Difference: RegistryWorkingGroup (1 vs. 20)

Revision 202014-10-29 - MarkusDemleitner


Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information.


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

<--  -->

Name web
Gretchen Greene GretchenGreene
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Pierre LeSidaner PierreLeSidaner
Theresa Dower TheresaDower
Markus Demleitner MarkusDemleitner
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison

The Registry Work Packages are out of date and need to be revised. The following legacy work packages have been preserved for reference in which the working group has produced the relevant standards documents.

<--  -->

WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, TomMcGlynn, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, PierreFernique, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 192013-05-14 - GretchenGreene


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.
A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.
<--  -->

Name web
Tony Linde TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Gretchen Greene GretchenGreene
Roy Williams RoyWilliams
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle KeithNoddle
Clive Page ClivePage
Pierre LeSidaner PierreLeSidaner
Theresa Dower TheresaDower
Markus Demleitner MarkusDemleitner
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison
The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.
The Registry Work Packages are out of date and need to be revised. The following legacy work packages have been preserved for reference in which the working group has produced the relevant standards documents.
<--  -->

WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, TomMcGlynn, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, PierreFernique, AndreSchaaff
 -- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 182012-06-26 - root


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

<--  -->

Name web
Tony Linde TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams RoyWilliams
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle KeithNoddle
Clive Page ClivePage
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison
Tony Linde TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams RoyWilliams
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle KeithNoddle
Clive Page ClivePage
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 172007-04-25 - PaulHarrison


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

<--  -->

Name web
Tony Linde TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams RoyWilliams
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle KeithNoddle
Clive Page ClivePage
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff
Paul Harrison PaulHarrison

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 162005-12-07 - MarcoLeoni


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

<--  -->
Name email web
Tony Linde ael@star.le.ac.uk TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams roy@cacr.caltech.edu RoyWilliams
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu RayPlante
Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu BobHanisch
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden eca@mssl.ucl.ac.uk ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle ktn@star.le.ac.uk KeithNoddle
Clive Page cgp@star.le.ac.uk ClivePage
André Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr AndreSchaaff
Name web
Tony Linde TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams RoyWilliams
Ray Plante RayPlante
Bob Hanisch BobHanisch
Marco Leoni MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle KeithNoddle
Clive Page ClivePage
André Schaaff AndreSchaaff

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 152004-10-08 - MarcoLeoni

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003


Registry WG Members

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

<--  -->

Name email web
Tony Linde ael@star.le.ac.uk TonyLinde, or Astrogrid:Main.TonyLinde
Roy Williams roy@cacr.caltech.edu RoyWilliams
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu RayPlante
Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu BobHanisch
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden eca@mssl.ucl.ac.uk ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle ktn@star.le.ac.uk KeithNoddle
Clive Page cgp@star.le.ac.uk ClivePage
André Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr AndreSchaaff

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003


Revision 142003-05-08 - KeithNoddle

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 132003-04-14 - RayPlante

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

<--  -->

WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 122003-04-11 - RayPlante

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu  
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu RayPlante
Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu BobHanisch
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org MarcoLeoni
Elizabeth Auden eca@mssl.ucl.ac..uk ElizabethAuden
Keith Noddle ktn@star.le.ac.uk KeithNoddle
Clive Page cgp@star.le.ac.uk ClivePage
André Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr AndreSchaaff

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

<--  -->

WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 112003-04-01 - KirkBorne

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

<--  -->

WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 102003-03-28 - TonyLinde

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

<--  -->
WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden
Rwp03 Metadata specs Ray SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 92003-03-27 - TonyLinde

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.
-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003
WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden
Rwp03 Metadata specs Ray SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff
-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

Revision 82003-03-05 - FrancoiseGenova

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:49)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

André Schaaff schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 72003-01-29 - ClivePage

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

Clive Page cgp@star.le.ac.uk ClivePage

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 62003-01-29 - KeithNoddle

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

Keith Noddle ktn@star.le.ac.uk KeithNoddle

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 52003-01-29 - ElizabethAuden

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

Elizabeth Auden eca@mssl.ucl.ac..uk ElizabethAuden

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 42003-01-29 - TonyLinde

(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu  
Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu BobHanisch
Marco Leoni mleoni@eso.org MarcoLeoni

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 32003-01-26 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaRegistry"
 (created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

<--  -->

Name email web
Tony Linde ael@star.le.ac.uk TonyLinde, or http://wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Main/TonyLinde
Roy Williams roy@cacr.caltech.edu  
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu  
Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu  

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 22003-01-26 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaRegistry"
(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

Roy Williams roy@cacr.caltech.edu  
Ray Plante rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu  
Bob Hanisch hanisch@stsci.edu  

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003


Revision 12003-01-25 - TonyLinde

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaRegistry"
(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@08:31:50)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

-- TonyLinde - 24 Jan 2003

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