Meetings: InterOpMay2008ResReg :: InterOpSep2007ResReg VODataServiceVODataService is a XML Schema that extends the core VOResource schema to describe data collections and services that provide access to data. It forms the basis for extension schemas that describe support for standard IVOA protocols.
Table of Contents
FeaturesVODataService defines the follow extensions of the generic Resource type:
Some samplesVersion 1.1 (proposed)Version 1.0 (currently in use by IVOA registries)Proposed ChangesThese changes follows on discussion of changes from InterOpSep2007ResReg and InterOpMay2008ResReg and is recorded in part below under "Previous Discussion of Proposed Changes" below. This proposed version attempts to incorporate feedback on the last proposal. Here is a summary of the changes: | |||||||||||||
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> > | <regionOfRegard> child element of <coverage> . This make searching on this data much simpler. | ||||||||||||
tableset element which contains a list of schema elements.
The schema element aggregates a set of logically related tables with no implied relationship to database catalogs or schemas. It responds to several issues regarding the hierarchical organization of the table descriptions:
schema/name and schema/table/name elements are required and must be unique. NVO portal applications discovered that it is important to have unique ways of identifying tables. schema/table/name should include database catalog and/or schema qualifiers as applicable. This allows the name to be plugged directly into an ADQL query without further construction from separately tagged schema and catalog names. A dot-delimiting syntax for the name would allow for parsing out the catalog and schema if is desired, though in most cases, this will not be necessary. TableService is dropped. This proposal posits that this is unnecessarily redundant with CatalogService . There are currently no TableService resources registered, suggesting there is little need to distinguish between a service with coverage one without (noting that coverage is optional).
function and join elements are dropped from the last proposal
xsi:type and extended types. Richer descriptions of tables will be enabled in two ways:
<table> element's attribute role has been changed to type ; added documentation for the recognized values for "base_table" and "view".
utype elements are added to <schema> , <table> , and <column> elements.
flag child element has been added to the column element. Able to appear multiple times per column, they are used to mark traits such as "indexed" or "nullable".
Previous Discussion of Proposed ChangesProposed ChangesThese changes were proposed in Cambridge and were motivated by recent development work on the Simple Spectral Access (SSA) Protocol. The presentation here reflects the feedback provided during the Registry Working Group Session in Cambridge.
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