Difference: SxbNomenTIMeeting20180221 (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32018-03-05 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Telescope and Instruments Nomenclature

Meeting in Strasbourg 2018, 21-23 Feb

Participants: Baptiste Cecconi, Emmanuelle Perret, Andrea Preite Martinez, Sebastien Derriere , Gilles Landais, Mireille Louys

  • Baptiste :
    • presents the collaboration with Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Space research institute , Graz, Austria. From various lists of instruments and facilities, Tarek and col. have developed a library / code to merge similar items appearing in different lists. Several modes are available: merge 2 lists, merge several several lists, on ids, on names, with one or several passes with criteria refinements
    • Testing the merging scripts
      • lists of instruments/facilities to test : they have been uploaded to a git node here
      • how to documentation
    • Testing the merging scripts
      • lists of instruments/facilities to test : they have been uploaded to a git node here
      • how to documentation
      • tests:
        • iau-mpc wrt aas :
        • etc ..TBC
      • need to train the merging program , and give hints to the program and to the user for a sensible usage...
      • more tests to come TBC
        • iau-mpc wrt aas :
        • etc ..TBC
      • need to train the merging program , and give hints to the program and to the user for a sensible usage...
      • more tests to come TBC
  • Mireille /Emmanuelle
    • review of the PDS4 information Model (Planetary data system) from NASA
    • concepts clearl identified to represent metadata on instruments, telescopes, space-crafts etc.
    • Minimal model with main notions to populate from various lists
    • Class diagram
  • Mireille /Emmanuelle
present Marion Schmidt 's list, from NED, compiled from a large nomber of existing liests : IAU-MPC, AAS, ADS, ESO instruments, etc. A rich list of more than 3000 entries to curate ... proposition to share the work after the project decided during the Lisa conference.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" attr="" comment="classdiagram with main concepts fitting the goals of the Instrument-facility dictionary" date="1519322840" name="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" path="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" size="29287" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180222.png" attr="" comment="class diagram with main concepts fitting the goals of the Instrument-facility dictionary" date="1519326785" name="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180222.png" path="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180222.png" size="39555" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 22018-02-22 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Telescope and Instruments Nomenclature

Meeting in Strasbourg 2018, 21-23 Feb

Participants: Baptiste Cecconi, Emmanuelle Perret, Andrea Preite Martinez, Sebastien Derriere , Gilles Landais, Mireille Louys

  • Baptiste :
presents the collaboration with Tarek Al-Ubaidi , Space research institute , Graz, Austria.

From various lists of instruments and facilities , Tarek and col. have developed a library / code to merge similar items apearing in different lists.

Several modes are available. merge 2, merge several , on ids , on names , several pass with criteria refinements

  • Baptiste :
    • presents the collaboration with Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Space research institute , Graz, Austria. From various lists of instruments and facilities, Tarek and col. have developed a library / code to merge similar items appearing in different lists. Several modes are available: merge 2 lists, merge several several lists, on ids, on names, with one or several passes with criteria refinements
    • Testing the merging scripts
      • lists of instruments/facilities to test : they have been uploaded to a git node here
      • how to documentation
      • tests:
        • iau-mpc wrt aas :
        • etc ..TBC
      • need to train the merging program , and give hints to the program and to the user for a sensible usage...
      • more tests to come TBC
  • Mireille /Emmanuelle
    • review of the PDS4 information Model (Planetary data system) from NASA
    • concepts clearl identified to represent metadata on instruments, telescopes, space-crafts etc.
    • Minimal model with main notions to populate from various lists
  • Mireille /Emmanuelle
present Marion Schmidt 's list, from NED, compiled from a large nomber of existing liests : IAU-MPC, AAS, ADS, ESO instruments, etc. A rich list of more than 3000 entries to curate ... proposition to share the work after the project decided during the Lisa conference.
present Marion Schmidt 's list, from NED, compiled from a large nomber of existing liests : IAU-MPC, AAS, ADS, ESO instruments, etc. A rich list of more than 3000 entries to curate ... proposition to share the work after the project decided during the Lisa conference.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" attr="" comment="classdiagram with main concepts fitting the goals of the Instrument-facility dictionary" date="1519322840" name="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" path="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" size="29287" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180222.png" attr="" comment="class diagram with main concepts fitting the goals of the Instrument-facility dictionary" date="1519326785" name="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180222.png" path="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180222.png" size="39555" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 12018-02-22 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Telescope and Instruments Nomenclature

Meeting in Strasbourg 2018, 21-23 Feb

Participants: Baptiste Cecconi, Emmanuelle Perret, Andrea Preite Martinez, Sebastien Derriere , Gilles Landais, Mireille Louys

  • Baptiste :
presents the collaboration with Tarek Al-Ubaidi , Space research institute , Graz, Austria.

From various lists of instruments and facilities , Tarek and col. have developed a library / code to merge similar items apearing in different lists.

Several modes are available. merge 2, merge several , on ids , on names , several pass with criteria refinements

  • Mireille /Emmanuelle
    • review of the PDS4 information Model (Planetary data system) from NASA
    • concepts clearl identified to represent metadata on instruments, telescopes, space-crafts etc.
    • Minimal model with main notions to populate from various lists
    • Class diagram

  • Mireille /Emmanuelle
present Marion Schmidt 's list, from NED, compiled from a large nomber of existing liests : IAU-MPC, AAS, ADS, ESO instruments, etc. A rich list of more than 3000 entries to curate ... proposition to share the work after the project decided during the Lisa conference.


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" attr="" comment="classdiagram with main concepts fitting the goals of the Instrument-facility dictionary" date="1519322840" name="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" path="telescopeinstrumentsdico20180219.png" size="29287" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
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