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Revision 32022-03-23 - FrancoisBonnarel


Radio Astronomy Interest Group

Fourth Virtual Meeting 2022, March 7th/8th via zoom

Telecon Agenda:

  • LMT, Peter Teuben
  • GBT, Thomas Chamberlin/
  • Parkes, James Dempsey
  • Italian radioastronomy archive, Alessandra Zanichelli
  • FAST data, Zheng Zheng



Peter Teuben: Obscore for LMT

Make obscore tables for L1-L2 data and above (calibrated spectra, cubes, mosaics, ADMIT products).Host on dataverse

Discussion: questions about units for resolution (arcsec always we think, but need to check ALMA), frequency support (multiple spw per observation). A plan could be same obsid different obsdid for each spw
Discussion: questions about units for resolution (arcsec always we think, but need to check ALMA), frequency support (multiple spw per observation). A plan could be same obsid different obs_publisher_did for each spectral window


Tom Chamberlin:

GBO data will be stored at new GBO data center and served through the NRAO archive access tool (AAT) (no VO yet for the AAT, is in the long-term plan).

Discussion: best way to ensure VO compatibility - make sure ObsCore information is present (can always write a mapping). Severin suggests start with a TAP service, the TAP layer can do the translation between observatory metadata and obscore.


James Dempsey described the current state of VO services from Australian radio projects - will send specs for CASDA VO services that can be placed on the IVOA RIG wiki.

INAF radio archive
FAST data
Alessandra describes the different observing modes (on/off, raster, flying scan, etc...) and the data structure. The data structure is made of table fits extension files for subscans groupped in scan directories with summary headers for all the scan (no SDFITS)
Also question of mult feed receivers

hierarchichal view --> scan entity is relevant for ObsCore ?

Then Alessandra browsed the mandatory ObsCore parameters

some questions/issues on s_fov, s_region, s_resolution, t_tresolution,

em_res_power not adapted ---> em_resolution

question of multiple spectral windows like LMT (see above)

Discussion : For different spectral windows: at waht part of raw data do people want to go ? is it OK to go back so deep .? in science gateway ..how do we articulate raw data / processed data ...

Do we describe spectral supports instead of splitting observations in several datasets ? --> may be difficult

> this discussion had a follow up within the ESCAPE project

FAST science cases and data

FAST = 500 m Aperture Spherical radio telescope

5 field cabins

science and data

HI observation, FRB, pulsars, specral data

CRAFTS : (comensal survey) half of the sky


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="LMT_data.pdf" attr="" comment="Large Millimeter Telescope" date="1647959418" name="LMT_data.pdf" path="LMT_data.pdf" size="156052" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="INAF_SD-data-and-the-VO_v1.pdf" attr="" comment="INAF Single dish data in the VO" date="1647959698" name="INAF_SD-data-and-the-VO_v1.pdf" path="INAF_SD-data-and-the-VO_v1.pdf" size="633078" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FAST_data.pdf" attr="" comment="FAST dat : science and format" date="1648039557" name="FAST_data.pdf" path="FAST_data.pdf" size="8920021" user="FrancoisBonnarel" version="1"
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