Difference: VOPragueSOC (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22006-05-02 - AndyLawrence

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

VO Science in Prague : Scientific Organising Committee


VO Science in Prague : Scientific Organising Committee

Andy Lawrence (chair SOC) UK al@roe.ac.uk
Masatoshi Ohishi Japan masatoshi.ohishi.nao.ac.jp
Francoise Genova France genova@cluster.u-strasbg.fr
Ray Norris Australia Ray.Norris@csiro.au
Attila Meszaros Czech Republic meszaros.cesnet.cz
Robert Hanisch USA hanisch@stsci.edu
Peter Quinn Germany pjq@eso.org
Alexander Szalay USA szalay@pha.jhu.edu
Nicholas Walton UK naw@ast.cam.ac.uk
Oleg Malkov Russia malkov@inasan.ru
Ajit Khembhavi India akk@iucaa.ernet.in
Roy Williams USA roy@cacr.caltech.edu
Giuseppina Fabbiano USA pepi@head-cfa.harvard.edu
Yongheng Zhao China yzhao@lamost.bao.ac.cn
Isabelle Scholl France scholl@isu.isunet.edu
Enrique Solano Spain Enrique.Solano@esa.int

Further information



Revision 12006-05-02 - AndyLawrence

META TOPICPARENT name="VoscienceIAUPrague"

VO Science in Prague : Scientific Organising Committee

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