Difference: RegistryOperations (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32012-06-26 - root

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009

Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.

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