Difference: VEPsForUCD (1 vs. 17)

Revision 172024-03-21 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPs for UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

In practice, use this VEP template to make suggestions, and send them to the semantics@ivoa.net IVOA mailing list. They will be added with an incremental version number to the VEP-UCD repository, and discussed in the current RFM.

Terms in discussion Work in progress, under construction

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.confidenceLevel VEP-UCD-011 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.inspiralSpin VEP-UCD-012 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.falsePositive VEP-UCD-013 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.falseNegative VEP-UCD-013 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.adu VEP-UCD-014 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude VEP-UCD-015 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude VEP-UCD-015 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
arith.rate VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
src.orbital.node VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
src.orbital.periastron VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
src.orbital.tissJ VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
pos.heliocentric VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
pos.barycenter VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.lyapunov VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
src.orbital.moid VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.obliquity VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.thermalInertia VEP-UCD-016 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending

Accepted terms Thumbs-up

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5

Abandoned terms Thumbs-down

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD template file" date="1711018739" name="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" path="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" size="700" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 162024-03-21 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
Note: VEPs for UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
The next VEP will have the running number 11. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.
See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

In practice, use this VEP template to make suggestions, and send them to the semantics@ivoa.net IVOA mailing list. They will be added with an incremental version number to the VEP-UCD repository, and discussed in the current RFM.
VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets


Terms in discussion Work in progress, under construction

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.confidenceLevel VEP-UCD-011 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.inspiralSpin VEP-UCD-012 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.falsePositive VEP-UCD-013 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
stat.falseNegative VEP-UCD-013 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.adu VEP-UCD-014 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending
phys.pulseHeight or phys.pulse.amplitude VEP-UCD-015 UCDList_1-6_RFM pending

Accepted terms Thumbs-up

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5

Abandoned terms Thumbs-down

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD template file" date="1711018739" name="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" path="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" size="700" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 152024-03-21 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 11. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets

Terms in discussion Work in progress, under construction

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending

Accepted terms Thumbs-up

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5

Abandoned terms Thumbs-down

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD template file" date="1711018739" name="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" path="VEP-UCD-NNN-template.txt" size="700" user="BaptisteCecconi" version="1"

Revision 142024-03-21 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 11. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets

Terms in discussion Work in progress, under construction

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed

Accepted terms Thumbs-up

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM accepted in EN 1.5

Abandoned terms Thumbs-down

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
<-- -->
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 132023-10-16 - SebastienDerriere

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 11. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets


Terms in discussion


Terms in discussion Work in progress, under construction

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed

Accepted terms


Accepted terms Thumbs-up


Abandoned terms


Abandoned terms Thumbs-down

  VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 122022-09-28 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 006. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.
The next VEP will have the running number 11. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed

Accepted terms

Abandoned terms

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 112022-06-14 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 006. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skew VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.skewness VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
meta.ref.pid VEP-UCD-006 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
spect.line.intIntensity VEP-UCD-007 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
meta.ref.epic VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.orcid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.ref.rorid VEP-UCD-008 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
stat.percentile VEP-UCD-009 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed
meta.curation VEP-UCD-010 UCDList_1-5_RFM proposed

Accepted terms

Abandoned terms

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 102021-07-01 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 005. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.
The next VEP will have the running number 006. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data

VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP

VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skew VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.histogram VEP-UCD-005 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending

Accepted terms

Abandoned terms

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 92021-06-24 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

Summary page for VEP dedicated to UCD updates

The next VEP will have the running number 004. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of Vocabulary Extension Proposals, with a restricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
The next VEP will have the running number 005. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.



List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.
VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition. // context=Solar Data
VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection
VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection. //context=!EPN-TAP
VEP-UCD-004: adding period of Oscillation Period of Oscillation. //context=exo-planets

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skew VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
stat.skew VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
time.period.oscillation VEP-UCD-004 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending

Accepted terms

Abandoned terms

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 82021-06-24 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
The next VEP will have the running number 003. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.
The next VEP will have the running number 004. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure
VEP-UCD-003: adding MOC and geometric projection concept in UCD: MOC and Projection

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skew VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
pos.moc VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
pos.projection VEP-UCD-003 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending

Accepted termss


Accepted terms


Abandoned terms


VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 72021-06-24 - BaptisteCecconi

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
META TOPICPARENT name="IvoaSemantics"
 Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.
The next VEP will have the running number 003. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure
VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP Nb Link to VEP UCD File RFM Page (discussion) UCDList version
--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------
stat.skew [VEP-UCD-001] link UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.kurtosis [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.mad [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
UCD Term VEP (name and link) RFM Page (discussion) Decision
stat.skew VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.kurtosis VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
stat.mad VEP-UCD-001 UCDList_1-5_RFM pending
phys.rotMeasure VEP-UCD-002 UCDList_1-5_RFM rejected
phys.rotMeasure [VEP-UCD-002](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-002.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
phys.toto VEP-UCD-002 UCD_1.5_RFM rejected
phys.later VEP-UCD-002 UCD_1.6_RFM postponed

Accepted termss

Abandoned terms

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 62021-06-24 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

Terms in discussion

UCD Term VEP Nb RFM Page (discussion) UCDList version
UCD Term VEP Nb Link to VEP UCD File RFM Page (discussion) UCDList version
--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------
stat.skew [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.skew [VEP-UCD-001] link UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.kurtosis [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.mad [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
phys.rotMeasure [VEP-UCD-002](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-002.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
phys.toto VEP-UCD-002 UCD_1.5_RFM rejected
phys.later VEP-UCD-002 UCD_1.6_RFM postponed

Accepted termss

Abandoned terms

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 52021-06-23 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.


Current VEP-UCDs


Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs) : how it works in general

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

List of proposed VEP-UCDs

 VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.
VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotational Measure
VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotation Measure

Accepted VEP-UCDs


Terms in discussion


Abandoned VEP-UCDs

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.
UCD Term VEP Nb RFM Page (discussion) UCDList version
--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------
stat.skew [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.kurtosis [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
stat.mad [VEP-UCD-001](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-001.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
phys.rotMeasure [VEP-UCD-002](https://voparis-gitlab.obspm.fr/vespa/ivoa-standards/semantics/vep-ucd/-/blob/master/VEP-UCD-002.txt) UCD_1.5_RFM EN-1.5
phys.toto VEP-UCD-002 UCD_1.5_RFM rejected
phys.later VEP-UCD-002 UCD_1.6_RFM postponed

Accepted termss

Abandoned terms

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="UCD-VEP-template.txt" attr="" comment="UCD-VEP template file" date="1624464583" name="UCD-VEP-template.txt" path="UCD-VEP-template.txt" size="1334" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 42021-06-10 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

Current VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.

VEP-UCD-002: adding physical rotational measure for Pulsar data (namely) Rotational Measure

Accepted VEP-UCDs

Abandoned VEP-UCDs

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 32021-05-04 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.


VEPs"> Current VEPs


Current VEP-UCDs

VEP-UCD 001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification datalink/core#calibration and its descendants.
VEP-UCD-001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification statistics terms for addition.

Accepted VEP-UCDs

Abandoned VEP-UCDs

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties/ to be deleted" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 22021-05-03 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules
  The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

VEPs"> Current VEPs


VEPs"> Current VEPs

VEP-ForUCD 001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification
VEP-UCD 001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification datalink/core#calibration and its descendants.
definitions of datalink/core#calibration and its descendants.

Accepted VEP-UCDs


Abandoned VEP-UCDs

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)


VEPs"> Accepted VEPs

VEP-002: datalink/core#documentation

VEP-004: datalink/core#counterpart

VEP-005: datalink/core#coderived

VEPs"> Abandoned VEPs

VEP-001: DataLink: Associated-DataSet branch

VEP-003: datalink/core#sibling

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)

 See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" attr="" comment="SOLARNET FITSKeywords mapping to UCDs- V Delouille" date="1620064021" name="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" path="FITSkeywordvsUCD.pdf" size="135060" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="VEP-UCD001.txt" attr="" comment="VEP-UCD001 for additional stat properties" date="1620064582" name="VEP-UCD001.txt" path="VEP-UCD001.txt" size="1160" user="MireilleLouys" version="1"

Revision 12021-05-03 - MireilleLouys

META TOPICPARENT name="UcdSolarDiscussion"
Note: VEPsFor UCD are proposed as an extension of VEPs, with a retricted usage to UCD terms and their syntax rules

The next VEP will have the running number 002. Please update this after uploading a new VEP.

VEPs"> Current VEPs

VEP-ForUCD 001: adding statistics features in the UCDList specification

definitions of datalink/core#calibration and its descendants.

VEPs"> Accepted VEPs

VEP-002: datalink/core#documentation

VEP-004: datalink/core#counterpart

VEP-005: datalink/core#coderived

VEPs"> Abandoned VEPs

VEP-001: DataLink: Associated-DataSet branch

VEP-003: datalink/core#sibling

Vocabulary Enhancement Requests (VEPs)

See Vocabularies in the VO version 2 for how to write VEPs and how they are processed.


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