name="IvoaTCG" |
TCG Meeting (online) - February 05 2025 @ 21:00 UTC
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- Attendees : Tom, Marco, Anne, Adiran, André, Bruno, Gilles, Grégory, Jeremy, Jesus, Markus, Mathieu, Pierre F, Pierre L, Renaud, Ricardo, Sara, Sébastien, Tamara, Tess
- Regrets : Gus, Mark K., Simon, Tamara, Mark C.-D., Baptiste
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- Attendees : Tom, Marco, Anne, Adrian, André, Bruno, Gilles, Grégory, Janet, Jeremy, Jesus, Markus, Mathieu, Pierre F, Pierre LS, Renaud, Ricardo, Sara, Sébastien, Tamara, Tess
- Regrets : Gus, Mark K., Simon, Mark C.-D., Baptiste
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- (standing item): documents on track
- VOTable-1.5 - REC as of 2025-01-16
- VOEvent-2.1 - RFC page - how to move on
- Some comments but really needs more votes. More discussion later in the agenda.
- VOResource-1.2 - RFC page - seems fine, last thoughts?
- Seems to be ready. Will send a final e-mail to ask for votes. Anne apologized for late comments. Might not be substantive, but still might warrant a response from editor.
- EN
- UCDList-1.6 - EN ready - soon to be pushed to doc repo
- Errata & VEPs
- VEP-016 - status change?
- VEP-017 - approved on Dec.18
- Roadmap 2024B
- please, complete (if missing)
- critical highlights (round the table), quick reports
- Anne: Have base funding for June meeting. Would like to have SVG of IVOA logo for 3D objects and web sites. Will work on completing funding for coffee breaks
- Marco: We should have an e-mail for save the dates and the venue.
- Adrian: Parquet in VO note has been published. On Apps roadmap there is a question of whether this should move to Endorsed Note or not. Any thoughts?
- Marco: People have been alerted on interop list. Give some time for people to digest it, then check back to see what people think.
- VOEvent meeting report
- Pierre: This is a minor release and votes are trickling in. There was a splinter in Malta on making the next, possibly major, version. This would likely use a new transport protocol. Leo Singer and F-X Pinoit have been consulted. This would be a good item for the next interop.
- We do not have a volunteer to write/edit this document, so asking for help.
- Another plea/call for potential chairs for TDIG.
- Markus: Is LIGO using VOEvent?
- Probably not. Using Kafka instead.
- Please let Markus know of live VOEvent streams.
- ObsCore & extensions
- Radio IG and High Energy IG are working on this. Idea seems to be modifying core before adding extensions. HE is joining the conversation. Trying to understand which attributes should be in core instead of in an extension (which would require an ObsCore update). Suggest that RIG, HEIG and DM should be there at least, with more TCG participation if possible.
- Registration of ObsCore and extensions are still open for discussion as well. Radio has discussed some, but HE not there yet.
- From DM: ObsCore document is not on GitHub or in ivoatex yet, so this would be a very useful action. Maybe Pat D or another editor. Let us know if you need a new repository. Many have been started in private repo then migrated.
- DM modular models
- Mostly a DM effort to make the modular building blocks. There is a current discussion on MANGO that discusses some of the modularity. E.g., should MANGO use measurements?
- DM model levels (scope levels)
- Understanding where models are used. Data Access, Apps, etc. Goes beyond DM group.
- This was mainly to raise awareness in TCG. Further discussion in TCG when Mark can be present. DM continues to have running meetings.
- endorsement/approval of models as REC or EN
- what about use cases?
- Some questions revolve around how DMs are reviewed and validated. Which use cases are covered?
- statistics on clients (agents) for TAP (and other protocols?): OPS IG duty?
- Plug on client identification: Use and implement https://ivoa.net/documents/Notes/softid/index.html
- There are no requirements on data providers. Coordinating that seems to be the taller pole. Most of us collect statistics including on user agents. This data would need to be collated/aggregated. Would also be useful to collect info on the nature of the queries as that could inform future changes. Data providers collect their stats in different ways, and gleaning summary points out of them require some effort. Let's have a discussion at the next interop (Ops, DAL, Apps) to talk about what sort of info and metrics are worth gathering and possible to gather.
- major version transitioning in Registry: task force?
- Came up again in the context of P3T. How can clients identify and select among multiple versions of particular protocols? Any ideas? Discussions have been had with many pros and cons to various approaches. Perhaps we should start with requirements. Different perspectives come from Reg, DAL, Apps, Ops,... Markus may be volunteering to lead a task force to push forward the discussion. May be first step would be to grab the Reg chairs and at least one person from P3T. Markus will think about how the details of starting the discussion.
- GWS -> DSP name changes: re-check plans
- Marco will work with Sara and Jesus to make sure IVOA doc changes are made. How will we proceed with the mailing lists? No conclusions there; will work on it.
- TDIG open chair position - reminder
- IVOA static website rebuilding - quick status
- May be ready for release by the end of the month. Some work on mobile leads to lots of changes, so need to check on status of that.
- (ONGOING: astronet.ru publishing registry issue)
- where to put ideas/needs for new vocabularies (not VEPs)
- The usual process is that someone notices a need for a word list as part of creating/modifying a standard, then a discussion starts. That's probably sufficient for now.
- Date for the next TCG vconf
- -- Wednesday 12 March 2025 @ 14:00 UTC --
- Daylight time starts on March 9 in the U.S.
- TCG is typically Wednesday. Can we alternate sometimes?
- Let's try Tuesday, March 11 @ 14:00 UTC instead
TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the IVOA Events page.
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