Difference: RegistryWorkingGroup (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172007-04-25 - PaulHarrison


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

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Name web
Tony Linde TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams RoyWilliams
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle KeithNoddle
Clive Page ClivePage
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

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