Telescope and Instruments Nomenclature
Meeting in Strasbourg 2018, 21-23 Feb
Participants: Baptiste Cecconi, Emmanuelle Perret, Andrea Preite Martinez, Sebastien Derriere , Gilles Landais, Mireille Louys
- Baptiste :
- presents the collaboration with Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Space research institute , Graz, Austria. From various lists of instruments and facilities, Tarek and col. have developed a library / code to merge similar items appearing in different lists. Several modes are available: merge 2 lists, merge several several lists, on ids, on names, with one or several passes with criteria refinements
- Testing the merging scripts
- lists of instruments/facilities to test : they have been uploaded to a git node here
- how to documentation
- tests:
- iau-mpc wrt aas :
- etc ..TBC
- need to train the merging program , and give hints to the program and to the user for a sensible usage...
- more tests to come TBC
- Mireille /Emmanuelle
resent Marion Schmidt 's list, from NED, compiled from a large nomber of existing liests : IAU-MPC, AAS, ADS, ESO instruments, etc. A rich list of more than 3000 entries to curate ... proposition to share the work after the project decided during the Lisa conference.