* Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005)

The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/2004. It gave birth to the Spectral data model and the characterisation data model. The draft for the full Observation model became an IVOA note in 2005. The concept of provenance was introduced in this note.

* Motivation and use cases

The motivation and use cases for a provenance data model have been discussed at most of the Interop meetings between 2006 and 2012 with evolution of the concept:

Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2006   Spring 2006
Beijing   Spring 2007
Cambridge UK   Fall 2007
Trieste   Spring 2008
Baltimore   Fall 2008 / Juan de Santander Vela
Baltimore   Fall 2008 / Mireille Louys
Garching   Fall 2009 / Juan de Santander Vela
Garching   Fall 2009 / Igor Chilingarian

* First xml attempts

Interop Content Materials
Baltimore   Fall 2008 François Bonnarel
Strasbourg   Spring 2009 DM
Strasbourg   Spring 2009 DAL
Garching   Fall 2009 François Bonnarel

* UML diagram

Interop Content Materials
Victoria 2010   Spring 2010
Nara   Fall 2010

* Sao Paulo review (October 2012)

In a dedicated splinter meeting at this interop an attempt was made to relaunch the effort. There was a lot of use cases summarized in the Introduction talk as well as a summary of the previous technological attempts. there were talks by Nikos from Marseille (caclulator), ArnoldRots and KristinRiebe, but unfortunatly they are lost. A the end of the meeting MarkusDemleitner concluded that the approach followed so far was defintly too ambitious and we had to start with revised ambitions and more stable technology. This started at the Heidelberg meeting in May 2013.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2016-09-15 - FrancoisBonnarel
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