marseille (caclulator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunatly they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was defintly too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.
In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. There were talks by Nikos from Marseille (caclulator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunately they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was definetly too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.
  * Conclusion
Why was all this so slow and eventually "failed". In FrancoisBonnarel opinion there was a sociological and a technical reason. The sociological one was that the Provenance task was nobody's priority task (including DM "permanents" like Mireille, Anita, Igor or myself) just because there was much more critical businness at the time. Things have changed now. The technical point was that ther was a lot of classes ato develop and many ways to describe the metatada. Probably moving to the W3C core architecture helped to structure the efforts
Why was all this so slow and eventually "failed"? In FrancoisBonnarel opinion there was a sociological and a technical reason. The sociological one was that the Provenance task was nobody's priority task (including DM "permanents" like Mireille, Anita, Igor or François) just because there was much more critical VO businness for them at the time. Things have changed now. The technical point on the other side was that there was a lot of classes to develop and many ways were possible to describe the metatada. Probably moving to the W3C core architecture helped to structure the efforts around a sound an stable core.
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance.xsd" attr="" comment="Provenance xml schema" date="1474034768" name="Provenance.xsd" path="Provenance.xsd" size="3022" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="provenance.xml" attr="" comment="Provenance xml example document" date="1474038387" name="provenance.xml" path="provenance.xml" size="3753" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 42016-09-16 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/2004. It gave birth to the Spectral data model and the characterisation data model. The draft for the full Observation model became an IVOA note in 2005. The concept of provenance was introduced in this note.

* Motivation and use cases

The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2012 with evolution of the concept:

Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2006   Spring 2006
Beijing   Spring 2007
Cambridge UK   Fall 2007
Trieste   Spring 2008
Baltimore   Fall 2008 / Juan de Santander Vela
Baltimore   Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Garching   Fall 2009 / Juan de Santander Vela
Garching   Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian
Victoria 2006 Close to completion of char datamodel, motivations to start full Obs data model including Provenance Spring 2006
Beijing More detailed proposal for the content Spring 2007
Cambridge UK New provenance use cases gathered from a spectroscopy workshop held at ESAC in 2007 Fall 2007
Trieste Looking for new partners with various interests and observational background. Spring 2008
Baltimore Juan de proposes a radio astronomy view of Provenance Fall 2008 / Juan de Santander Vela
Baltimore Mireille proposes a core Prov container and hooking of specific details Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Garching Juan de moved to ESO and proposes with Arancha a provenance view for ESO requirements Fall 2009 / Juan de Santander Vela
Garching Igor is moving to CDS. He proposes provenace use cases for complex datasets Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian
There were splinter meetings on provenance in Baltimore, Garching and Nara. No trace has been left about this. But it was opportunities to discover requirements from newcomers in the game. The same happened at EURO-VO meetings in the same period.

* First xml attempts

Attempts were made to serialize provenance details. The goal was to demonstrate the possibility of the project.
Interop Content Materials
Baltimore   Fall 2008 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg   Spring 2009 DM
Strasbourg   Spring 2009 DAL
Garching   Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
Baltimore First serialization examples in xml. Processing is made of succession of processing stages hooking inpout and output datasets Fall 2008 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg An example of xml schema for Observing condition has been added Spring 2009 DM
Strasbourg Access to Provenance metadata was seen under the "generic data set" concept which gave birth to ObstAP/ObsCOre and DataLink soon after Spring 2009 DAL
Garching For the first time Provenance metadata are seen as a complement to ObsCore in the generakl VO architeture Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
You can also look directly at the xml schema and the xml example prototyped in this period. They are not consistent

* UML diagram

According to IVOA rules at that time a Data Model had to be exposed with an UML schema. In 2010 it was considered time to try to build one.
Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2010   Spring 2010
Nara   Fall 2010
Victoria 2010 First (and only) attempt to build a provenance UML diagram Spring 2010
Nara In 2010 we were also introducing a use case for VOspace. But we realized progresses were really slow Fall 2010
  * Sao Paulo review (October 2012)

In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. there were talks by Nikos from Marseille (caclulator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunatly they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was defintly too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.

* Conclusion

Why was all this so slow and eventually "failed". In FrancoisBonnarel opinion there was a sociological and a technical reason. The sociological one was that the Provenance task was nobody's priority task (including DM "permanents" like Mireille, Anita, Igor or myself) just because there was much more critical businness at the time. Things have changed now. The technical point was that ther was a lot of classes ato develop and many ways to describe the metatada. Probably moving to the W3C core architecture helped to structure the efforts

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="Provenance.xsd" attr="" comment="Provenance xml schema" date="1474034768" name="Provenance.xsd" path="Provenance.xsd" size="3022" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="provenance.xml" attr="" comment="Provenance xml example document" date="1474038387" name="provenance.xml" path="provenance.xml" size="3753" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"

Revision 32016-09-15 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/2004. It gave birth to the Spectral data model and the characterisation data model. The draft for the full Observation model became an IVOA note in 2005. The concept of provenance was introduced in this note.

* Motivation and use cases

The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2013 with evolution of the concept
The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2012 with evolution of the concept:
Spring 2006 (Observation.ppt)
Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2006   Spring 2006
Beijing   Spring 2007
Cambridge UK   Fall 2007
Trieste   Spring 2008
Baltimore   Fall 2008 / Juan de Santander Vela
Baltimore   Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Garching   Fall 2009 / Juan de Santander Vela
Garching   Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian
  * First xml attempts
Interop Content Materials
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Baltimore   Fall 2008 François Bonnarel
Garching   Fall 2009 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg   Spring 2009 DAL
Strasbourg   Spring 2009 DM

  * UML diagram
Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2010   Spring 2010
Nara   Fall 2010
  * Sao Paulo review (October 2012)
In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. there were talks by Nikos from Marseille (caclulator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunatly they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was defintly too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.

Revision 22016-09-15 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/2004. It gave birth to the Spectral data model and the characterisation data model. The draft for the full Observation model became an IVOA note in 2005. The concept of provenance was introduced in this note.
  * Motivation and use cases
The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2013 with evolution of the concept

Spring 2006 (Observation.ppt)

  * First xml attempts

* UML diagram

* Sao Paulo review (October 2012)

Revision 12016-09-14 - FrancoisBonnarel

META TOPICPARENT name="ObservationProvenanceDataModel"


* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

* Motivation and use cases

* First xml attempts

* UML diagram

* Sao Paulo review (October 2012)

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