Difference: Registry19032003 (1 vs. 35)

Revision 352003-07-04 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


The meeting kicked off on time but was delayed by problems in getting the telecon working. In the end, Bob set up a NASA telecon link which we used for the rest of the two days. Because of the delays, we fudged the above agenda, dropping all discussions and running the presentations one after the other.

19 March 2003: Presentations

A number of people made presentations on topics related to the VO Registry. I scribbled down a few notes during a couple of the presentations and have added them here. Maybe others who attended can add to these.


presented by Andre Schaaff: download presentation from below

If we apply the GLU paradigm to REGISTRIES:

The structure would be:

  • there can be several DOMAINS
  • there are a number of running registries (CLIENTS and/or SERVERS for one or several domains, each running a GLU-like deamon)
  • each registry uses as a hook, or entry point to the system
  • the different servers for a domain are listed/authenticated by a MANAGER

Each client has a local dictionary (list of items in its local registry) and also a local copy of all the other definitions in other registries for the domains he has subscribed to.

Update mechanism and propagation:

  • when a server updates its local dictionary, a synchronization mechanism propagates the modification on all dedicated clients

In this scheme:

  • Each data center can be in charge of maintaining locally the description of its own services in its local registry.
  • Services could also be registered via a web interface, on a dedicated deamon, for people who don't want to run a local deamon.
  • When a change is done locally, it is automatically propagated to other registries sharing the same domain.
  • Each registry has a copy of other registries' definitions in the same domain.
  • The system can work whatever the metadata adopted for the actual description of the registry are.

  • questions about UDDI:
    v2 is better and is worth looking at
    there are not enough hooks in it for extensions


presented by Andy Powell: download presentation from below

  • Andy was member of the Tech Committee which came up with OAI-PMH
  • not comparable to GLU but might be used in conjunction with it
  • its roots are in e-print archives
    • now a more generic standard
  • goal was to harvest metadata into central services
  • 10 key points (see slides)
  • terminology: resource, item, record
  • protocol describes 6 request types
  • utilises Dublin Core (DC)
    • DC very flexible
  • JIESR: JISC Information Environment Service Repository: more akin to VO Registry

In the following discussions, Andy mentioned the idea of using a harvesting method for portals to maintain a cache of registry information so that they do not have to interogate the Registry for every query.


presented by Marco Leoni: download presentation from below

  • approach to 'self-healing' network
  • lookup service akin to registry
  • metadata can be associated as an object
  • allows search templates
  • issues are that it is Java-specific and is designed for local context

It was agreed that, whether the technology can be deployed as a Registry solution or not, the design may have features that we can adapt or adopt.

Metadata Requirements

presented by Anita Richards: download presentation from below

  • archive catalogs can refer to tabular data, images, spectra
  • key issue: how do we get metadata from the catalogues, headers etc into the registry
  • need extension of UCDs to cover eg frequency resolution
    discussion here determined that the resolution should be a value associated with a UCD rather than each resolution having a separate UCD
  • data quality is another issue: how is it determined and recorded
  • UCDs can evolve from use cases and usage


presented by Clive Page: download presentation from below

  • even finest grained registry will only require 1.0E+07 entries (per observation per instrument)
  • how to categorise wavelength: low/high?
  • need to manage unit conversion
  • sparse coverage: ranges, bitmaps, ...


presented by Alberto Micol: download presentation from below

  • Science Case (De Grijs)
  • developed work plan
  • constraints based on distance, data quality (how to define quality)
  • need creation of data model for registry

AstroGrid Registry

presented by Elizabeth Auden: download presentation from below

I was out of the room for most of this presentation: perhaps others can contribute. My notes relate to the following discussion.

  • need a registry data model
  • should be able to refer to other entities: non-services


We began discussing 'Scope' of the Registry WG.

First thing agreed was what the Registry registered: services or resources. We went for Resources as a more generic name for the entries.

The scope discussion didn't get much further so we agreed to continue the next day with discussion of the seven work packages that I'd defined at the end of my first set of slides.

20 March 2003: Work Packages

The discussion of Day 2 concentrated on each work package, what it should cover and some initial goals. As it happened we dropped from the initial seven WPs to five, as follows. I tended to update the Day 2 slides as we went along so they reflect what was agreed for each WP.

Rwp01: Management, Policy & Documentation standards

  • produce documentation template
  • act as liaison with IVOA exec
  • coordinate WP plans and publish integrated set
  • look after policy issues (eg how do Data Centres join the VO registry)

Rwp02: Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases

  • 5-6 science scenarios
  • use cases
  • requirements

Discussion about testing focused on issue of how to 'validate' a registry implementation. Can it be done with a script of tests and expected results or can it be more specific, ie have set of test resources which are added to the registry and baseplate queries are expected to produce set results?

Rwp03: Metadata specs

  • define data model (structure and content) for information entered into registry
    • need accompanying explanation
  • define xml schemas for minimum but extensible information in registry (like DC)

Rwp04: Registry replication and interfaces

  • security/privacy of metadata
  • how is metadata harvested (into registry & from registry into eg portal cache)
  • query schema
  • maintenance (add/change/delete) schema

There was some discussion about how data centres 'join' the VO registry (or set of registries); this prompted the extension of Rwp01 to include policy issues.

Rwp05: Implementation coordination

This WP began life as one to create a relatively simple reference implementation. It was felt that this was unnecessary given the number of projects underway.


  • coordinate implementation of registry standards among VO projects
  • ? create software library
  • ? develop components


  • all communications should be via the Registry mailing list
  • any message on the list should be prefixed with the wp code, eg 'Rwp03: look at my data model'
  • wp leads need to be assertive about getting others to work on topics
  • all Scope documents and Plans to be produced by 11-April
  • TL to update wiki with notes from this meeting (DONE: finally)


see below

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="http://howto.jini.org/public/howtos/firewalls/" date="1048774603" name="jini_firewall.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\jini_firewall.pdf" size="155462" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"

Revision 342003-04-02 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


The meeting kicked off on time but was delayed by problems in getting the telecon working. In the end, Bob set up a NASA telecon link which we used for the rest of the two days. Because of the delays, we fudged the above agenda, dropping all discussions and running the presentations one after the other.

19 March 2003: Presentations

A number of people made presentations on topics related to the VO Registry. I scribbled down a few notes during a couple of the presentations and have added them here. Maybe others who attended can add to these.


presented by Andre Schaaff: download presentation from below
If we apply the GLU paradigm to REGISTRIES:

The structure would be:

  • there can be several DOMAINS
  • there are a number of running registries (CLIENTS and/or SERVERS for one or several domains, each running a GLU-like deamon)
  • each registry uses as a hook, or entry point to the system
  • the different servers for a domain are listed/authenticated by a MANAGER

Each client has a local dictionary (list of items in its local registry) and also a local copy of all the other definitions in other registries for the domains he has subscribed to.

Update mechanism and propagation:

  • when a server updates its local dictionary, a synchronization mechanism propagates the modification on all dedicated clients

In this scheme:

  • Each data center can be in charge of maintaining locally the description of its own services in its local registry.
  • Services could also be registered via a web interface, on a dedicated deamon, for people who don't want to run a local deamon.
  • When a change is done locally, it is automatically propagated to other registries sharing the same domain.
  • Each registry has a copy of other registries' definitions in the same domain.
  • The system can work whatever the metadata adopted for the actual description of the registry are.
  • questions about UDDI:
    v2 is better and is worth looking at
    there are not enough hooks in it for extensions


presented by Andy Powell: download presentation from below

  • Andy was member of the Tech Committee which came up with OAI-PMH
  • not comparable to GLU but might be used in conjunction with it
  • its roots are in e-print archives
    • now a more generic standard
  • goal was to harvest metadata into central services
  • 10 key points (see slides)
  • terminology: resource, item, record
  • protocol describes 6 request types
  • utilises Dublin Core (DC)
    • DC very flexible
  • JIESR: JISC Information Environment Service Repository: more akin to VO Registry

In the following discussions, Andy mentioned the idea of using a harvesting method for portals to maintain a cache of registry information so that they do not have to interogate the Registry for every query.


presented by Marco Leoni: download presentation from below

  • approach to 'self-healing' network
  • lookup service akin to registry
  • metadata can be associated as an object
  • allows search templates
  • issues are that it is Java-specific and is designed for local context

It was agreed that, whether the technology can be deployed as a Registry solution or not, the design may have features that we can adapt or adopt.

Metadata Requirements

presented by Anita Richards: download presentation from below

  • archive catalogs can refer to tabular data, images, spectra
  • key issue: how do we get metadata from the catalogues, headers etc into the registry
  • need extension of UCDs to cover eg frequency resolution
    discussion here determined that the resolution should be a value associated with a UCD rather than each resolution having a separate UCD
  • data quality is another issue: how is it determined and recorded
  • UCDs can evolve from use cases and usage


presented by Clive Page: download presentation from below

  • even finest grained registry will only require 1.0E+07 entries (per observation per instrument)
  • how to categorise wavelength: low/high?
  • need to manage unit conversion
  • sparse coverage: ranges, bitmaps, ...


presented by Alberto Micol: download presentation from below

  • Science Case (De Grijs)
  • developed work plan
  • constraints based on distance, data quality (how to define quality)
  • need creation of data model for registry

AstroGrid Registry

presented by Elizabeth Auden: download presentation from below

I was out of the room for most of this presentation: perhaps others can contribute. My notes relate to the following discussion.

  • need a registry data model
  • should be able to refer to other entities: non-services


We began discussing 'Scope' of the Registry WG.

First thing agreed was what the Registry registered: services or resources. We went for Resources as a more generic name for the entries.

The scope discussion didn't get much further so we agreed to continue the next day with discussion of the seven work packages that I'd defined at the end of my first set of slides.

20 March 2003: Work Packages

The discussion of Day 2 concentrated on each work package, what it should cover and some initial goals. As it happened we dropped from the initial seven WPs to five, as follows. I tended to update the Day 2 slides as we went along so they reflect what was agreed for each WP.

Rwp01: Management, Policy & Documentation standards

  • produce documentation template
  • act as liaison with IVOA exec
  • coordinate WP plans and publish integrated set
  • look after policy issues (eg how do Data Centres join the VO registry)

Rwp02: Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases

  • 5-6 science scenarios
  • use cases
  • requirements

Discussion about testing focused on issue of how to 'validate' a registry implementation. Can it be done with a script of tests and expected results or can it be more specific, ie have set of test resources which are added to the registry and baseplate queries are expected to produce set results?

Rwp03: Metadata specs

  • define data model (structure and content) for information entered into registry
    • need accompanying explanation
  • define xml schemas for minimum but extensible information in registry (like DC)

Rwp04: Registry replication and interfaces

  • security/privacy of metadata
  • how is metadata harvested (into registry & from registry into eg portal cache)
  • query schema
  • maintenance (add/change/delete) schema

There was some discussion about how data centres 'join' the VO registry (or set of registries); this prompted the extension of Rwp01 to include policy issues.

Rwp05: Implementation coordination

This WP began life as one to create a relatively simple reference implementation. It was felt that this was unnecessary given the number of projects underway.


  • coordinate implementation of registry standards among VO projects
  • ? create software library
  • ? develop components


  • all communications should be via the Registry mailing list
  • any message on the list should be prefixed with the wp code, eg 'Rwp03: look at my data model'
  • wp leads need to be assertive about getting others to work on topics
  • all Scope documents and Plans to be produced by 11-April
  • TL to update wiki with notes from this meeting (DONE: finally)


see below

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="http://howto.jini.org/public/howtos/firewalls/" date="1048774603" name="jini_firewall.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\jini_firewall.pdf" size="155462" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"

Revision 332003-03-27 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info





 The meeting kicked off on time but was delayed by problems in getting the telecon working. In the end, Bob set up a NASA telecon link which we used for the rest of the two days. Because of the delays, we fudged the above agenda, dropping all discussions and running the presentations one after the other.

19 March 2003: Presentations

A number of people made presentations on topics related to the VO Registry. I scribbled down a few notes during a couple of the presentations and have added them here. Maybe others who attended can add to these.


presented by Andre Schaaff
presented by Andre Schaaff: download presentation from below
  • questions about UDDI:
    v2 is better and is worth looking at
    there are not enough hooks in it for extensions


presented by Andy Powell
presented by Andy Powell: download presentation from below
  • Andy was member of the Tech Committee which came up with OAI-PMH
  • not comparable to GLU but might be used in conjunction with it
  • its roots are in e-print archives
    • now a more generic standard
  • goal was to harvest metadata into central services
  • 10 key points (see slides)
  • terminology: resource, item, record
  • protocol describes 6 request types
  • utilises Dublin Core (DC)
    • DC very flexible
  • JIESR: JISC Information Environment Service Repository: more akin to VO Registry
In the following discussions, Andy mentioned the idea of using a harvesting method for portals to maintain a cache of registry information so that they do not have to interogate the Registry for every query.


presented by Marco Leoni
presented by Marco Leoni: download presentation from below
  • approach to 'self-healing' network
  • lookup service akin to registry
  • metadata can be associated as an object
  • allows search templates
  • issues are that it is Java-specific and is designed for local context
It was agreed that, whether the technology can be deployed as a Registry solution or not, the design may have features that we can adapt or adopt.

Metadata Requirements

presented by Anita Richards
presented by Anita Richards: download presentation from below
  • archive catalogs can refer to tabular data, images, spectra
  • key issue: how do we get metadata from the catalogues, headers etc into the registry
  • need extension of UCDs to cover eg frequency resolution
    discussion here determined that the resolution should be a value associated with a UCD rather than each resolution having a separate UCD
  • data quality is another issue: how is it determined and recorded
  • UCDs can evolve from use cases and usage


presented by Clive Page
presented by Clive Page: download presentation from below
  • even finest grained registry will only require 1.0E+07 entries (per observation per instrument)
  • how to categorise wavelength: low/high?
  • need to manage unit conversion
  • sparse coverage: ranges, bitmaps, ...


presented by Alberto Micol
presented by Alberto Micol: download presentation from below
  • Science Case (De Grijs)
  • developed work plan
  • constraints based on distance, data quality (how to define quality)
  • need creation of data model for registry

AstroGrid Registry

presented by Elizabeth Auden
presented by Elizabeth Auden: download presentation from below
I was out of the room for most of this presentation: perhaps others can contribute. My notes relate to the following discussion.
  • need a registry data model
  • should be able to refer to other entities: non-services


We began discussing 'Scope' of the Registry WG.

First thing agreed was what the Registry registered: services or resources. We went for Resources as a more generic name for the entries.

The scope discussion didn't get much further so we agreed to continue the next day with discussion of the seven work packages that I'd defined at the end of my first set of slides.


20 March 2003: Work Packages

We had finished the previous day with a brief discussion of potential work packages, based on those outlined in my Day 1 slides. The discussion of Day 2 then concentrated on each work package, what it should cover and some initial goals. As it happened we dropped form the initial seven WPs to five, as follows:
The discussion of Day 2 concentrated on each work package, what it should cover and some initial goals. As it happened we dropped from the initial seven WPs to five, as follows. I tended to update the Day 2 slides as we went along so they reflect what was agreed for each WP.

Rwp01: Management, Policy & Documentation standards

  • produce documentation template
  • act as liaison with IVOA exec
  • coordinate WP plans and publish integrated set
  • look after policy issues (eg how do Data Centres join the VO registry)

Rwp02: Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases

  • 5-6 science scenarios
  • use cases
  • requirements
Discussion about testing focused on issue of how to 'validate' a registry implementation. Can it be done with a script of tests and expected results or can it be more specific, ie have set of test resources which are added to the registry and baseplate queries are expected to produce set results?

Rwp03: Metadata specs

  • define data model (structure and content) for information entered into registry
    • need accompanying explanation
  • define xml schemas for minimum but extensible information in registry (like DC)

Rwp04: Registry replication and interfaces

  • security/privacy of metadata
  • how is metadata harvested (into registry & from registry into eg portal cache)
  • query schema
  • maintenance (add/change/delete) schema
There was some discussion about how data centres 'join' the VO registry (or set of registries); this prompted the extension of Rwp01 to include policy issues.

Rwp05: Implementation coordination

This WP began life as one to create a relatively simple reference implementation. It was felt that this was unnecessary given the number of projects underway.


  • coordinate implementation of registry standards among VO projects
  • ? create software library
  • ? develop components


  • all communications should be via the Registry mailing list
  • any message on the list should be prefixed with the wp code, eg 'Rwp03: look at my data model'
  • wp leads need to be assertive about getting others to work on topics
  • all Scope documents and Plans to be produced by 11-April
  • TL to update wiki with notes from this meeting (DONE: finally)


see below

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="http://howto.jini.org/public/howtos/firewalls/" date="1048774603" name="jini_firewall.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\jini_firewall.pdf" size="155462" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"

Revision 322003-03-27 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info





The meeting kicked off on time but was delayed by problems in getting the telecon working. In the end, Bob set up a NASA telecon link which we used for the rest of the two days. Because of the delays, we fudged the above agenda, dropping all discussions and running the presentations one after the other.

19 March 2003: Presentations



presented by Andre Schaaff


presented by Andy Powell


presented by Marco Leoni

Metadata Requirements

presented by Anita Richards


presented by Clive Page


presented by Alberto Micol

AstroGrid Registry

presented by Elizabeth Auden

20 March 2003: Work Packages

We had finished the previous day with a brief discussion of potential work packages, based on those outlined in my Day 1 slides. The discussion of Day 2 then concentrated on each work package, what it should cover and some initial goals. As it happened we dropped form the initial seven WPs to five, as follows:

Rwp01: Management, Policy & Documentation standards

Rwp02: Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases

Rwp03: Metadata specs

Rwp04: Registry replication and interfaces

Rwp05: Implementation coordination



see below
see below
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="http://howto.jini.org/public/howtos/firewalls/" date="1048774603" name="jini_firewall.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\jini_firewall.pdf" size="155462" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"

Revision 312003-03-27 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"
Registry Working Group

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info



see below

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="http://howto.jini.org/public/howtos/firewalls/" date="1048774603" name="jini_firewall.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\jini_firewall.pdf" size="155462" user="MarcoLeoni" version="1.1"

Revision 302003-03-27 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Kickoff Meeting: London: 19-20 March, 2003



 Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A



  London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom


Travel info


Travel info







see below
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony's slides for Day 2: updated as we went along" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 292003-03-27 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 282003-03-27 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="See part 5.5 for Sky partitioning in VizieR" date="1048758901" name="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" path="ochsenbein-2000.pdf" size="215048" user="SebastienDerriere" version="1.1"

Revision 272003-03-24 - AlbertoMicol

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides (more compatible?)" date="1048548982" name="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" path="IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt" size="105984" user="AlbertoMicol" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry_oo.ppt,v"

Revision 262003-03-21 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"

Revision 252003-03-21 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"

Revision 242003-03-20 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048158060" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="225280" user="TonyLinde" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048162366" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.3"

Revision 232003-03-20 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048152960" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="202240" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048158060" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="225280" user="TonyLinde" version="1.2"

Revision 222003-03-20 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1048152960" name="TL-IVOARegistry-Day2.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry-Day2.ppt" size="202240" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"

Revision 212003-03-19 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Poster about JINI work at STScI" date="1048110324" name="JINIDemo.ppt" path="JINIDemo.ppt" size="2554880" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 202003-03-19 - RayPlante

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="An XML Schema for the RS metadata" date="1048099104" name="VOResource.xsd" path="VOResource.xsd" size="16916" user="RayPlante" version="1.1"

Revision 192003-03-19 - BobHanisch

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="V6 of Resource and Service Metadata Definition Doc" date="1048098321" name="ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" path="C:\Documents and Settings\hanisch1.STSCI\My Documents\NVO-Project\Metadata\ResourceServiceMetadataV6.pdf" size="217135" user="BobHanisch" version="1.1"

Revision 182003-03-19 - AnitaRichards

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .ppt" date="1048097454" name="RegistryMetadata.ppt" path="RegistryMetadata.ppt" size="36352" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Anita Richards' slides .sxi" date="1048097494" name="RegistryMetadata.sxi" path="RegistryMetadata.sxi" size="12012" user="AnitaRichards" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/RegistryMetadata.sxi,v"

Revision 172003-03-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 162003-03-19 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048079457" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="259584" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048091489" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="266752" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 152003-03-19 - ClivePage

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Revised 19th March 8am" date="1048085300" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Slightly revised 2003 Mar 19 16:15 UT." date="1048090433" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048079457" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="259584" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 142003-03-19 - ClivePage

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Revised 19th March 8am" date="1048085300" name="coverage.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\Clive Page\My Documents\coverage.ppt" size="50688" user="ClivePage" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048079457" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="259584" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 132003-03-19 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048069379" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048079457" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="259584" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 122003-03-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048069379" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048071190" name="Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\Jini.ppt" size="297472" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048075452" name="IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt" size="293376" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOARegistry_Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 112003-03-19 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048069379" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048071190" name="Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\Jini.ppt" size="297472" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/Jini.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andy Powell's slides" date="1048071975" name="ivoa-ap.ppt" path="ivoa-ap.ppt" size="194048" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/ivoa-ap.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Andre's slides" date="1048072275" name="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" path="RegMeeting_1903.ppt" size="314368" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Alberto's slides" date="1048073746" name="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="69120" user="TonyLinde" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/AM-IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"

Revision 102003-03-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048069379" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Marco Leoni's slides" date="1048071190" name="Jini.ppt" path="C:\Documents and Settings\mleoni\Desktop\Jini.ppt" size="297472" user="MarcoLeoni" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/Jini.ppt,v"

Revision 92003-03-19 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Tony Linde's slides" date="1048069379" name="TL-IVOARegistry.ppt" path="TL-IVOA Registry.ppt" size="253440" user="TonyLinde" version="1.1"

Revision 82003-03-19 - ElizabethAuden

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Elizabeth Auden's Astrogrid Registry slides" date="1048069246" name="IVOA_Registry.ppt" path="C:\Astrogrid\Registry\IVOA_Registry.ppt" size="290304" user="ElizabethAuden" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/IVOA_Registry.ppt,v"

Revision 72003-03-18 - ClivePage

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH

40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Clive Page's powerpoint slides" date="1048009119" name="coverage.ppt" path="coverage.ppt" size="33280" user="ClivePage" version="/opsw/avo/rcs/bin/rlog -h /home/web/ivoa/docs/internal/IVOA/Registry19032003/coverage.ppt,v"

Revision 62003-03-18 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003


<-- -->
Sorted ascending
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  11:45 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:15 OAI Andy Powell
  12:00 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:20 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:30 Requirements - discussion TL
  14:20 Metadata Requirements Anita Richards
  14:40 'Must have' Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH


45 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
40 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
30 min presentations will include 10 mins for Q&A
 20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Travel info


Revision 52003-03-18 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003

Date Time  
19th March 2003 10:00 Coffee available
  11:00 Start meeting
  13:00 Lunch
  14:00 Re-Start
  15:30 Tea/coffee break
* 16:00 Main meeting breakout sessions
* 16:00 RegistryWorkingGroup meeting via AccessGrid
  18:00 Finish
20th March 2003 09:00 Coffee available
  10:00 Start meeting
  13:00 Finish
* Parallel sessions
Date Time
19th March 2003 10:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  11:00 Introduction Tony Linde
  11:15 Scope - discussion TL
  11:45 GLU Andre Schaff
  12:15 OAI Andy Powell
  13:00 LUNCH
  14:00 JINI Marco Leoni
  14:30 Requirements - discussion TL
  15:30 COFFEE/TEA
  16:00 Coverage Clive Page
  16:20 AstroVirtel Alberto Micol
  16:40 AstroGrid Registry Elizabeth Auden, Keith Noddle
  17:00 Work Packages - discussion TL
  17:30 FINISH
20th March 2003 09:00 COFFEE/TEA available
  09:45 Introduction TL
  10:00 WP1 - discussion all
  10:30 WP2 - discussion all
  11:00 WP3 - discussion all
  11:30 WP4 - discussion all
  12:00 WP5 - discussion all
  12:30 Next Steps (May meeting) TL
  13:00 FINISH
45 min presentations will include 15 mins for Q&A
30 min presentations will include 10 mins for Q&A
20 min presentations will include 5 mins for Q&A

London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom


Provisional Agenda

  1. Registry options (presentations)
    • OAI
    • GLU
    • WS-I & UDDI
    • JINI
    • ?? - some grid-based registry/ies
    • ?? - agent-based technology/ies

  2. Identification options (presentations)
    • ...

  3. Scope of IVOA Registry standards (discussion)
    • Vision
    • Specifications required

  4. Linking IVOA to Astro & Grid standards
    • FIPS, etc
    • Globus, GGF, etc

  5. Use Cases
    • Brainstorm registry functional subdivisions
    • Working groups to develop use cases for each subdivision

  6. Organisation & Roadmap (discussion)
    • Meetings & Telecons
    • Schedule
    • Publishable roadmap


Travel info


Revision 42003-03-05 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosCommingToRegistry19032003
Please register at: WhosComingToRegistry19032003

Date Time  
19th March 2003 10:00 Coffee available
  11:00 Start meeting
  13:00 Lunch
  14:00 Re-Start
  15:30 Tea/coffee break
* 16:00 Main meeting breakout sessions
* 16:00 RegistryWorkingGroup meeting via AccessGrid
  18:00 Finish
20th March 2003 09:00 Coffee available
  10:00 Start meeting
  13:00 Finish
* Parallel sessions


London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Provisional Agenda

  1. Registry options (presentations)
    • OAI
    • GLU
    • WS-I & UDDI
    • JINI
    • ?? - some grid-based registry/ies
    • ?? - agent-based technology/ies

  2. Identification options (presentations)
    • ...

  3. Scope of IVOA Registry standards (discussion)
    • Vision
    • Specifications required

  4. Linking IVOA to Astro & Grid standards
    • FIPS, etc
    • Globus, GGF, etc

  5. Use Cases
    • Brainstorm registry functional subdivisions
    • Working groups to develop use cases for each subdivision

  6. Organisation & Roadmap (discussion)
    • Meetings & Telecons
    • Schedule
    • Publishable roadmap

Travel info


Revision 32003-03-04 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

Please register at: WhosCommingToRegistry19032003


Date Time  
19th March 2003 10:00 Coffee available
  11:00 Start meeting
  13:00 Lunch
  14:00 Re-Start
  15:30 Tea/coffee break
* 16:00 Main meeting breakout sessions
* 16:00 RegistryWorkingGroup meeting via AccessGrid
  18:00 Finish
20th March 2003 09:00 Coffee available
  10:00 Start meeting
  13:00 Finish
* Parallel sessions


  London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Provisional Agenda

  1. Registry options (presentations)
    • OAI
    • GLU
    • WS-I & UDDI
    • JINI
    • ?? - some grid-based registry/ies
    • ?? - agent-based technology/ies

  2. Identification options (presentations)
    • ...

  3. Scope of IVOA Registry standards (discussion)
    • Vision
    • Specifications required

  4. Linking IVOA to Astro & Grid standards
    • FIPS, etc
    • Globus, GGF, etc

  5. Use Cases
    • Brainstorm registry functional subdivisions
    • Working groups to develop use cases for each subdivision

  6. Organisation & Roadmap (discussion)
    • Meetings & Telecons
    • Schedule
    • Publishable roadmap

Travel info


Revision 22003-03-04 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Provisional Agenda

  1. Registry options (presentations)
    • OAI
    • GLU
    • WS-I & UDDI
    • JINI
    • ?? - some grid-based registry/ies
    • ?? - agent-based technology/ies

  2. Identification options (presentations)
    • ...

  3. Scope of IVOA Registry standards (discussion)
    • Vision
    • Specifications required

  4. Linking IVOA to Astro & Grid standards
    • FIPS, etc
    • Globus, GGF, etc

  5. Use Cases
    • Brainstorm registry functional subdivisions
    • Working groups to develop use cases for each subdivision

  6. Organisation & Roadmap (discussion)
    • Meetings & Telecons
    • Schedule
    • Publishable roadmap

Travel info


Revision 12003-02-17 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaEvents"

Registry Working Group

Kick-off Meeting

London e-Science Centre, 19-20 March 2003
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

Provisional Agenda

  1. Registry options (presentations)
    • OAI
    • GLU
    • WS-I & UDDI
    • JINI
    • ?? - some grid-based registry/ies
    • ?? - agent-based technology/ies

  2. Identification options (presentations)
    • ...

  3. Scope of IVOA Registry standards (discussion)
    • Vision
    • Specifications required

  4. Linking IVOA to Astro & Grid standards
    • FIPS, etc
    • Globus, GGF, etc

  5. Use Cases
    • Brainstorm registry functional subdivisions
    • Working groups to develop use cases for each subdivision

  6. Organisation & Roadmap (discussion)
    • Meetings & Telecons
    • Schedule
    • Publishable roadmap

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