Difference: RegistryOperations (1 vs. 8)

Revision 82023-07-24 - MarkusDemleitner

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg
Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009

Operations Policy and Best Practices

The infrastructure of the IVOA requires ongoing curation and validation of the Registry systems. The RegistryOpsPolicy will develop the policy that will define the Best Practices for IVOA Registry from the operational perspective to support the definition of curating the Registry Provider. For more detail for the curation of Registry content and service validation, see the RegistryGuide.

Over the couse several Interops, we have discussed developing some common best practices on how to register resources. In particular, we have talked about how best to represent data collections, which may have various services, using the VOResource Resource types. At the Fall 2013 Interop, several ideas were floated; we are now capturing these ideas here


Useful Toolkits and Libraries


Useful Toolkits and Libraries

  Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)


Registry Curation

RofR Coordination

IVOA registries don't (or shouldn't) exist in a vacuum; inclusion in the RofR involves coordinating validation (see below), getting automated checks for name clashes in metadata authorities, and announcing resource metadata for inclusion in searchable registries, which harvest metadata for search interfaces to share service information worldwide. There are continuing operations efforts for the writers of validators, the maintainers of the RofR, registry toolkit writers, and registry maintainers themselves. This is being coordinated at RofrCoordination and the mailing list, and what we learn moving forward can be reflected in the RegistryGuide.

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.


The RegistryMisfeature page reports bugs found in registries.


Revision 72018-12-04 - TheresaDower

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009

Operations Policy and Best Practices

The infrastructure of the IVOA requires ongoing curation and validation of the Registry systems. The RegistryOpsPolicy will develop the policy that will define the Best Practices for IVOA Registry from the operational perspective to support the definition of curating the Registry Provider. For more detail for the curation of Registry content and service validation, see the RegistryGuide.

Over the couse several Interops, we have discussed developing some common best practices on how to register resources. In particular, we have talked about how best to represent data collections, which may have various services, using the VOResource Resource types. At the Fall 2013 Interop, several ideas were floated; we are now capturing these ideas here
Over the couse several Interops, we have discussed developing some common best practices on how to register resources. In particular, we have talked about how best to represent data collections, which may have various services, using the VOResource Resource types. At the Fall 2013 Interop, several ideas were floated; we are now capturing these ideas here

Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation


RofR Coordination

IVOA registries don't (or shouldn't) exist in a vacuum; inclusion in the RofR involves coordinating validation (see below), getting automated checks for name clashes in metadata authorities, and announcing resource metadata for inclusion in searchable registries, which harvest metadata for search interfaces to share service information worldwide. There are continuing operations efforts for the writers of validators, the maintainers of the RofR, registry toolkit writers, and registry maintainers themselves. This is being coordinated at RofrCoordination and the mailing list, and what we learn moving forward can be reflected in the RegistryGuide.


Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.


The RegistryMisfeature page reports bugs found in registries.


Revision 62013-10-02 - RayPlante

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009

Operations Policy and Best Practices

The infrastructure of the IVOA requires ongoing curation and validation of the Registry systems. The RegistryOpsPolicy will develop the policy that will define the Best Practices for IVOA Registry from the operational perspective to support the definition of curating the Registry Provider. For more detail for the curation of Registry content and service validation, see the RegistryGuide.

Over the couse several Interops, we have discussed developing some common best practices on how to register resources. In particular, we have talked about how best to represent data collections, which may have various services, using the VOResource Resource types. At the Fall 2013 Interop, several ideas were floated; we are now capturing these ideas here

Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.


The RegistryMisfeature page reports bugs found in registries.


Revision 52013-05-16 - GretchenGreene

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009


Useful Toolkits and Libraries


Operations Policy and Best Practices

The infrastructure of the IVOA requires ongoing curation and validation of the Registry systems. The RegistryOpsPolicy will develop the policy that will define the Best Practices for IVOA Registry from the operational perspective to support the definition of curating the Registry Provider. For more detail for the curation of Registry content and service validation, see the RegistryGuide.

Useful Toolkits and Libraries

 Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation


Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.



The RegistryMisfeature page reports bugs found in registries.


Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.

Revision 42013-05-16 - GretchenGreene

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.
At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.
Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.
Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.
  -- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009

Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below


Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation




Service Validation

The RegistryMisfeature page reports bugs found in registries.

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.
The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.


Revision 32012-06-26 - root

Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009

Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.

Revision 22009-11-03 - RayPlante

Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata :: VOResource
Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation



Guide for Registry Providers

At the May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group tips and recommendations for ensuring good interoperability between registries and applications. It would also include information useful to application developers who wish to incorporate use of a registry into their applications.

Development of this guide is now under way at RegistryGuide. The plan is to use the wiki to collect the information that will go into the guide. Eventually, we would like to see the compiled information published as a Note with occasional updates.

-- RayPlante - 03 Nov 2009


Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.


Revision 12009-07-29 - RayPlante

Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: RofR :: ResourceMetadata :: VOResource
Meetings: InterOpMay2009ResReg

Registry Operations and Curation


Useful Toolkits and Libraries

Please add additional links to useful software below

Adding a New Registry

Content under development; see the Registry of Registries (RofR)

Registry Curation

Service Validation

The ServiceValidation page is for tracking coordinated IVOA efforts to create and maintain service validaters, tools that check the compliance of an instance of a service to its standard.

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