TWiki> IVOA Web>IvoaResReg>RegistryWorkingGroup (revision 11)EditAttach
(created by TonyLinde 15.03.2025@07:15:55)

A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification for IVOA.

The working group has defined a number of work packages within which we will produce the relevant standards documents.

WP Code WP Name Lead Others Involved
Rwp01 Management, Policy & Documentation standards TonyLinde BobHanisch, MarcoLeoni
Rwp02 Requirements, Science Cases, Use Cases, Test Cases MarkAllen AlbertoMicol, AnitaRichards, NicholasWalton, RayPlante, Tom, David Schade, ElizabethAuden, KirkBorne
Rwp03 Metadata specs RayPlante SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, ClivePage, ElizabethAuden
Rwp04 Registry replication and interfaces KeithNoddle AndreSchaaff, WilliamOMullane, GretchenGreene, RayPlante, MarcoLeoni
Rwp05 Implementation coordination tbd KeithNoddle, RoyWilliams, MarkusDolensky, Pierre, AndreSchaaff

-- TonyLinde - 27 Mar 2003

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Topic revision: r11 - 2003-04-01 - KirkBorne
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