Difference: WebgridTutorial (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72003-10-02 - TWikiGuest

META TOPICPARENT name="GridAndWebServices"

Tutorial on Web And Grid Services

Contributors : Tamas Budavari, Wil O'Mullane, Matthew Graham, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Guy Rixon, André Schaaff


  1. Introduction - Andre - 4 minutes

  1. How to build and consume WS in C# and Java - Tamas and André - 14 +3

  1. VO Statistics Service - Mathhew - 9 +2

  1. NVO Registry Service Client - Wil - 9+2

  1. SDSS Image Cutout Service - Maria - 9+2

  1. Grids Services, Globus - Guy -9+2

  1. Inside the server - Tamas and André -6

  1. Questions and Conclusion - all - 4


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