Difference: TAPRegExtNext (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22015-05-28 - MarkusDemleitner

This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for TAPRegExt. No new version of the document is scheduled right now.

Proposed Errata

Give correct ObsCore DM id

Suggested Text

In Appendix B ("Example Document"), the document gives an IVORN for
In Appendix B ("Example Document"), the document gives an IVORN for the ObsCore data model in non-normative text. This IVORN is wrong. As specificed in "Observation Data Model Core Components and its Implementation in the Table Access Protocol, Version 1.0", the IVORN for ObsCore is ivo://ivoa.net/std/ObsCore/v1.0.
the ObsCore data model in non-normative text. This IVORN is wrong. As specificed in "Observation Data Model Core Components and its Implementation in the Table Access Protocol, Version 1.0", the IVORN for ObsCore is ivo://ivoa.net/std/ObsCore/v1.0.


The IVORN is used for discovering obscore services and therefore plays
The IVORN is used for discovering obscore services and therefore plays a centeral role in the obscore protocol. Having an errroneous IVORN in the example has confused implementors, which in turn leads to failures in discovering such services as well as the necessity for clients to look for both versions. The proposed erratum mitigates this.
a centeral role in the obscore protocol. Having an errroneous IVORN in the example has confused implementors, which in turn leads to failures in discovering such services as well as the necessity for clients to look for both versions. The proposed erratum mitigates this.

Impact assessment

No impact on standards-compliant implementations. No normative text
No impact on standards-compliant implementations. No normative text is modified.
is modified.

Suggested Extensions


Suggested Changes


Drop Restriction of standardID

The current schema restricts the standardID to ivo://ivoa.net/std/TAP. This hampers the development of the standard while delivering no actual benefit given that service discovery in the VO in practice works via standardID rather than capability type.

So, in TRE 1.1, we should simply drop tr:TAPCapRestriction and derive tr:TableAccess directly from vr:Capability.


Revision 12015-03-23 - MarkusDemleitner

This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for TAPRegExt. No new version of the document is scheduled right now.

Proposed Errata

Give correct ObsCore DM id

Suggested Text

In Appendix B ("Example Document"), the document gives an IVORN for the ObsCore data model in non-normative text. This IVORN is wrong. As specificed in "Observation Data Model Core Components and its Implementation in the Table Access Protocol, Version 1.0", the IVORN for ObsCore is ivo://ivoa.net/std/ObsCore/v1.0.


The IVORN is used for discovering obscore services and therefore plays a centeral role in the obscore protocol. Having an errroneous IVORN in the example has confused implementors, which in turn leads to failures in discovering such services as well as the necessity for clients to look for both versions. The proposed erratum mitigates this.

Impact assessment

No impact on standards-compliant implementations. No normative text is modified.

Suggested Extensions

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