Radio Astronomy Interest Group

Fourth Virtual Meeting 2022, March 7th/8th via zoom

Telecon Agenda:

  • LMT, Peter Teuben
  • GBT, Thomas Chamberlin/
  • Parkes, James Dempsey
  • Italian radioastronomy archive, Alessandra Zanichelli
  • FAST data, Zheng Zheng



Peter Teuben: Obscore for LMT

Make obscore tables for L1-L2 data and above (calibrated spectra, cubes, mosaics, ADMIT products).Host on dataverse

Discussion: questions about units for resolution (arcsec always we think, but need to check ALMA), frequency support (multiple spw per observation). A plan could be same obsid different obsdid for each spw


Tom Chamberlin:

GBO data will be stored at new GBO data center and served through the NRAO archive access tool (AAT) (no VO yet for the AAT, is in the long-term plan).

Discussion: best way to ensure VO compatibility - make sure ObsCore information is present (can always write a mapping). Severin suggests start with a TAP service, the TAP layer can do the translation between observatory metadata and obscore.


James Dempsey described the current state of VO services from Australian radio projects - will send specs for CASDA VO services that can be placed on the IVOA RIG wiki.

INAF radio archive

FAST data

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf FAST_data.pdf r1 manage 8711.0 K 2022-03-23 - 12:45 FrancoisBonnarel FAST dat : science and format
PDFpdf INAF_SD-data-and-the-VO_v1.pdf r1 manage 618.2 K 2022-03-22 - 14:34 FrancoisBonnarel INAF Single dish data in the VO
PDFpdf LMT_data.pdf r1 manage 152.4 K 2022-03-22 - 14:30 FrancoisBonnarel Large Millimeter Telescope
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Topic revision: r2 - 2022-03-23 - FrancoisBonnarel
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