Difference: WebgridTutorial (1 vs. 36)

Revision 362012-06-26 - root

META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2003WebGrid"

Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XIII.

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. A transcript of the tutorial and materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1076011595" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.1.doc" path="C:\My Downloads\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.1.doc" size="202240" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 352005-08-19 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"
META TOPICPARENT name="InterOpOct2003WebGrid"

Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XIII.

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. A transcript of the tutorial and materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1076011595" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.1.doc" path="C:\My Downloads\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.1.doc" size="202240" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 342004-02-05 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XIII.

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. A transcript of the tutorial and materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1076011595" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.1.doc" path="C:\My Downloads\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.1.doc" size="202240" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 332003-11-26 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"
META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaGridAndWebServices"

Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XIII.

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. A transcript of the tutorial and materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 322003-10-21 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XIII.

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.
Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. A transcript of the tutorial and materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 312003-10-16 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XII


Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XIII.

  Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 302003-10-12 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services


Web & Grid Services Tutorial at ADASS XII

  Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 292003-10-12 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  1. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  1. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  2. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  3. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  4. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  1. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  1. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065917564" name="VoTutorial_as.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\VoTutorial_as.pdf" size="165075" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 282003-10-10 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links

.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):

 set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
 Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.


Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.




META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 272003-10-10 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


.Net Framework SDK

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 262003-10-10 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.
Many of the examples will be in C# using .NET. If you want to try them download and install the .NET Framework SDK software.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 252003-10-10 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065773304" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="160013" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065776461" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="206817" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.4"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 242003-10-10 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc) (html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2
  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. Consuming Web Services in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc, html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9+2 (doc)
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2 (html)
  5. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2 (doc)
  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  2. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  3. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065773304" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="160013" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 232003-10-10 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc) (html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  2. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  3. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  4. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2
  5. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  6. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  7. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065773304" name="Introduction.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf" size="160013" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.3"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="WS Tutorial Introduction" date="1065773211" name="Introduction.pdf.pdf" path="C:\Projets\VOTutorial\Introduction.pdf.pdf" size="146249" user="AndreSchaaff" version="1.1"

Revision 222003-10-10 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc) (html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc) (html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  2. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  3. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2
  4. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  5. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  6. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065768757" name="SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumClientTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="201728" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.2"

Revision 212003-10-09 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc) (html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  1. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2
  1. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2
  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  2. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  3. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="code for image cutout client" date="1065733539" name="Code.zip" path="H:\download\Code.zip" size="310671" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065733584" name="ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" path="H:\download\ImgCutoutWSTutorial.doc" size="310272" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 202003-10-09 - AndreSchaaff

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás and André - 14 +3
  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes (pdf)
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás - 9+2 (doc) (html) and André - 5 (pdf)
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás and André - 14 +3
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  2. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  1. How to Build C# and Java Clients for the SDSS Image Cutout - Maria - 9+2
  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  1. Inside the server - André -6
  1. Inside the server - André -6 (pdf)
  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Reference links


Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"

Revision 192003-10-09 - TamasBudavari

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff
Contributors : Tamás Budavári, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás and André - 14 +3
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamás and André - 14 +3
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  2. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  3. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  4. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  5. Inside the server - André -6
  6. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065724343" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" path="C:\Documents and Settings\budavari\My Documents\SpectrumWSTutorial-v1.0.doc" size="207872" user="TamasBudavari" version="1.1"

Revision 182003-10-09 - MatthewGraham

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  2. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  3. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  4. Inside the server - André -6
  5. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065661186" name="WSTutorial.doc" path="WSTutorial.doc" size="201216" user="MatthewGraham" version="1.1"

Revision 172003-10-09 - GuyRixon

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  5. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.

Doing the grid-services bit

Grid services are more complicated than web services (they do more complicated things) and need more infrastructure to build and run than is described above. Materials for doing the grid-service tutorial on your own machine are available, including components for a sample service and its clients plus a list of supporting software that you would need to install.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 162003-10-07 - MarcoLeoni

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  5. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - André -6
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\

set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d iscovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-discovery.jar;%ALIB%\commons-logging.jar;%ALIB%\saaj.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\jaxrpc.jar;%ALIB%\wsdl4j.jar;%ALIB%\log4j-1.2.4.jar;
  Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 152003-10-07 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  1. [[How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  2. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  3. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  4. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  5. Inside the server - André -6
  6. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 142003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. [[How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  3. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  5. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
  1. Inside the server - André -6
  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 132003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. [[How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2
  1. VO Statistics Service - Matthew - 9 +2
  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  2. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  3. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  4. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
  5. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.

To actually get AXIS runnign you will need to set up your environemnt after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building(its for DOS - you can convert for UNIX esaily right ;):

To actually get AXIS running you will need to set up your environment after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building (it's for DOS - you can convert for UNIX easily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d
Notice this include c:\java - its a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.
Notice this includes c:\java - it's a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 122003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. [[How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2
  2. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  3. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  4. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  5. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
  6. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS runnign you will need to set up your environemnt after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building(its for DOS - you can convert for UNIX esaily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d
Notice this include c:\java - its a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 112003-10-02 - WilliamOMullane

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  3. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  5. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS runnign you will need to set up your environemnt after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building(its for DOS - you can convert for UNIX esaily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d
Notice this include c:\java - its a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="" date="1065124354" name="SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" path="H:\docs\SpectrumWSTutorial-v0.9.doc" size="205312" user="WilliamOMullane" version="1.1"

Revision 102003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services


Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

  Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff




  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  2. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  3. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2
  4. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  5. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  6. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  7. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
  8. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4

Doing the tutorial at ADASS

Most of the information you need for the tutorial will be available here before ADASS. Many of the examples use Apache AXIS. If you are intereested in trying to do get these working during the tutorial on you lap top you should install AXIS.
To actually get AXIS runnign you will need to set up your environemnt after you unzip it. You may create a script to do this. Here is the environment you need for simple AXIS client building(its for DOS - you can convert for UNIX esaily right ;):
set ALIB=C:\java\axis-1_1RC2\lib\
set CLASSPATH=.;c:\java;%ALIB%\axis-ant.jar;%ALIB%\axis.jar;%ALIB%\commons-d
Notice this include c:\java - its a good idea to include some directory in the classpath which you will generate WebService stubs into.


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"

Revision 92003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3

  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2

  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
  2. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2
  3. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
  4. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2
  5. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
  6. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
  7. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4
  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2

  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2

  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6

  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"

Revision 82003-10-02 - MichaelNaumann

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes

  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3

  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2

  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2

  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2

  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2

  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6

  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"

Revision 72003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes

  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3

  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2

  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2

  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2

  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2

  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6

  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4


META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"

Revision 62003-10-02 - MichaelNaumann

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes

  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3

  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2

  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2

  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2

  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2

  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6

  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4



META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Test file" date="1065121227" name="0911.dws" path="E:\Temp\0911.dws" size="169984" user="MichaelNaumann" version="1.1"

Revision 52003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"
Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff
Introduction 4
First talk: How to build and consume WS in C# and Java, Tamas and André 14 +3


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes
Second talk: VO Statistics, Mathhew
  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3
How to implement a client (Java, scripting languages) that use the statistics Web Service. 9+2
Thirth talk: Registry, Wil
  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2
How-to build a client (Java, C#) for an existing WS like the Registry ? 9+2
Fourth talk: Image Cutout, Maria
  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2
How to build and consume a WS like the SDSS Image Cutout 9+2
Fifth talk: Grids Services, Guy How to build a java client for an existing GS (supplied) using Globus Toolkit +3
  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2

  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2
Sixth talk : Inside the server, Tamas and André
  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6
Questions and Conclusion
  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4


Revision 42003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"
Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff
Informations concerning the Web and Grid Services part of tutorial will be available soon on this page.
First talk: How to build and consume WS in C# and Java, Tamas and André 14 +3

Second talk: VO Statistics, Mathhew How to implement a client (Java, scripting languages) that use the statistics Web Service. 9+2

Thirth talk: Registry, Wil How-to build a client (Java, C#) for an existing WS like the Registry ? 9+2

Fourth talk: Image Cutout, Maria How to build and consume a WS like the SDSS Image Cutout 9+2

Fifth talk: Grids Services, Guy How to build a java client for an existing GS (supplied) using Globus Toolkit +3 9+2

Sixth talk : Inside the server, Tamas and André 6

Questions and Conclusion 4



Revision 32003-09-19 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"
Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff

Informations concerning the Web and Grid Services part of tutorial will be available soon on this page.


Revision 22003-09-19 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"
Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff



Revision 12003-09-18 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

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